So there concludes another successful closed beta weekend. First off with a huge thank you to all our players who spent the time playing through another rough build and submitting your bugs and suggestions on Get Satisfaction. If you still have more to report, please feel free to do so—we just won’t be looking at it as often right now 😛
More information after the jump…

We received a lot of great feedback as well as have been notified of many bugs in the system. We have a lot on our plates every two week between these betas and we’re definitely just running as fast and as hard as we can. Inevitably, we’ve tripped over a few hurdles but we just can’t stop the race and give up now can we?
Basically how things work is through several iterations. We try something, if it works we make improvements in the next iteration. If something doesn’t work, we try to fix it in the next iteration. Some things have been taking very small steps like weapon balancing while other things are getting huge redesigns, which is both a good and bad thing (good because we’re fixing things, bad because we’re making big changes to fundamental design elements that eat up our valuable time in between betas). So that’s just a quick Design 101 for you.
I admit, this post is kind of late. I was aiming to get this out earlier this week but there have been a ton of things happening. One of which is getting new maps in. At this point, we’re implementing a bunch of functionality at a break neck pace. One of things that’s happening right now is getting capture point/king of the hill functionality and display in. Here’s a preview:

Other things we’re working on include weapon balancing (forever), implementing hull armor system, maybe engine customization, revisiting the repair game. Still in the middle of figuring out what exactly we can fit in. We only have a week left. LOL FUUuuuu.