Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 304678 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #75 on: July 05, 2013, 03:11:14 am »

Still at the spare rocket and parts warehouse, BdrLine and Tommy are at a table with a blueprint n front of them. On the paper, various sketches, designs, and measurements are drawn upon it.

With a pencil in hand, BdrLine writes down more on the sheet.

"Ok we know that there are going to be two winners in this thing, fastest time to each checkpoint and longest distance. And the record holder-"

"A guy named Daniel Jones."

He points to Tommy for the answer.

"Rignt, did it in a ship with fixed wings and an inflatable balloon. But I think I've have something for us to make us go faster and farther. Ok we'll make a ship using light sheet metal to reduce weight, only adding parts that we truly need. And we are adding wings to this thing as I think it helped Daniel, but it's going to be swept back at an angle."

Putting a hand to stop him, Tommy interrupts BdrLine.

"Wait why swept back wings? Wouldn't normal aircraft wings work, why make a whole new design."

"Well my friend I figured out that swept wings reduces drag on the aircraft, thus making them fly faster."

"And how you figured that out?"

"Ok while you guys were running the docks and saloon, I found a junked plane out in the Dunes while I was in my Junker. So I brought it back and fixed it and experimented on it a bi in my warehouse. One day I thought what would happen if I angled the wings back and poof I was soaring faster than Sky's newest plane."

"Wait hold on, if you kept it in the warehouse, how come me or the other guys didn't notices it."

"Oh it was in the section where most of the stuff I'm working on blows up and I knew you guys wouldn't go near that area."

"Ahh clever, man seriously that one part is such a disaster zone. Sounds like this is a plan in progress."

"Yup, now all we need to find are the rocket engines."

They turn around from the table and look at the massive warehouse and the materials inside.

"Looks like we are going to be here for a while."

"Seems so, let's dig then."

The two then roll up their plans and enter the building.

--Competition Gun Range--

As the shooting competition is about to start, people come in and crowd the the range to get good seat to view competitors. Down at the actually range, Charles and around 50 or so other people are getting briefed by one of the judges.

"Alright, listen up. For all three events we are on a point system so what ever your time was in the speed challenges today, we have a chart to base it off from and tally your scores from there. The challenges for today, we are using the standard weapons used but the Militia here to make it even, so no personal or special weapons can be used. Weapons are the 12 gauge pump action shot gun, the Henry Repeater, Enfield bolt action rifle, and  the .45 revolver. For today's events, they are fastest to unload the weapon on a single target, on multiple targets, and ending in a speed course. Everyone understand."

A chorus of 'yes' can be hear throughout the crowd as they understand the regulations.

"Good, everyone one will be divided into groups of ten, I've have the list here, those who are not participating will wait in the spectator section, so when I call your names come with me to the competition range. ..."

As he calls out the first ten, Charles name wasn't called so he and the other forty go and watch and wait it out. As he watches the first ten, there are total of 12 challenges, four each for the individual weapons. During this time, much clanking can be heard as bullets are hitting the metal targets.

--Wild Winds Inn--

Finally deciding not to mop and accept that he is in the race, Courage finally eats and finishes his breakfast.

Hmm maybe it's not that all bad. BdrLine may have some crazy ideas and experiments, but in the end they work out exceptionally well. I should be happy he and Tommy are working in it. hmm he's right I should spend some time out.

With that he stands up from his seat and places the money for the meals on the table and heads out to the Festival.

--Cathedral Merchant District--

Courage is seen walking and enjoying his alone time to himself. He spots a booth with a man selling pistols. Behind one of the cases sits a double-action revolver and Courage looking down at it.

"Excuse me, can I look at that weapon?"

The vendor looks up to see who was asking and spots Courage and the item he was requesting.

"Ahh the double-action, sure you look like a man who can handle such a piece."

He takes out a key and unlocks the case and brings he revolver out for him. Courage takes it from the man and eyes the firearm, looking down the sights and a feel for the grip and trigger. Satisfied for the feel and weight, he spins it in his hand back and forth before presenting it back to the vendor.

"Full of energy aren't ya. So thinking of buying it?"

"I would like too, how much?"

"2000 silvers or 1750 gold."

"Ohh, I don't have that much on me right now."

"Ahh you know what, since you have some connection to this piece and I like ya, I'll reserve this for you until Festival week is over. Just get the money until then and the revolver is yours."

"Wow thanks"

"No problem, now just run along and don't worry a thing."

With a nod, Courage leaves the booth and continues through the Festival.


Back at the warehouse, BdrLine and Tommy as found piles of sheet metal and places it to the side to be formed into their craft for later. On top of a pile of metal, BdrLine shifts through still looking for either more metal or controls. Unknown to him, his constant shifting weight and movement, the pile begins to slide and collapse. Passing by, Tommy carries some tools to shape the already found pieces when he notices the pile moving. Panicking, he drops the equipment and yells to BdrLine

"Bdr watch out, the pile you are on is about to slide underneath you."

Hearing the warning, BdrLine looks down as it begins to shake a little. Before it collapse he jumps off and onto Tommy as the pile of scrap spreads out.

"Thanks for the save."

Rubbing his head and pushing his friend off of him, Tommy to him.

"No problem, just watch it next time. What the flak?!?"

As he finishes his sentence, Tommy looks at the collapse pile and spots something.

"What? you see something?"

Tommy just uses one of his hands and turns BdrLine's head to the pile and uses the other to point what he was seeing. BdrLine's eyes widens as he spots it.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh huh"

"And there are two?"


The pair rushes to the location which turns out to be two large engines.

"I've heard rumors that some prototypes were made in Kian, but I didn't think they were true."

"How did it get here to Cathedral?"

"I don't know but you know what we have right now."

They both look at eachother and together

"The experimental X-02 Wyvern"

They give high fives as to the extraordinary find and quickly went to find a crane to lift the two up to their build site.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 03:16:31 am by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #76 on: July 05, 2013, 03:57:33 am »
Between three different teams, experimental and possibly quite dangerous engines find their ways into their grasps. Whether or not these engines will bring them to victory is uncertain, only time will tell and the skills of those who pilot them.

--Cathedral Dock Yard--

"Right we found our skooter frame and our Zypher engine, funny thing about the Zypher, it's actually called the XB-0 Hresvelgr but apparently most people can't pronounce that."

"Well that's a slightly useless fact, how does that help us exactly?"

"Doesn't, just a little fun fact for the day."

He quickly took out his time piece and took a look at it before pocketing it.

"She's late you know, what could she be doing?"


She came up running to them, behind her was a large cart holding various parts and items.

"I had to grab some stuff from the race warehouse, couldn't let them take all the good light stuff, I also have a few heavier pieces for coverings."

"Any glass we can use for a pull over?"

Alex took a step towards it, taking a quick look inside he spotted a variety of small metal sheets, some shaping tools, and a variety of other things.

"I'd say we're good to go."

The began hauling the cart to their warehouse, Alex thought it would be best if he discussed the ladder board now instead of later.

"Okay so there are two section for the race, distance and speed, while a group can top in both categories they can only win one. That way an entire group doesn't take all the spoils you see."

They rounded a corner onto the main avenue, he took out his time piece again, according to this the Skooter races would begin in about an hour.

"Right then it gives us something to aim for, question is what should we go for, distance or speed?"

"I'd say distance, however if we can hit the speed one as well that would be nice as well, however"

She took a quick look at Richard.

-You are a master navigator and pilot, if anyone can get us the distance prize it's you."

"Why thank you, if anything I bet a decent amount of the groups will be mounting a single fire rockets, they'll last as long as the fuel does and then cut out. They may have an engine for back up use but they may not be able to sustain it."

"Sounds about right, I saw one of the guys I met at the inn a bit ago with a colleague, they looked pretty happy about something so I assume they found an engine that might be better then ours."

"Really now? This race is going to be interesting, also if you don't know I saw your daughter earlier with Dalhia, they were hauling an engine back with them so I assume they're in the race as well."

"Oh you have daughter?"

She was pretty surprised to say the least, she kind of thought him unmarried, a pity.

"Yup, twenty-one in fact. To think we'll be facing off against our head engineer though, Richard what do you think about this?

"It will be a very interesting race."

"Well it's something we can agree on."

The group continued down the street till they reached the warehouse. Putting their parts together with the engine and loading in the three seater frame, they managed to get their equipment together in preparation for the race in just a few days, considering the time, they gathered the crew together and headed off to the skooter races.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #77 on: July 05, 2013, 10:46:23 am »
-- A Cathedral Dock warehouse--

Michael and Hector, the crew's engineer, were rummaging about in a lesser known of Cathedral's old warehouses, trying to search for as many and as powerful engines as possible.

"Sir, it seems most people are going along the route of small and light aircraft. Shouldn't we be doing something similar instead of taking a proper airship, even if it's a squid?"

"Trust me there's method in my madness. See, the problem with small aircraft is that there's no room, so people often have to settle for one or two engines, but we..."

He overturned a large sheet of metal to uncover four very large engines.

"... We can go for at least five."

"But we will still won't have the handling capabilities of a skooter."

"Don't underestimate me."

--Competition Gun Range--

"Don't underestimate Michael."

While watching the displays of gunfire, Gareth and Lyre were discussing the upcoming race and their plans.

"He may not seem it, but he's an exceptional pilot."

"So he actually has a chance of winning?"

"More than us I dare say. But I doubt even he can win a race like this with a proper airship. He probably has something up his sleeve."

"Weren't we doing that too?"

"...No... It was just a, err, a trick. I never actually intended to use a-"

"Should we find some skooters?"


"I know where we can find a few really good ones."

Lyre led the way away from the shooting range and toward the docks and hew ship.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #78 on: July 05, 2013, 09:56:44 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

The festival sweeps through the city, leaving everyone who comes into contact with it elated.
Except Plasma, and the other barkeeps in the city. With no sign of Newt or Emily, he sprints, tumbles, and lurches around the room, delivering drinks and keeping up with orders. It's not long before he's entirely exhausted.

The afternoon grants him a bit of a reprieve. The doors open an a man enters. He is wrapped entirely in cloth. A long tan cloak covers plain linen garments. His face is wrapped in a long strip of cloth, which reveals only his eyes. The buzzing raucous atmosphere of the bar stumbles a bit as he sweeps through the door, standing imposingly just inside the threshold and staring imperiously around the bar, searching each patron optically before moving to the next.

Eventually he moves up to the bar, and the room resumes it's previous raucour.

Plasma glances up at the man unevenly, slowly turning a rag around a glass tankard.

"Can I get you anything?"

Man of Dust
"You are Plasma, formerly of Anvala, ascended to the rank of Lieutenant, son of Lily and Evan?"

The mallet-like force and quiet, surgeon-like delivery leave Plasma blinking at the man, fumbling the mug onto the counter and leaning heavily upon it.

"How...? Who are...?"

The man holds up a hand, palm out.

Man of Dusty
"There is a race that will happen soon. A man in this race has no honor and will ensure the race becomes very difficult, both for himself, and the other racers. I tell you this as an offering of peace, of good will. We of dust wish to see no harm come to those in the race. This is your place of residence, contact whom may help you prevent this man. But be wary. He will not be easy to hinder."

The man abruptly turns and strides out the door, leaving Plasma gibbering in his wake.

Someone is going to sabotage the rocket race? How would they even? It's already about as dangerous as you can get...


Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #79 on: July 05, 2013, 11:25:34 pm »
A man sat within a nondescript room. His plan was coming to fruition yet there was a force moving to hinder him. He had caught wind of certain engines finding their way into the hands of certain competitors, engines he has not modified to fulfill the plan he has. No matter he thought, he had contacts, contacts that would eliminate them quietly during the race. There was one thing he did not know though, he was being watched by forces, and soon plans everywhere would fall into place.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #80 on: July 06, 2013, 06:21:21 am »
--Garrow, Just Outside of Cathedral--

Gareth and Lyre stepped off the ship into the docks of a relatively small town, completely unsuspicious and even now in full merriment due to the festival which even took place here. They walked out of the dock and into the centre of town.

"So who are we looking for?"

"Do you remember Mockingjay?"

"How could I forget."

Mockingjay had previously been one of Gareth and Lyre's contacts, fixing them up with equipment and unsavoury items whenever asked. To any outsider it would seem as though they were friends. But in reality Mockingjay never owed any allegiances other than to the highest bidder. And when the highest bidder was Yeshan authority, he sold out his "friends", luring them into an ambush in which Gareth was captured and Lyre only just managed to escape relatively unharmed. Since then Mockingjay has always had a small bit of paranoia incase Gareth escaped or Lyre took revenge, moving base every month or so, thinking he would always stay off the radar. But he was ever so wrong.

Lyre led Gareth into a dark alleyway and through a surprisingly unguarded door. They entered into a large warehouse full of junk with a few useful things scattered around the place. On the ceiling there was a large skylight which was the only source of light right now in the otherwise dark room. From another room leading off of the other end of this one they could hear the high-pitched, painfully familiar voice of Mockingjay.

"Hold on, hold on! I'll be with you in a second!"

He hobbled out into the main room and froze dead in his tracks when he realised who it was, daring not move due to the fact that Gareth had a gun pointed at his head.

"Hi, how's life? What's it been, five years?"

"Please, forgive me. I was only trying to save myself."

Gareth lowered his gun.

"Don't worry, I'd have done the same."


"NO, you fucking traitor! I'd never have done that!"

He raised his gun again super fast.

"Look, we're not here to kill you. We just want a little compensation for all the trouble."

"Well that's too ba- GUARDS!"

He ducked down behind cover just in time for Gareth's bullet to skim over his head. Then, from the back room, a squad of seven Yeshan soldiers came running out and taking position behind piles of junk. Ducking down, Gareth and Lyre both either drew or reloaded their pistol. The Yeshans started firing on them as they contemplated whether or not to make a dash for the exit, before deciding it was too exposed and too far away.

"The bastard's done it again hasn't he?"


She peered out of cover and took a pot shot, sadly not hitting target.

"It's no use, we're pinned down. And they're starting to move up."

"We need backup."

"What kind."

Gareth tried immensely hard in that second to come up with a witty and badass pun involving birds but was unable to.

"The... Bird kind."

He shot the skylight, shattering it and sending broken glass flying all over the room but, more importantly, letting the two eagles come soaring in to their aid. The eagles then, able to fly with great speed even in the confined space of the warehouse, flew around the Yeshans, scratching and pecking and generally distracting them in general. They seemed to gang up on one of them, clawing at his face together and leaving him bleeding on the ground, before flying out of the way to dodge a bullet. While Gareth and Lyre, taking advantage of the soldiers' distraction, leapt over cover and advanced quickly, dispatching soldiers with great speed until only one was left, pointing a pistol at Gareth. Then Roc flew over and grabbed the pistol from his hand, dropping it one the other side of the room, leaving Gareth to shoot him between the eyes.

Checking there was no more resistance, Gareth and Lyre approached the specific pile of junk that Mockingjay was cowering behind. But, just then, Mockingjay jolted out from cover and fired a pistol wildly, hitting Lyre around the stomach. Lyre fell to the ground, groaning in pain, as Gareth fell to the ground, coddling her, and the eagles attacked Mockingjay, even going so far as to leave him dead and unrecognisable. Gareth quickly tore off a portion of his own cloak and wrapped it around Lyre's midriff like a bandage, before picking her up and rushing out of the warehouse and straight to the dock and the ship. He then set her down on the deck and cast off, taking the ship quickly back to Cathedral with the eagles flying behind.

When they got back to Cathedral Gareth carried her off the ship and in the direction of the Inn.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2013, 04:01:53 pm »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Plasma is still brooding when Gareth carries Lyre through the door, a wild plea in his eyes. Two agitated birds follow him through the door.

"Skies, what fresh hell is this!?"
Will this day never end? I swear, I'm never tending bar again!

He immediately rushes over, sweeping his hand over a table and sending the contents scattering to the ground.

"Lay her there. She's been shot? Where? You!"

He points at a young, rather sober lad.

"Fetch a doctor immediately! Tell him someone's been shot!"

Gareth carefully lowers the woman onto the table. Plasma grabs a knife and cuts the makeshift bandage away. He hisses through his teeth as he sees the wound.
How is she still alive!? The amount of blood she must have lost...

"This is going to hurt, lucky she's not awake."

He carefully mops up most of the blood, and grabs a bottle of clear liquor of some sort. He pours it onto a clean, white cloth and quickly goes to work around the ruined flesh. He then balls up the sterile rag and presses it against the wound. He looks up at Gareth, a sudden panic'd idea entering his mind. He hands Gareth a knife and a clean fork.

"Get that bullet out. Now."

He leaps behind the bar. Returning with a thick black liquid that stinks of gunpowder and alcohol. He glances at the blood covered hands of Gareth, avoiding the man's eyes. They fall instead on the slug in the crimson pool beside her. He grunts, slapping the black paste over the wound and then lighting a match.

"Stop! You can't-"

The stuff ignites, burning it's hot sticky way into nothing. Or almost nothing. A fine, almost epoxy-like coating is left in the wake of the liquid, sealing any wounds the stuff didn't outright cauterize. Plasma sighs a sort of half relief.

"It's alright, I've had to use this stuff before on...unfortunate crew mates. It's done what it can, and it'll keep doing it. The rest is up to her. Take her upstairs. Any room you like. The doctor will be along shortly. Until then, water."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2013, 10:09:47 pm »

In the race warehouse, Tommy and BdrLine has lifted and move the two engines to their build site. After securing and placing tarp over them so no one will see and be able to steal them, both men started to mend and fuse the metal together in some sort of a fuselage. After a few hours of work, they decide to take a break and look over the plans again, they head over to a table and bring out the blueprint.

"Ok, so far we made roughly the main body-"

He looks over his shoulder to

"-well the front part at least."

Looking at the sheet of paper, Tommy places a finger and points to the cockpit.

"How about controls, we still need to add them, especially to the wings and engines,"

"Once we have the body finished, and the wings fabricated, we get started on that. And speaking of engines, Gods i can't believe I'm asking this. But Tommy you remember that Dragon Pepper mixture those swabbies put in the Starlight?"

"You can't be serious, you heard the explosion and saw the damage it did."

"I know, buuut look they were prop engines and the way that mixture went through the system caused a major ignition which made them explode. Here we have rocket engines, which are design for mini internal explosions, so they can go faster. So you remember the mixture."

*Sigh* "Yeah I so, so im guessing im heading to the market to buy a crate worth."

"Yeah, and sorry you will be making it."

Sighing again, Tommy wipes some grease off his forehead and both he and BdrLine leaves to the market. As they buy the necessary ingredients for the new Dragon Fuel, as BdrLine aptly named, they head back to the dock entrance where BdrLine tells Tommy he is going back to the Inn.

--Competition Gun Range--

After the first 20 people went and did their run though the events, Charles's name was called in the third group and he and the other nine walks out to the range. As he walks down, he sees the many stations for the different weapons, Charles is then lead to the .45 revolver speed course. At an adjourning table to the entrance lies multiple pistols for use and many crates of ammunition. Beside the table stands a judge with a clipboard and a timer.

"Charles Nelson"


"Here is the rundown, you will get one pistol and 4 quick loading cylinders for the revolver, your weapon will be already pre-loaded with six bullets. This the speed course, you will go inside and follow the path to the end of the course, there are a total of 30 targets inside, and you will be timed on how quickly and how many targets you hit, ready."

After listening inventively, Charles nods his head.

"Alright, you may grab the weapon and standby for the signal."

Charles walks past the judge and picks up one of the revolvers, latching to his belt, he places the additional rounds. He takes slow breathes as he readies himself and closes his eyes. Around him it felt like time is slowing down as he somewhat hears the ticking on the judges watch. Soon a whistles is blown and Charles eyes snap open as he picks up the revolver and heads in the course.

--Somewhere in Cathedral--

As Courage enjoy his time off not worry about anything but the Festival, he spots two ladies hauling in their arms an engine. Thinking that they might be getting tired, and may try his luck, he swept back his hair and goes to the two.

"Umm excuse me misses, may I offer my assistance to help carry that for you?"

--Wild Winds Inn--

As BdrLine enters the establishment, he heads straight for the bar where he spots Plasma.

"Hey there Plasma, busy daa-a-a-a, the FLAK just happen?"

When he nears his acquaintance, he sees the blood on him and on the floor.

"Almost like the old times at the Saloon, so who got injured?"

--Non-Descriptive Room--

A man looks out through a window as he looks down at the crowd of people. The room itself feels dark as there is almost no light besides the one coming from the window. On a desk in the room lies an opaque birdlike mask, a sign of weaken and almost dead organization. A door opens and another man enters and closes the door behind him. Not looking away from the window, this mysterious man starts to speak.

Mystery Man
"So are the plans for the race being carried out?"

"Yes sir, but is this necessary? Our resources are very thin, and shouldn't we coordinate with the others who are left?"

Mystery Man
"I don't associate with them anymore, while they hide to grow again, I have a different agenda and it is all dependent on getting those engines."

The Mystery Man slams a fist to the wall shaking it.

Mystery Man
*snarling* "This wouldn't have necessary, working darker in the shadows, and now the organization is scattered as well. Damn those Anvalan scum, if they weren't there at Wu, we would have taken Empire, or the world by now. That Admiral and his men, we should have captured that Zhao sooner then have waited for both siblings."

"Zhao sir?"

Mystery Man
"Yes one of the children of that disgusting Zhao Family. We would have used him as bargaining chip."

"Well sir, at the docks, there was a new shipping job to deliver good straight to the Zhao Manor. It was made by a man named Azn Zhao."

Turning to away from the window, the Mystery Man faces the other.

Mystery Man
"Azn Zhao if i heard correct."

"Yes sir, that was the one who made the job."

Forming a smile, he starts to produce a sinister chuckle.

Mystery Man
"hehe, this may play to advantage, get you men and accept that job. If anything happens in this race, we have something to go back on."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #83 on: July 07, 2013, 11:52:01 pm »
--Cathedral Central District--

The two of them looked him over, of course he could just be trying to be nice but then again he also could be the opposite. The two of huddled together and spoke in whispers.

"What do you think?"

"He wants the engine, there is no question about it."

"Well what do we do about it, we could just turn him away or-

She thought it over for a quick moment.

-we could use our feminine wiles."

Lorena just stared at her in shock, the idea was mad and as her father would say "This is crazier then stealing salvage from under the empire." Then again he's done it several times before so that really doesn't count, then again of course it's still a pretty crazy idea even if pulled off.

"This is the worst idea you've had in the longest time, I guess we'll go along with it for now."

The two of them parted and looked back at him, he was looking a little bit expectant but then again most guys would.

"Alright, here."

She passed it to him and he only grunted with effort, it was pretty heavy item, even with his strength.

''Alright, where to little lady."

"Oh you know, south docks, there's a warehouse that someone I know owns, we'll store it there for now."

"Alright then, lets head off shall we?"

"After you kind sir."

He though her voice was a little sultry, boy, two gorgeous women, was he going to be lucky tonight."

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #84 on: July 08, 2013, 01:12:23 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

"...So who got injured?"

Gareth only just noticed BrdLine's entrance he was so fixated on Lyre.

"A, err, partner... Lover... Thing."

It was as though his very ability to form a cohesive sentence was taken.

"Either way..."

He picked her up and cautiously carried her upstairs to his rented room to rest, the eagles hurriedly flying behind in pursuit.


Michael and his select crew had gone about finding the cheapest Squid available, and proceeding to almost dismantle it. They took away any unnecessary parts and replaced others with lighter alternatives until, in the end, it could not really be called a Squid anymore. It was the skeleton of a Squid, the bare minimum needed to keep it in the air.

But it wouldn't stop there. They then went about removing the standard propeller engines and replacing them with six, yes six rockets, four to act as thrust, and two flipped around and placed on the sides to make the ship at least somewhat menuevourable, if still no much, before connecting it all and standing back to look at the creation.

"Bootiful, but it needs a name."

"How bout... 'I swear it seemed like a good idea'"

"Too long, it needs to be something short and snappy like 'Fast'"

Michael eventually decided on the not very accurate or representative 'Startail'"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #85 on: July 08, 2013, 09:07:00 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Plasma turns to BdrLine with a slightly worried expression as Gareth takes Lyre upstairs.

"I suppose it's nothing we haven't been through. Still, this sort of thing tends to happen less often in Cathedral. With the festival here... well, things were bound to get more rowdy. I'd still want a proper doctor to take a look at her. Gut shots have a way of killing you once you think you're fixed."

He sighs and slides back over the bar. Pouring a couple of drinks for a pair of patrons, the beer runs over the mugs before he starts and carefully closes the taps. He places the drinks in front of the two who seem not to notice and turns to BdrLine, brushing liquid off his front.

"Can I ask you to keep an eye out? I've heard some very strange things today. Someone might be planning to sabotage the rocket race-"

He raises his hands, palms up at BdrLine's sudden skeptical look.

"-I know, what's the point, right? If you know anyone in the race, tell them to be careful. And keep your eyes peeled. The festival can attract more than just revelry."

--Somewhere outside Cathedral--

A pair stand on a small hill. Staring at the city. One is fairly tall, muscly, hooded. The other is shorter, somewhat slight, with a face-mask and wide-brimmed hat. The voice that issues from the masked one is inhuman. A mechanical rasp forced into the patterns of human speech.

Short one
"We've planted the faulty engines. What if they notice the flaws?"

The other's voice is solid. Familiar. Friendly. A strong voice bend into reluctant dark purpose.

Big one
"They won't. The flaws are internal, and nobody understands how those engines work. If you open an experimental engine, you risk not being able to reassemble it. This close to the start of the race, they won't dare. Besides, what is there to notice? Short tests should run fine, I've made sure of that. It's only a long burn that'll cause...malfunction."

The short one nods. Tries to speak and doubles over in a fit of coughs.

Big one
"Is that really necessary? Who is going to recognize your voice...?"

Short one
"I don't - *cough* - if it goes wrong, he cannot- *cough* - know what we are. Besides he - *cough cough cough*"

The big one turns away, irritated.

Big one
"I don't like this job. Niether of them would like it either. We're working for ghosts. It might be more convenient for them to dispose of assets instead of compensating them."

The short one straightens again, but is silent. The sun is beginning to set. The pair begin to walk in the direction of Cathedral, stopping in a little know farm shed to alter their appearance, before slipping cheerfully back into town.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 09:09:03 am by Plasmarobo »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #86 on: July 09, 2013, 12:45:55 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Taking a seat and placing his fore finger and thumb on his chin, BdrLine thinks of why would anyone want to sabotage the race. After not finding a conclusion, he tursn to face Plasma.

"Alright I'll tell the others when I see them, but seriously, sabotage? Does this man have no honor? For now, can you give me something 'zingy' that drink you gave me the first time was mild toy taste."


Chopping away at their build site, Tommy has gone through half of the Dragon Peppers in the crate. People passing by looks on at the sight as he is wearing a gas mask and rubber gloves so he won't inhale or touch the hot peppers. After cutting them to a mush, he slides the mash into a barrel of rocket fuel and mixes the concoction. Minuetes pass as he stops mixing and adds in a whole box of lochnagar powder into the barrel. Once done, he tops it off and rolls the fuel to where 3 more are done. Taking off his gas mask, Tommy breaths in the fresh air. Looking at the four barrels he says to himself.

"Sometime Bdr, I don't think you pay me enough for the odd jobs you put us through."

With a quick wash of his hands from the canteen of water he brought, Tommy secures the site and leaves back for the Inn.

--Competition Gun Range--

4 hours of shooting later, the day's shooting events comes to the end. Exiting the range, Charles smiles to himself for the performance he gave. The results for Day 1's shooting were finished and the placed 2nd overall. Only reason why he didn't gotten first was during the shotgun and the Henry Repeater elements of the events. During those portions, he fumbled a little each time he tried to reload the weapon, causing him to loss time. Overall, in the other weapon sections, he has claimed the fastest time for each of the events. Smiling, he heads back to tell the others.

--South Docks--

Still carrying the engine, Courage and the two ladies are almost at the warehouse they mentioned earlier. The walk has been uneventful to him as he stayed silent and the two talk to themselves. As they enter the warehouse, Courage sees what look like a ship with rockets strapped on them. After placing down the engine, he goes over to admire the work.

"Huh, nice ship, so I'm guessing this is your craft and entering the race as well? And this is a final piece to it? I'm also in the race, so I bet we be seeing eachother again soon."

Taking his eyes off the ship, he looks inside the warehouse and notices the many weapons and parts. He walks over to a section and looks at the many different equipment.

"Man there's a lot of stuff here, I know a friend who would be happy to rummage through here. Hey what's this?"

He spots a howitzer in a section with other weapons and goes over to it. He examines the weapon and turns to the two.

"Where did you guys get this? This is an early model of the new Mercury that Anvala commisioned months back. I know only the Anvalan Military and those associated with them carry these. And I know they wouldn't sell these off, so where you guys find them?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #87 on: July 09, 2013, 01:04:33 am »
--Warehouse South Docks--

"Curious aren't you?"

She walks over to the howitzer, examining quite frankly wholeheartedly, she loved guns, as much as she loved her engines, which was a lot frankly.

"Her Dad runs a salvage operation, for the past while we've been rummaging through the battle field by Anvala. It surprises me no one has been going through it as much as we have.

She looked at Lorena who was still fawning over the guns.

"And frankly I don't get what she sees in engines, I get her love for guns though, I happen to be the gunner ship side."

The two of them began looking through the various guns in the warehouse, there was quite frankly a lot of them, several maintained heavy flaks sat at the back of the warehouse, several mortars were strewn across the room, a few chain guns were mounted on walls with a few sitting on the tables, some of them had side handles. Looked like the captain was up to his antics again, to the side was a blueprint for some sort of vessel, Richard had his name signed in the corner.

"What the hell is that, it's like some sort of glob or, manta ray whatever the hell that is."

"To be honest I don't know, the captain and Richard are like this sometimes. Take a look at that."

In a corner sat a few balloons and a something that resembled a launcher, a few heavy explosives sat in a box next to it.

"That however looks like something some chaldonian inventor would make, forget his name, something Phillips that's for sure. The captain mentioned it a while back, said something about a miss-delivery."

"Well this is all interesting but I think that I got to-

While the two of them had been talking they forgot Lorena was also with them, he found himself right on top of her.

"Heh, hi there."

She was rather embarrassed about the situation, who knows how he must be feeling. Good thing her father wasn't here to see this he would flip. The warehouse decided then to open and Alex walked in.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 01:11:10 am by Piemanlives »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #88 on: July 09, 2013, 02:17:00 am »
--Warehouse, South Docks--

"... for the past while we've been rummaging through the battle field by Anvala. It surprises me no one has been going through it as much as we have."

At the mention of the Anvalan battlefield, Courage's mind goes back to the Baron siege of the City. He remembers the ships they amassed and the sky battle that have taken place between theirs and the enemy. He remember being helpless as a few of their air ships fell under their guns and the fatigue during the street fighting.

After Dalhia turns back from looking a t Lorena and saying something about being the ships gunner, she see Courage looking out into space.

"You in there?"

Shaking, Courage turns to see Dalhia looking at him.

"Oh yeah sorry, oh and to answer yeah no one has been through that was after the battle we only went out and collected our downed Anvalan ships and equipment. Looks like we missed a few with this howitzer for example. And we didn't bothered with the Baron stuff, don't want to associate with that tech, plus we had a city to rebuild. *Looking back at the howitzer* Just don't let this into get into the wrong hands, you don't know the power these ons have."

"Ookay, so how about a little tour."

Accepting, he and Dalhia walks around as she shows him the different weapons they salvaged. He even goes to a chuckle at the chaingun with hand grips, as it reminds him of a certain on the run Commander that BdrLine says uses that kind of means to collect bar tabs. Got confused by a ship design that he bets only BdrLine and Tommy would understand. As they head back to the entrance Dalhia points to a contraption in the corner.

"... forgot his name, something Phillips that's for sure. Tha captain mentioned it a
while back, said something about a miss-delivery."


Dalhia looks at him as she missed what he said.

"Say again?"

"The Chaladonion you were trying to remember, his name was Isaac Phillips. Coincidentally he was in this race as well a while back.  Well this is all interesting but I got to-"

As he turns around to leave, Courage has forgotten that a third person was in here as he was too focus on the equipment. When he step forward, he accidentally fall on top of Lorena.

"Heh, hi there."

I knew when I first saw them, I wanted to get close to one of them, but this is ridiculous. Oh Flak me. "Um hi yourself."

Courage then turns his head to the open door and sees Alex coming in. He quickly stands up and helps Lorena to her feet as well. Not know who it is at first, Courage raises his arms in the arm to signify no wrong doing.

"Who ever you are, nothing was happening,  I just fell on her on accident. *squinting closer* Wait I know you, you're the man I saw at the Inn and at the bank. I'm guessing you work here?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #89 on: July 09, 2013, 02:45:26 am »
-I'm guessing you work here?"

Oh he had no idea, but the fact of the matter was however he wasn't going to let a man touch his daughter like that, so time to pull out the swords it would seem. He drew the straight sword from its sheath and pointed it at his throat.

"I'm going to let you off the hook for now, however...."

His other hand was curled into a very tight fist, which just so happened to flying toward his face. The two masses of flesh collided with a resounding wet flap as he was thrown to the ground.

"Ain't nobody, but nobody touching my little girl like that."

"Was that really necessary?!"

"You bet it was, come on the skooter races are almost back from half-time."

The three of them exited the warehouse, courage was sitting on the floor massaging the side of his face, what mess this was. At least this comfy heavy flak cannon seat was there, he would have been lucky to hit nothing in this pile of guns and nonsense. What caught his eye however was a small note, apparently it was from the other lady, he didn't ask her name now that he thought of it. He decided to leave it for later, for now he was going to head back to the Inn for a stiff drink.