Author Topic: Drop-down filters for match list are very confusing  (Read 8694 times)

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Drop-down filters for match list are very confusing
« on: June 28, 2017, 09:06:47 am »
The drop-down selection bar that allows you to filter lobbies in the match list is incredibly confusing to use. It has been designed such that it is not immediately apparent which variable the drop-down pertains to until you click it to make a selection. A majority of them display only the word "All," so I must click on each and every one until I land on the one I actually want. This is compounded by how densely packed the drop-downs are arranged horizontally - it means I often can't even read my selection unless the drop-down is actively clicked open.

It is incredibly important when designing hidden or nested options to provide adequate DESIGN ALLOWANCES which indicate how the feature functions before users attempt to utilize it. A user typically maintains a finite tolerance for risk-taking before disregarding confusing features. While this may not affect long-term users by the time memory kicks in, it still lingers as an annoyance for those who only wish to filter matches every now and then.

My suggestion: It is a common design decision to include what the drop-down is for within the default position that the drop-down displays, e.g. "All Matches," which opens the options "Public Matches" and "Private Matches."

As it is now, I'm never really sure which "All" I'm supposed to be clicking in order to achieve what I need. A "title" would pull more specific language from behind the veil of a drop-down.

This is not a design hiccup which affects gameplay at large, but considering it's largely just text, it doesn't seem very complicated to bring up.

Offline Queso

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Re: Drop-down filters for match list are very confusing
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2017, 10:41:57 am »
I'll take a look at it when I'm doing my next UI eval on that screen. Thanks for the feedback.

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Drop-down filters for match list are very confusing
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2017, 11:47:49 am »
Thanks for the reply.

Ijustwanttoplay added a related point in another thread. I would like to carry it over here to make sure it gets seen as well:

The dropdown filters reset each time a user navigates to the match list. So for example, I must specify that I want to see only public matches every single time I view the list.

I believe there are at least a few filters that could be remembered for that session and reset when the game is restarted. To minimize potential confusion, it may also be possible to limit this to just the period of time before a match is actually joined and resets after you return.

Offline Queso

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Re: Drop-down filters for match list are very confusing
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2017, 12:19:00 pm »
I'll keep a note on that one as well.