Author Topic: Servers are now back, and Alliance is back up through this weekend!  (Read 13689 times)

Offline Dev Bubbles

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Hi everyone! Servers are now back up!  And Alliance is now up again through this weekend in honor of Steam's Daily Deal featuring and the extension of the Alliance Loyalty Reward.

Sorry for the inconvenience! 

Thanks so much, enjoy, and Happy New Years!


Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Servers are now back, and Alliance is back up through this weekend!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2017, 08:25:57 am »
I really hope you adjust the way the "world" system works to match that rhetoric. Ill be honest, the description sounds EXACTLY like those cell phone games with the territory mechanics. Alliance world map plays in a similar fashion to those types of games. Maybe that's what you want though. If so, then it works. Im not too much a fan of the world system, personally, but i have no real solution and i can see the appeal it has for others. I just hope that description isnt misleading.

Some of the other stuff - ship count, tools, guns, combinations, ship ai, is pretty good.

The whole defend from hoards, attack convoys, etc is fair but def makes it sound like some kinda MMO/open world setting with missions/random events. Especially true since MMO is used in the description.

Then, you mention 34000 sq meters to explore.

All that combined... if i didnt know better, i would think alliance is an open world, co-op, instanced (so just my crew/fleet and not the entire game's population), combat airship game where i go around to different areas accepting quests and/or fighting certain enemies.

My expectations would be that i float around in something at least semi seamless which will prompt a battle of some sort. I would think my results of that battle would influence the grander scheme of things.

Thats just me though. Obviously i dont have an objective view but i tried to read it as though i never played.

The description is not false though. So at least its honest-ish. Really doesnt give the feel that i join a lobby, pick a game mode, do a mission, and then arbitrary numbers defend or attack a zone on a map.

Despite my thoughts, you put a 50 minute video showing exactly what alliance is. So, goodjob. That's an admirable move.

Perhaps im just salty that Alliance isnt as grand as that description. Seems like Alliance had to be what it is due to limitations of something. Still a pretty fun game though.

Huge edit here: i misread the MMO Risk part in that steam description. It does change a little of what i said about the arbitrary numbers influencing a zone on a map. Also, makes the world map much more fitting to the description. The rest still stands.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 09:00:26 am by Solidusbucket »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Servers are now back, and Alliance is back up through this weekend!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2017, 09:06:55 am »
Also, there is a spelling error.

Test your choices again an AI Director armed with fleets of planes, an armada of ships, and imposing bosses.

Again = against?

Another edit: it read 34000 sq meters to battle across of various game modes and maps. Not explore. Im an idiot.

That was the key thing that threw off my interpretation of the description. Also the earler edit where i missed the MMO risk.

10/10 steam description.

my bad.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 09:28:19 am by Solidusbucket »