Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 304676 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #105 on: July 11, 2013, 02:29:40 pm »
For distant onlookers, it would seem as if Cathedral had launched a campaign of destruction, that wasn't necessarily the case but then again The Burren Rocket Race was one of those events that could head either way. On board their crafts the racers would never know what hit them......... at least, those who had the misfortune to use the engines provided by the competition that is.

"What the hell!"

In front of them, one of the other competitors had their engine blow and was beginning to spiral downward. It was lucky they along with most of the other competitors had rigged some sort of safety device just in case this happened. He thought it might be over when he saw another engine give way, this time however it caused them to slam straight into their neighbor.

"My god, Captain something's going on I think we should-

He took a look some where else, he deployed his head mounted scope and stared off at the distance.

"Captain, we have a situation!"

"Well, go on!"

"Captain that guard ship is loading a howitzer, and their aiming straight for us!"

"Shit! Richard drop to the ground, time to make use of this chain gun!"

--The Rocket Race Melee--

They realized that something was wrong with the race, something terribly wrong. Everywhere craft began to lose control, some managing to regain control, others plummeting to the sands below, including theirs.

"What the hell is this!?"

"I don't know ask someone else!"

"Who's there to ask!? You're the only other one on this ship!"

"Well no shi-"

They hadn't had time to finish their conversation as their craft hit the ground. soon however it skidded to a stop with the crew relatively unharmed.

"This is the worst idea you've had since the bank Dominic."

"Shut up, it was working then-

They looked up, craft were sabotaged, many managed to continue at a slower pace, some began diving towards destruction, others crashed into others. Travis was following behind in a skooter, and arrived not a moment too soon.

"Get in, we should warn the judges."

--Rocket Race--

"Shit shit shit shit, we're all gonna die!"

For the past minute they had been dodging crafts and flying parts, however it seemed like eternity since it had all began.

"Take us below, we can avoid most of the mess but we'll still have to avoid falling parts!"

"On it!"

Taking them below the rest, she saw her father fly off in another direction. What is he doing? It was the only thing she managed to ask herself before going back to the task at hand.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #106 on: July 11, 2013, 03:22:16 pm »
--Rocket Race--

Michael could not hear Hector over the sound of the engines and continued on course. But he was just starting to notice the ship becoming more difficult to control. Just then, a small aircraft in front started to lose control, the engines on it were spluttering and it started to spin and rapidly decelerate.


He tried to make a sharp turn out of its way but the ship could not turn or stop fast enough and the aircraft collided with the ship's port side and made an explosion that almost engulfs Lionel and Kay. The force of the collision severely damages Michael's ship but did not destroy it, and, as the aircraft falls away, Michael hits the accelerator again and zooms ahead.


Michael turned his head back for a second to check, before turning his head back ahead and calling back.

"What is it?!!"

Hector didn't even need to answer the question for Michael to get the point as, just then, one of the main engines exploded and sent Hector flying onto the main deck, almost falling off the ship had it not been for Lionel grabbing his arm.

The ship started to flail wildly as , all around him, Michael could see other ships' engines exploding too. Michael desperately struggled to keep the ship under control, but to no avail, as another main engine exploded and the ship hurtled towards a rock formation.

Michael again tried to turn to the right, but the ship continued to hurtle towards the cliff. The ship was flying straight towards it with its port side facing forward as Michael jumps off the helm and grabs his crew on deck.

"Get ready!"

"Ready for wh-"

The ship collided with the cliff just as Michael, Kay and Lionel leap from the ship, being hurled off it by the force and onto the cliff top. Hector followed suit but could not make the full jump and would have fallen to his death if not for Michael grabbing his hand.

The ship went up in a ball of flame, the force of which pushed Hector up over Michael's head and onto the cliff top. A burst of flame burned part of the right side of Michael's face, which he grasped in pain as the ship fell far beneath them into the ground and broke apart.

--Starting Line--

Gareth's heart sunk immensely as he watched Michael's collision through his spyglass. He could not see, at this distance, the figures of the crew on the tip of the formation, only the ball of fire that engulfed the ship.

Rest in peace Michael Caleb Deloshi, Lionel Harrison, Kay Reynold and Hector Theseus.

He put away his spyglass, his heart heavy with sudden shock and grief. While, all around him, spectators were calling and screaming and officials were furiously calling over radios, trying to work out what the hell was happening.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #107 on: July 12, 2013, 01:21:44 am »
--Cathedral Airspace--

Hidden well inside a cloud, the Mystery Man's Galleon sits over looking the race and the mayhem. With a spyglass out, both he and the other Man look on.

"Sir, is this your doing?"

Mystery Man
"Sadly, no. Looks like a racer that wanted to win this for himself I presume. No matter, this makes it easier for us. Through this carnage, we'll swoop in and retrieve the prototype engines."

Putting his glass away, the Mystery Man moves towards the helm of the ship and retrieves a radio.

Mystery Man
"Alright, you two know what to do, take out the guard ships and cause hell."

In a spread formation looking over and guarding the race proceedings, Cathedral Militia Ships are scrambling towards the downed racers. Little to they know two ships disguised in their colors just received word from the Mystery Man. The two ships, a Pyramidion and a Junker, turn and face their broadsides and fire away at the Militia ships.

On a rescue operation, a Cathderal Goldfish is already low enough to the ground and is about to start lifting the injured on their ships. Suddenly the ship rocks as the sounds of explosions hit the the idle ship.

"The Flak is shooting at us!"

"Cap over there, in the distance. It looks like.... CAP TWO OF OUR OWN ARE FIRING AT US AND THE OTHERS."

"What!?! Smith give me the horn."

Another crewman runs up and hands the captain the ships radio.

"CMS Dogger and CMS Lightning hold your fire, I repeat hold your fire. You are shooting at a friendly ship. We have civilians on board dammit!"

After hearing the names of the ships, the man who gave the radio to the captain looks at him.

"Sir, there is no ships in our Fleet with those names."

Startled the captain looks at him.

"What, you mean to say that those are impostors?"

"Yes sir, and I think we need to jump ship, incoming another barrage!!"

Four more mercury shells hit the ship directly on the armor ripping it and damaging it's hull. With no initial time to react, the entire crew evacuate the whole ship and drop to the low ground below. The Goldfish was one of the lucky ones, as soon it was destroyed, the rest of the guarding ships fell out of the sky as they two had similar reactions as why two friendlies are shooting them until it is too late.

With the patrol out of the way, the Pyramidion and Junker turn to fire on the racers. What they didn't expect was one of them heading towards the Junker. On the radios the two enemy captains converse with eachother.

Enemy Junker
"Looks like someone is tryin to be a hero.

Enemy Pyramidion
"I see him, soften him up with your range guns, I'm turning to face my gating and mortar."

Enemy Junker
"Roger on that."

--Rocket Race--

In his winged craft, Courage madly moves the joystick in his hands to dodge the falling competitors. His focus shifted now from winning to not dying as he has his teeth grinding with one another and whittle knuckles from holding tightly the yoke.

BdrLine and the others were right, someone is sabotaging the race. THE FLAK!!! Oh man I wished he installed a radio in this thing so I can talk to him.

As he was dodging and in mid thought, one of the Militia ships fell right in front of him and Courage barely had enough time to bank right to miss it.

What hellhole did I got myself into?!"

Rocket Race Starting Line

BdrLine and Tommy watches on as the chaos ensues around them. Running up to them in exhaustion, Charles taps Bdr on the shoulder.

"Bdr *wheeze* race *wheeze* rigged *wheeze* were right. Man that was far."

Still looking at the panic, Bdr doesn't turn to Charles.

"I know, look."

Taking a deep breath, Charles looks up and a face of surprise comes upon him. He see flames and wreckage from the racers, and what surprises him even more are the destroyed Militia ships. As he was about to ask, he spots two Militia vessels still in the air, only thing odd is that one of them is firing at an incoming ship.

"Bdr look, I don't think those two ships are part of the force here."

"What, let me see."

Taking out a scope, he magnify to the maximum distance it can handle and looks at the two.

"Ok, a Pyra and a Junker, they look like the ships here. But, hold on what is that in the clouds."

Off in the distance, BdrLine sees a little glint inside a cloud far from the City. Turing his attention to that, he can almost see a ship outline. Squinting through the scope, all he can see is the broadside of the ship and a emblem. Even harder, he can almost focus on the emblem, once he gets a clear but blurry look at it, he drips the scope and has his mouth hanging.

"Oh no, don't tell me they are back."   

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #108 on: July 12, 2013, 02:25:26 am »
--Outskirts of Cathedral--

Their small craft sped towards the not-so-militia-guard-ships, the chain gun was primed and ready, all they needed was a bit of support.

"Richard, pass me the flare gun!"

"Aye sir!"

He quickly passed him a small gun, he loaded it with a red flare, it would alert the Sky Runner to the threat and tell them what to do about it.

"Red for danger, blue for close in, green for all weapons go."

He fired it, the bright day didn't do much to diminish its brilliant colors and soon the Sky Runner was under way, ready for anything that it would encounter. Now all they needed to do was keep the renegade guard vessels occupied.

"Reagan, ready on that gun!"

"You got it!"

"If we die here you owe me lunch!"

"Dream on ye old scalawag!"

"If you two love birds are done we should probably get something done, aye?!"

Alex & Richard
"Ye got us there ye old slave driver!"

The two of them looked at each other before sharing a laugh, they were closing in on the first vessel, a Pyramidion, it was scrambling to prepare its guns when they struck. The craft closed in, peppering the decks of the Pyramidion with consistent chain gun fire, they wouldn't expect it would they?


Agent Captain
"What does that racer think he's doing? Gunnery prepare to swat that insolent piece of nothing out the sky!"

Gunnery Captain
"Aye sir, preparing mortar no-"

He didn't a chance to finish his sentence as the modified chain gun tore through him like melted butter, effectively silencing his order forever.

Agent Captain
"Shit, all hands open fire on that craft!"


The Junker watched as its companion was assaulted by chain gun fire, it would strip away its armor, all the while hindering the crew from actually getting anything done. Needless to say however the Junkers captain didn't actually like his fellow captain that much, he did however have a sense of honor he would uphold. The issue however he didn't really have anything effective at such close range.

--Rocket Race--

The remaining racers took advantage of this moment to run off, they wouldn't be much help here, among them however was Lorena and her partner, looking out at the scene unfold before them.

"Your old man is as crazy as ever, I hope he gets out of this."

"Yeah, me too."

She grasped a locket around her neck, it was like the one around her fathers neck, she gave a silent prayer before flying off into the canyon.

--Cathedral Outskirts, Sky Runner--

Reynold Davidson
"Lads take a look."

The four members currently on board looked out over the desert expanse, three flares were rising, a red, blue and green one. They knew what the captain was telling them, and what they had to do.

Reynold D.
"Looks like I'm in charge for now, get to your stations it's time we began."

Travis D.
"Alright, I'll take the front howitzer and engage with that as we move in."

Preston Allers
"I'm ready on the hull sir, lets give em hell in a hand basket and show them the door."

Phillip Williams
"I'll look after the weapons sir, they won't be getting away."

"Setting engines to full, lets just hope we get there in time."

The engines sputtered for just a second before the blades begun spinning at higher speeds, away from the safety of the harbor and into the fray of the Rocket Race.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 02:45:24 am by Piemanlives »

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #109 on: July 12, 2013, 02:41:29 am »
--Starting Line--

Gareth still looked on at the carnage of what was meant to be a simple race as militia ships were firing at each other and explosions happened all around the air. Roc and Garuda both came flying down to Gareth, one landing on each of his arms. Gareth pointed them towards the two militia ships that he had seen firing on the city's forces.

"Help. Harass. Harm."

He then sent the birds flying into the air towards the enemy, where, amidst the carnage and gunfire, they pecked and scratched and flapped their wings in the gunners' faces. But they never stuck around long enough to be shot down.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #110 on: July 12, 2013, 06:46:39 pm »
Starting Line

With confused looks, Tommy and Charles look at their friend.

"Who's back?

Not responding, BdrLine still look at the cloud bank that he spotted the Galleon. Charles try shaking him for a response.

"BdrLine, come on. Snap out of it. Who is back?"

Getting agitated, Charles brings back his hand and slaps BdrLine right across the face. Rubbing his cheek from the hit, BdrLine turns to them.

"..... Ow!!!"

"Now we got your attention, who came back."

*sigh* "The Birdmen."

Tommy & Charles

"The Birdmen. An old group out set for world domination. Been over a year since I saw them."

"How come you haven't told us about them?"

"Well, the last time me and the others fought them, we thought we finally destroyed that whole organisation. Guess not."

"What are they doing out here? This is only a race."

"There is nothing to gain from this, most of the engines... Oh no, the engines."

Eyes widening, BdrLine looks back at the track where most of the standing racers are fleeing.

"Our experimental engines we found, they might be after those."

"And the craft Courage is flying have two of them."

"Oh Flak, who else also have experimental engines?"

"I don't know, but we need to help. Come on."

Leading the other two, BdrLine and the others race back into the city towards the docks to their Goldfish. As they arrived to the ship, they quickly pull out the ties holding down the ship and rises out into the air. Putting the engines in full throttle and activating the moonshine, they roar to life as the Goldfish increases it's speed.

BdrLine at the helm.
"Alright, Charles take the tarp off the Heavy Flak and get it ready. ....Ahh the hell is that?!?"

Cathedral Airspace

Sitting at the helm of his Galleon, the Birdman listen to the radio as cries for help can be heard from the Pyramidion and Junker. Standing besides him, the Man still has his spyglass looking at the small skirmish.

"Sir should we help them?"

Getting up from his seat an unamused face under his mask, the Birdman turns off the radio and turns to him.

"I presume we should. Go tell the men to make ready two 'Flash' barrels and toss them over the side. Everyone have your special goggles on, and arm the Mercurery, Lumberjack, and Flak Cannon. Tell them to aim at the two, don't want any lose ends if they are captured and place them out of their misery."


"Oh and tell them to hit that third ship as well, a little pest to our sides."

"Yes sir."

The Man leaves and shouts are heard as people get to their positions. Placeing goggles over his mask, the Birdman turn the helm to face the ships port side. Down on the gun deck, two men light a pair off barrels and roll them over the side. Minutes pass and the barrels explode emiting a very bright light, that without the proper eyeware would temporary blind anyone in the area. The two men who dropped the barrels go to the heavy guns and fire away at their Pyramidion and Junker. Soon the two ships drop out of the sky in a burning fury. They then turn to the third ship and damages it, but soon it went out of range as it turns away.

"Good, good. All hands on a lookout for anyone foolish enough to follow us. I highly doubt with the flash still in the air that they will find us though. We may come back soon when they have a clean up crew for this mess."

The Birdman then turns the ship to the Northwest, and uses the flash and cloud cover to mask his escape.

Rocket Race

As the flash burst in the air, Courage tries to shield his eyes with one of his arms as the blinding light is messing with his flying. Thinking he's sees a canyon entrance, he gives up trying to fight the light and turns to where he thought he saw the entrance. Knowing full well that if he is wrong, Courage would splatter right on the wall of the canyon. With luck, he manages to fly inside, slows his craft and lands, all while still blinded.

Sitting in the cockpit, he rubs his eyes trying to refocus them. With some vision gained back, he opens the glass housing and jumps the side and sees a few other racers using the canyon a protection as well. Out of the dozen or so people there, he recognise two of them from the warehouse and goes towards them.

"Glad you guys made it out of that mess, you two know what the flak is happening?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #111 on: July 12, 2013, 09:40:59 pm »
--Cathedral Outskirts, Engagement Area--

"Damn it! Sir we've taken a direct, uh sir!?"

He looked over his shoulder to see Alex clutching a wounded arm, other the slowing blood flow from the wound he seemed fine. Of course then again he was wounded, which meant he wasn't so good.

"Shit, we've got to pull away and get you looked at-"

Alex grabbed the controls as Richard tried to pull out.

"Not yet, we still have something to do."

He looked towards the clouds where the mysterious shots came from. He quickly reloaded his flare gun, firing the shot into the clouds the silhouette of a Galleon was clearly imprinted upon the cloud.

"Now you have my permission to run."

Giving him a short lived laugh, he fainted against him, still clutching a locket around his neck as he drifted off into a deep slumber.

--Ainesburg Canyon, NW of Cathedral--

"Glad you guys made it out of that mess, you two know what the flak is happening?"

Lorena pulled the craft in closer to his, everyone had stopped in the canyon, worried that leaving it would reward them with vicious gun fire.

"From the looks of it, seems like someone sabotaged the race."

"Sure looks that way, you alright?"

"Other then a sore mood I'm fine, by the way your old man is one hell puncher."

"He sure is isn't he?"

The sound of gunfire still echoed throughout, Lorena was lost as she stared at the direction it came from. Worrisome murmurs bounced about the canyon, a few "I love you's" or the occasional "This is all your fault's" could be heard here and there. The talking rose to a quiet rumble as more and more people joined in, a few more racers finding their way into the safety of the sheltered canyon. Still the only thing she could think about was her father was out there, fighting against all odds so they could escape. Her hand once again found its way to the locket around her neck as she stared off into the distance.

--Sky Runner, Cathedral Outskirts--

The crew frantically brought the vessel to bear, just a few moments ago the captains craft sped past them, heading towards the city, a flare in the distance revealed a Galleon in the clouds, whoever owned it was getting Howitzer for lunch.

"Bro, ready on the howitzer!"

"Howitzer ready, ready when you are!"

"I'm on a gun as well, utilize as much firepower as we can eh?"

"How are the engines Preston?!"

The younger man pulled himself over the railing just enough to respond.

"Engines are operating at full capacity! We're prepared to engage!"

"Very well! Engagement at range open fire!"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #112 on: July 12, 2013, 10:38:56 pm »
--High point, Rocket Race Hippodrome--

Plasma watches with morbid curiosity as the retreating galleon drops barrels in the sky. Unfortunately, he is still squinting at them when they ignite. He rubs his eyes for a full minute before sigh returns. By which point the Galleon has nearly escaped. Then a howitzer echoes out a report. Followed by another, and another.

The shells spiral gracefully though the air in a brilliant arc before slamming themselves into the engines of the galleon. Fire and diesel fuel trail out behind the beast as it drifts still forward. More Mercury shells scream through the night, tearing the plating off the ship. And finally the auxiliary militia ships arrive. The two flakfish launch the heavy shells, which languidly swim through the clouds. Each pounds home on the Galleon, reducing the ship to splintering timbers.

Plasma watches as several figures drift from the flaming wreck on chutes. The damage is impressive, but luckly the rocket race area was constructed with devastation in mind. He lets out a breath, surprising himself.

"And so ends the festival of spring." he says to nobody in particular.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #113 on: July 12, 2013, 11:56:38 pm »
--Cathedral Outskirts--

Floating down to the ground, most of the members from the downed Galleon survives. Those in the group includes the Birdman and his second. Finally on the ground, the small group sees the two Militia Flak fish bearing upon them.

"Sir, what do we do now?"

"Silence my young apprentice. Once those ships lands, we will be going straight to their jail."

"How do you know they won't shoot at us?"

"They are still a police force, and must abide to rules and customs. But don't worry-"

He grabs a small device from his pocket and presses a button. An indicator starts to blink a green light, as the Birdman places back into his pocket.

"-there is always a plan. Now, everyone place your hands at your sides."

The small group watches as the Militia ships lands and a few guards jump off with guns raised.

"Alright, you caused too much today and i have a half of mind to just gun you lot down. But orders are orders. Lets go."

"Why of course officer."

As the guards lead the group onto one of the FlakFish, the Birdman spots one of the barrels of 'Flash" still intact in the sands below. With a smirk he just follow along with the guards as they direct them to the hold. Before he goes in, the Birdman turns to the guards.

"Why officer, may I ask for parley."

"Par- what?"

"Parley as in..."

The Birdman slides out a small revolver of sorts and aims at the guards head. Startled, the others tries to subdue him until he aims at the Flash Barrel and shoots it. Blinded, the guards cover their eyes from the intense light. Still wearing his goggles, the Birdman releases his crew where the quickly dispatch the remaining guards. With new weapons and ship, the crew uses the rifles to pick off the guards on the second Flakfish. Satisfied, the Birdman goes to the helm and starts the ship.

"Now, where were we... oh yes our prizes."

The other Man, after tossing the bodies over, goes up to the helm where he hears him.

"Sir, how do we retrieve the engines now? I'll bet they will guard the clean up crew."

"Hmm I guess you are right for once. No matter, we still have a meeting with the Zhao's in Chang-ning and I don't want to miss that appointment."

Taking out the device again, the Birdman smirks under his mask and turn the ship for a course west. Seeing the device, the Man wonders what it was.

"Sir, what is in your hand by the way?"

"Oh, a little contingency plan. Since we lost two ships, I'm sending out a signal for the rest of our men to rendezvous with us. Now do a better job and make sure we are not spotted again. I should shoot you and the others for the lost of my Galleon."

"Yes sir."

--Cathedral Airspace--

After recovering from their blindness, the crew of the Starlight looks out into the distance and sees the Galleon going down. Two Militia ships are now heading towards the crash site.

"At least this ordeal is over."

"Yeah, wonder if Courage is alright."

"He'll be fine, I bet he got out of it. but why do I feel that something is not right."

"I don't know about you, but lets just go back and dock."

Sighing, BdrLine turns the ship around and head straight back into the city. What they don't realize over the horizon, where the crash site is, a plum of light emerge and a lonely Goldfish flies off into the distance unseen.

--Ainsburg Canyon--

Still hiding out in the safety of the canyon walls, the racers sit idle as they converse with one another as they wait for a rescue. Together in a group, Courage sits with both Lorena and Dalhia. During their talk, Courage leans back and places a hand in his pocket and feels the paper. Taking it out, he remembers that they gave it to him.

"Um excuse me, can I ask what is this? Still didn't open it yet."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #114 on: July 13, 2013, 12:47:37 am »
--Ainesburg Canyon--

Lorena was confused for a moment, she looked over to her compatriot and looked back at him.

"Dalhia, what's this about?"

"Um... well.......I....oh dear."


She sounded like she was questioning a small child, then again the head gunner often acted like a small child on occasion. She just fidgeted about in her seat.

"I just...Kind of......Wanted to say he's a nice guy and-

This was really beginning to make her feel awkward, she'd had enough of this.

"Right I'm going to leave you two here and let you have a private conversation."

She seemed to make extremely exaggerated hand gestures as she backed away from them. she walked towards a group that was lowering a wounded man from the canyon walls.

"Everything alright here?"

The two of them just watched her leave, now there was an even more awkward silence.

"As you were saying?"

"It's that you're kind of a nice guy and all........"

Her thought paused there for a moment before she continued.

"But I don't think it could work out between us at the moment."

With that she activated the engine and flew off, leaving a trail of dust behind her. Coming back from her conversation with the four men from the cliff face, she watched as her partner flew off with the craft they built, straight to Cathedral.

"Can't believe she just left me stranded here!"

She looked at Courage with a face filled with seething anger.

"What in the name of all that's holy did you do!?"

"Uh nothing, nothing at all, she just seemed really distressed about something."

Her face pouted, apparently she didn't like this situation one bit.

"Fine, let it be that way."

She walked up to his craft and sat against it, waiting for rescue.

--Cathedral Outskirts, Sky Runner--

The crew of the Sky Runner watched as the Galleon shattered into many pieces, it was far from over though, below them the shattered hulks of guard vessels and rocket craft lay strewn upon the dunes. The able bodied pulled the wounded from the wreckage, the dead lay ceremoniously to the side, waiting for someone to retrieve the bodies. There would be no celebration tonight, it would be solemn, a quiet moment of reverence as the dead would be laid to rest. Something caught their attention, from the canyon spurted a rocket craft, heading straight for Cathedral, they would investigate later. Several more guard vessels arrived over time, helping to pick up the pieces, and to help those who were wounded.

"Not really how we expected this to go is it?"

"No, no it isn't. We've done enough here, it's time we headed back."

They set a course for Cathedral, at a slow and steady pace they watched the proceedings below as they flew away.

--Wild Winds--

They didn't really have the facilities to house him back at the warehouse, so for now they would lay him here at the Inn, not like he'll be going anywhere, he'll be out for the next few hours. Richard sat by his bedside, using his rudimentary medical knowledge he managed to bind the captains wounds well enough, a doctor who was already here looked at him earlier and said he would be fine with enough rest.

"You really worried us there."

The door knocked and in came Reagan, she was holding a tray of food which she handed to Richard.

"You should eat, you've been through quite the trial today."

"Haven't we all? How are you holding up?"

"Better then expected I should say. I'm not feeling so good, I'm going to head home, make sure he eats when he wakes up."

"I'll do that. Also Reagan-

She stopped at the door.

"Thanks for everything today."

She walked out without saying a word.

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #115 on: July 13, 2013, 03:28:50 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Gareth sat solemnly in the corner with a drink, taking sips after each remembered  memory. He rifled through each of his memories of his crew in his head, from the best to the worst and everything in between. He lifted his mug in the air and made a quiet toast to himself.

"Here's to Michael, who met his untimely demise at-"

Just then Michael came through the door and looked around. Gareth instantly put down his mug.

"Oh, hey Gareth."

He walked over to Gareth's table while Lionel, Kay and Hector walked through the door and headed straight for the bar.

"You're alive?"

"Yeah, we made a ditch escape to a cliff top, were picked up later by rescue forces. But, err, this..."

He pointed at the right side of his face, which was covered in burns and almost unrecognisable were you unable to see his left side.

"...This isn't going to go away."

Gareth stared at the burns.

"Well, I always said you needed some kind of battle wounds."

"Battle wounds, yeah. Not racing accident wounds."

"I guess you cant be picky about your scars."

They both smiled and chuckled as the rest of the crew came over to them with drinks for everyone.

"So, what do you think they'll call it?"

Hector looked at him, puzzled.

"The race, I mean. Events like this usually have some kind of name attached like, "The Fiery Race" or "The Red Race"."

Gareth shrugged.

"I'm sure they'll come up with something. Here's to your survival."

They toasted, before Gareth suddenly laughed.

"I just realised. First Lyre, now you, next thing you know I'll be taking bullets or getting burned faces."

"Faces? Plural?"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #116 on: July 13, 2013, 10:55:53 am »

The Bloody day was coming to a close.
 After the carnage at the race, the festival was very subdued. Most people felt unsafe in the streets and the presence of the guard was heavily felt around the city. Plasma had been dragged into the Guard Office for questioning. He emerged back onto the street of Cathedral much the worse for wear. The report of two Flakfish missing had compounded the problem severely. The millita had been severely crippled, from within no less, and nobody had any answers.

He kicks a loose rock, sending it tumbling out along the cobblestone in front of him and heads back to the inn.

--Wilds Winds Inn--

Plasma looks over the familiar faces and sighs. He nods and offers empty words of encouragement or solace all the while making his way up to the bar. He leans over it, speaking some quiet words to Emily which cause her to frown and shake her head. Plasma seems to accept this and pushes himself back from the bar, heading up stairs to the rooms. Emily suddenly seems no longer quite focused on her work.

Gareth and company enjoy a somewhat subdued drink, loss rippling around them like the eye of a hurricane. It's mitigated somewhat by the joy of watching the dead come back to life, but others have faced real loss this night.

Courage and Lorena are eventually picked up by a guard patrol, and find their way back to the inn as well. Nobody is quite sure what to make of the two entering together, but they part ways politely at the threshold, glaring at their respective friends.

Somewhere in the night a stolen Goldfish floats out from Cathedral. A few baffled engineers aboard her critically examine a small cache of experimental engines, the obtaining of which cost a few more fine men their lives this night. In the morning, another guard craft and a junk transport would be reported missing. The man sets aside his Birdmask, smiling in a most nasty way at a bottle of rather expensive wine.

"To a job well done."

And somewhere, an man in a Dune tractor putts through the lowlands surrounding the city, humming a wordless tune to himself.

--End Narration--

--End of Day 6--

--Start of Day 7, Cathedral, Spring--


The rocket race looms over the next day. Many of the trappings of the festival are already gone, with the more elaborate booths and arena's still being torn down. The guard is carefully searching all traffic in and out of the city, but everyone knows how futile this is. The searches become more and more halfhearted as the morning grows late.

The city is quite resilient, and the council is doing all in their power to bring justice to those responsible, but there is only so much they can do. The trade through the city may falter a bit at first, but the stimulus of the festival would make up for it. Meanwhile the Birdman had left the city, at least for a time, and the rest of the world seemed content to keep itself to itself for the moment.

--End Narration--

Plasma yawns as he steps into the bar. The normally small morning crowd seems a bit smaller today. He grants those he knows a quick smile, and then vaults over the Wild Winds Trading and Acquisitions counter. Flicking through a stack of papers, he updates the bounty board, including a bounty for the capture of those responsible for the rocket race fiasco. Additionally, he puts up a propaganda poster for the Cathedral Militia. Apparently new members are sought.

He sighs, steeling himself for the day ahead.

"Morning gents. New jobs posted, should you be in need of coin!"

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2013, 03:08:48 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

After the return ride back to the Inn, both Tommy and Charles have many questions to ask BdrLine about this 'Birdmen' and the connections between them. Tired, he says to them that everything will be explained in the morning and when Courage returns. Dawn of the next day, BdrLine wakes up in his room groggy eyed. After getting dressed and heading down for breakfast, he sees Plasma and nods to him. Finding a table, Emily takes his order and leaves to make it. Coming down, the other three, Courage returning later in the night, sees BdrLine and sits at his table.

"Ok, Bdr, who are the Birdmen?"

*sigh* "The 'Birdman', as Charles and Tommy already know, an old Pre-War group that came out of what is now the Empire. They are set out for world domination and will do anything to get to it."

"Anything? Like yesterday... with the shooting...and that light...Why am I not surprised."

"That is not even close to what they are capable of. Remember that Guild force that came in and all of those abominations running around?"

"I can't forget that, they weren't even close to human."

"Easily killed a lot of good men, wait you mean to say they did that?'

"Yup, myself and the others faced even more deadly ones back at Lu Tower."

"May I ask, who are the others?"

"Lets see, it was was me, *whisper to them closely* Yiski, Zill and Jun'ko, *back to normal voice* my sister and Roland. Who else, ah, Papa Paradox and Shink, finally i think Sunderland and Spoon."

Amazed at the list of names, the lot didn't realized that many people they knew were involved with this.

"How come you didn't tell us?"

*sighing* "I don't want to relive those memorys again. Plus after what we did at Lu, we all thought they were gone for good. Guess not after yesterday's incident."

As they were talking, Emily brings in the plates of food BdrLine order and places it in front of them. As they are eating, Tommy looks at BdrLine

"Well I think they got the guys from yesterday, maybe we can see if we can interrogate them."

"Hmm, alright, let me ask Plasma."

BdrLine gets up from his seat and goes over to the board where Plasma is at.

"Hey Plasma, can I ask something...."

He trails off as he sees a new bounty notice and reads the paper. Going wide eyes, he turns back to him.

"Don't tell me they got away."

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2013, 03:21:55 am »
--Wild Winds Inn--

Gareth came down the steps and, with him, Lyre, using Gareth for support. They eventually hobbled over to a table and Gareth sat her down, before taking his own seat.

"You know, didn't the doctor say you should wait at least another day before leaving that bed?"

"Yeah, but screw him."

"Your funeral."

Just then Michael, with his half burned face came through the door and towards their table. Lyre stared at him.

"Uh, what happened to your face?"

Michael joked around.

"Oh, is it noticeable?"

"Half your face is missing."

"I guess so, that would explain the funny looks I got on the way here."

Lyre continued to look at him expectantly.

"Oh, it was a racing accident."

"What happened?"

"I learned the consequences of packing rockets on a squid and burning moonshine."

Gareth chuckled before addressing Lyre.

"In fact we were joking yesterday about how I'm next in line for an injury."

"Yeah well, 'the universe has a way' and all that."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #119 on: July 14, 2013, 03:30:17 am »
--Warehouse, South Docks--

The crew gathered for a late breakfast, the captain was still out for the count. According to the doctor the worst has passed but they shouldn't move him from the inn, just in case something happened. Still the events of last night still lingered in the minds of the entire city, and by extension, them too.

"Exactly what are we supposed to do now?"

"Exactly as we have been doing, we're heading out to salvage something."

He pulled out a map of Burren, it was quite large to say at least but they still had room for their food.

"The captain wouldn't want us to worry about him, so we're going to get busy."

He rotated the map and pointed to a section on it. It was an area of high cliffs and deep canyons.

"According to what I've gathered, there are several facilities located here, their purpose or why they're there is somewhat of a mystery. However that shouldn't dissuade us from checking it out anyway, who knows what we can dig up there."

He then pointed to another location, this one closer to the first. This one was more a mountainous region, it was possible several valleys would dot the landscape around it.

"If the first area should either prove dry or there are only a few things of interest, we'll head to this location, this one is some sort of facility as well, however it is more of an obvious tech facility, we should be able to find something there should we look."

He took out several yards of string and several pins, marking several different colored routes to and from each location.

"These are the possible ways into and out of each location, for the canyon facility I would like to take this route here."

He traced the yellow route from Cathedral the canyon, it seemed safe enough. He then traced three more routes, a green one from the canyon to the mountain facility, a blue one from the canyon back to Cathedral, and an orange one from the mountain to Cathedral, several hand flew up, obviously wanting to ask questions.

"Alright, ask them."

Travis spoke up first.

"Why are taking this yellow one? why not this dark green one here-"

His finger stopped when he realized what he was pointing at.

"Oh, right, never mind."

"Any other questions?"

"I was thinking we could rig some sort of carrying pad for the small craft, we could build one and then one of the craft we have as a scouting vessel, I think yours would be best seeing as it has a balloon inside of it just in case you need to stop."

"That will have to wait until after this mission, though that is a good idea."

"What kind of weapons should we be taking?"

"The usual, front howitzer, Side artemis missiles and mortars."

"Should we take any provisions?"

"Yes, we might not make it back till the morning tomorrow, so pack lots of dried meats and anything else that won't rot. Now to the ship, is it ready to fly?"

"The ship is in prime condition to fly when you need it sir."

"Good, we set out in two hours, get cracking people."

The crew finished their breakfast and went about their duties, they were back in business, and they knew it."

--Wild Winds--

Alex was still out of it, yet his mind was still working, pulling out painful memories from the past. Even if he didn't know it, he didn't like what was coming up.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 03:33:20 am by Piemanlives »