So that's what I get when I'm solving bureaucratic trouble "over the weekend"

When I check the forum every couple of minutes for new posts here, nada, when you guys notice I'm gone you start flooding the board

But I'm glad for it! Let's see:
We need a different wording for "Community Slang", something more general.. Common abbreviations? I agree that we need a section for this, and I'd add it to the content list, I'm just not sure about the name.
Jargon is "the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group." Sounds about right.
Jargon is excellent, I'll add it to the content list!
What are we looking for in Leveling Rewards? I'd be willing to do it.
Why me? How could I possibly know anything about clans? 
What kind of structure and content are you looking for for the Clans & Guilds section?
I'd say the current available clans/guilds, who leads them, size, goal/mission, who their looking for, that sort of thing, I could be wrong though.
Mr. Piemanlives is right on that one! We'd best list the current and active guilds (although this can best be achieved by simply linking to your index, Sunderland) and apart from that... we'd need the theory. What functions there are in the game for founding and representing a guild (clan tags, currently), how they are usually organized (steam groups) and where to get in contact with them. (forum). I guess this section won't be big at the moment, because the guild functionality isn't very big. You wouldn't mind me to write you down on the list for that, Mr. Sunderland? Oh, and can I by chance throw all the Engineer parcours your way too?

I'll take up the leveling and achievement section if noone has claimed it yet!
Granted! I've started a collection thread a while ago...
Link but to my shame I didn't get behind it as actively as I should have. By advertising this one ingame you/we should be able to collect some information on it. I'll also PM Muse about it, maybe we can get a list or something, that would make it easier for you. However, I wouldn't want to interfere in your work

I wouldn't mind working on the Pilot roles and load outs.
I've got to look over the Pilot load out section on the English Wiki to make sure they're up to date with the patch, I'll get that done when I'm at home again (early morning here, so in about 7 hours), and send you a PM then to confirm that you can safely use the information from there. But I'll gladly assign you to it

I think we'll mainly need to spice up the Wiki information with nice formatting to fit into the whole guide and then add information about good combinations, usage strategies, and so on.
In short: Adding Jargon section to the content list, needing a confirmation from Mr. N-Sunderland to assign him to the clans content, assigning Mr. timmymonsta to Leveling & Achievements, assigning Mr. Prof. Giles Percy to Pilot roles and loadouts but will make sure the Wiki information is up to date first. And thanking the sailors above as well as Piemanlives and Cullen for getting involved here! Did I leave anyone out? Oh, and updating the content list with the names.
Edit: I'll also PM all of the Guide contributors these days, asking for Steam IDs. For reliable contacting if something goes wrong. Feel free to add me beforehand, you can find my Steam profile link in my profile here!
Edit 2: Actualized the English Wiki with values from the 1.3 Patchnotes
Link (Just Guns, Engineering and Piloting tools though, Skills and Gameplay categories, that is. I'll add the Mine Launcher late today)