Weekly Progress Report 7/31/2015

Hello everyone,

Time again to hear our melodious voices on Stream at twitch.tv/gunsoficarus at 3 pm eastern. To make matters more exciting we can talk about a bunch of the new gun mechanics we’ve been trying out and hope to put in your hands very soon!

To see what the team has been working on follow the jump!

Looking at fixing up client side performance for Coop and starting to work on sound features for Coop.

Making buildings and land structures for the new map

Worked on PAX prep, but spent a few days off with family.

Matthew (Queso):
Finishing up some explosive new features, while working on another pass for various gun mechanics for Eric.

Working on tools and features for making map terrain (including: making lava glow.)  Trying to fix longstanding issues with spotting highlights for co-op.

More maps, more world progression, more ridiculously crazy guns. Some stuff for skirmish…. Surprise!

Squeezing Co-Op agents for better cpu performance and airship agent bug fixing.

Looking at clan related stuff in guns and figuring out how it works in client/server side.

Matthew (Keyvias):
Reworked social spec with a lot of end game progression in mind and a bunch of new titles!