Thanks for taking part in this to all of you!
Now, I've actualized the above list and colored it nicely, and I trust you'll tell me if I assigned you too much or too few. I'm sorry for the delay in replying on this, but I'll be able to keep track of it pretty good during this week. Not that we're in any hurry, I just won't keep you waiting if there's anything.
Wazulu, I'll direct Shinkurex here because he's expressed interest in the Gunnery parts, and maybe the two of you can pick out some topics you both feel comfortable with writing about!
It's not about taking a huge chunk of work, just, all of you, take topics you'd like to talk about - We haven't even released this to the public (meaning making it visible for the rest of the forum), so there'll be plenty of people still who'll like to have a piece of the Manual.
I could probably take ship basics. Do you want writing and images? Formatted as a forum post? Written as a guide or a wiki entry?
Writing and images, aye! And I'd personally prefer a forum post, I find it very easy to convert BBcode to any other formats. You don't need to worry about the formatting much, we'll have to bring all of the Manual in one form at the end anyways!