Author Topic: The Wall [v2]  (Read 76855 times)

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2016, 09:49:53 am »
End of Turn 5


After attaching another heartfelt note onto the wall, you can see the Aura become more defined. You become more desperate in your attempts to get the wall to notice you, and begin construction on a 5-tiered bento box (ready Turn 7). The wall has finallybecomes aware of your presence, and lobs a brick your way.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 4
HP: 96/100

As you drag the scrap back into cover, a maniacal laugh could be heard as your project is starting to take form. No one really knows what you are doing, and some are even concerned that you may have lost your mind. Soon, the rumblings of an engine can be heard in concert with your laugh. The wall is really unerved by you, and tries to silence you with a brick. Unfortunately it hits your cover instead.

Ongoing Action: Something
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 79/100

Shells fly as you order your engineer to continue working on destroying the wall. You try to get him to target any mechanism that is throwing the bricks at people, however there is no such mechanism present. Horror strikes you as you realize that the wall is using bits of itself to damage everyone. Your engineer can be heard mumbling under his breath "My name is Eustace". The wall tries to strike you with a chunk of rock, however you were able to increase altitude so that the rock passes harmlessly beneath you.

Damage Dealt: 1298
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 78/100

You decide now is the time to construct a sports bar so that you can entice some sucker-- I mean AI to your cause (will be ready Turn 7). You also start plotting how you could dismantle Luharis' notes, as you fear some bad things might happen if you let them stay. The wall tries to discourage you and hits you in the arm with a medium sized brick.

Ongoing action: Building a sports bar/plotting
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 10
HP: 80/100

As you continue working on your trebuchet, you know this last part will be the most dangerous, as you will need to venture out of cover to fasten the beam used to throw the objects at the wall. You also work to fill up the counterbalance, and thank the wall for the many heavy objects it has thrown at you. The wall decides it wants to help you out even further, and throws a rock your way.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 9
HP: 80/100

As you are observing the wall, you ponder some of life's mysteries, such as where did all these bricks come from? You hear Guagadu confirm your suspicions that it's using part of itself to assault you and your companions. The wall does not seem to even care about 1 or two puny bricks, and it does not seem to affect it at all. The wall seems to shake as if it's laughing at your inner turmoil. You decide that you're jealous of the wall, and you want to build one of your own (Ready Turn 8). The wall lobs a rock your way, but its aim was thrown off by all the laughing.

Ongoing action: Building another wall
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100

With the completion of the field hospital, you decide that you want to assist Guagadu with his onslaught. Unfortunately, you don't see any way to board the ship. Suddenly, you hear Huskarr yell in triumph as he completes his trebuchet. You decide that this is perfect! You make your way over to the 'Love-rock-thrower' and begin sighting in Huskarr's stormbreaker. Huskarr is concerned that you might be crazy as you climb into the basket of the trebuchet. You yell at him to pull the lever! miraculously, you are able to land on deck of the stormbreaker unscathed. The wall is too impressed with your feat to do anything.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100
Achievement: "Natural20"

The Mann
You decide that there is not enough totem present, and fashion a totem poster to attach to the wall. The wall is not pleased with your artwork, but is still really annoyed with the real totem pole. It tosses a boulder at the totem.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 95/100

Richard LeMoon
Another strange bird could be seen landing on top of the cover heralding the coming of something. The wall sees this dapper bird and decides to throw some pebbles at the bird, but apparently this dapper bird is a bit more agile than the previous one. It was able to fly off unscathed.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100

With the construction of the trebuchet finished, there is no more room available for you to take cover behind. This is not a problem, as you've decided to create your own cover so that you can continue your game with the wall (ready next turn). You make your move on the board taunting the wall with a fuseki that look oddly familiar. The wall decides that it wants to shake things up, and tosses a white stone on the lower left star point. It also chucks a brick at you, because it's the wall... it's what it does.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 5
HP: 95/100
State of the board:

Being the helpful pie that you are, you decide that you will open up your own "home depot" to help your fellow players build what they want faster (will be ready turn 8). The wall is amused that your structure seems to be pie shaped, and wonders if you did that for a reason. It throws a rock at you as it ponders your odd existance.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 9
HP: 91/100
Achievement: "Expediter"

Provides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold up to 3 people.
Status: Ready for use. 2/2 Occupants (The Trebuchet takes up 1 slot)

Totem Pole
A decorative stick. Taunts the wall to attack it instead of The Mann
HP: 10/30
Status: Can be added to, however going too high could topple the entire thing. Building higher may produce different effects.

Tea Stand
serves a gentlemanly brew to everyone for 5 cents. Gives a +2 to accuracy for 1 turn. In time, other brews can be served here.
Status: Ready for use. Currently serving Earl Grey.

Pilot: Guagadu
Engineer: AI Engineer (increases the number of times the Stormbreaker can be used before breaking. AI is less effective than a real player. Can be replaced by a real player)
Engineer: D.Strought
Status: Can be used next turn. Additional crew members can modify how useful this ship is. To crew, you will need to use an action to board the ship and declare your class (gunner/engineer) Pilot will determine when to attack. The pilot cannot attack if there are crew boarding. Ship can hold 4 people
Remaining Uses: 8/10

Flings rocks at desired target.
Status: Ready for Use

Field Hospital
Heals a player for 5 HP per turn. The wall cannot target a player in the hospital.
Status: Ready for Use

Luharis' Love Notes
Provides +15 HP per turn to the wall.

Second Cover
Provides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold 1 person
Status: Ready next turn

The Sports bar
Holds continuous recruitment drives to provide ships with AI if the pilot wishes. It also have 24/7 skyball coverage.

Second Wall
+5 Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 5 people.
Status: Ready turn 8

Pie Depot
Decreases the time it takes to build constructs by 1 turn.
Status: Ready turn 8

The Wall
HP: 1997305/2000000
Status: Gives D.Strought a score of 10 for agility

Image will come later....

Offline Huskarr

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2016, 12:14:58 pm »
*After finaly completing the Love-rock-thrower and flinging D.Strought to Guagadu I finaly start hurling boulders at the wall. I carefully aim the trebuchet to do maximum damage and shout* "HHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIII" *upon releasing the boulder. As the boulder hits the wall I hug my trebuchet.*

Offline Naoura

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2016, 12:22:32 pm »
*Continues to painstakingly work on the project, the sputtering and coughing of the engine becoming more and more uniform, a sharp, piercing whirring sound to be heard over the sounds of the other combatants, the engine sometimes cutting out and only brought back to life with another string of inventive and flamboyant profanity*

Offline Lu Lu

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2016, 01:15:07 pm »
Tearfully I continue to make my bento box, it hurts me down to my very core knowing that wall-senpai threw a brick at me, but I must persevere!

Offline Guagadu

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2016, 05:47:19 pm »
As my jaw drops in awe at the amazing flight of D.Strought, I nearly forget it is me in control of the ship, and almost crash into the wall. I catch myself before the impact and congratulate Strought on his landing. I tell him what I have been doing, and suggest that he fires as much as he possibly can at the wall. I also apologize to Eustace for my lack of understanding of AIs and give him the same instructions as D.Strought.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2016, 09:44:51 am »
The work on Pie Depot continues unabated, undaunted by The Wall's rock chucking.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2016, 03:16:44 pm »

The tendril of smoke to the north dissipates without incident, apparently. Those wondering what has been happening don't have long to wait as the dapper pigeon returns, once again tipping its hat to the wall before flitting behind cover, assuming it can hold 1 person and a dapper pigeon. It drops a larger note than before, and waits.

Those opening the note will see the following photo:

On the back, it reads: "Coordinates needed. Anglea stands ready. One tick."

The pigeon clears its throat politely and drops a small, blank, paper roll.

(coordinates must be given in pixels on the wall image. Lower left pixel is 1-1. The dapper pigeon will fly off as soon as he receives the coordinates).

Offline D.Strought

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2016, 04:26:38 pm »
*Slightly out of breath from my reckless brave maneuver, I see what I can do to optimise the resistance damage of our guns, If I have time left untill my pilot gives the firing order I plan on treating his wounds aswell as preloading propper ammunition*
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 04:28:34 pm by D.Strought »

Offline Queso

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2016, 03:09:26 am »
I play Q9 hastily and return to the construction of my cover. I begin to regret my placement this far from the tea shop. I ask the wall if it likes tea, and if it would let me grab it a cup next turn in return for not being concussed by a rock.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2016, 12:10:21 pm »
End of Turn 6

With your trebuchet finally complete, and tested thanks to D.Strought, you load up the largest boulder you can find. with an odd sounding war cry, you release the boulder, and watch as it fly's true, and strikes the wall squarely. The wall is offended, as it is supposed to be the only thing that throws rocks at things, and attempts to hit you. It's throw falls a hair's breath short of your feet.

Damage Dealt: 740
Damage Taken: 0

as you continue your assault on the engine with your mallet, another long string of profanity could be heard as the engine continues to sputter to life. The wall is astonished about your colorful vocabulary, and forgets to throw a brick at you this time.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 79/100

You continue to construct your bento box of love, low mumbling can be hear by the people around you "perseverance...perseverance...perseverance". The wall fails to notice you.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 96/100

Your ship stops inches from the from the wall... and its sheer size becomes apparent to you. You yell at D.Strought and Eustace to man the guns and fire everything! Unfortuantely, the weapon D.Strought is on is out of arc. The wall tries to retaliate, but you slam your ship in reverse as you see the boulder coming your way. Oddly, you feel a little bit better, as D.Strought walks over and hits you with his spanner.

Damage Dealt: 1553
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 83/100

You continue constructing your depot, humming quietly to yourself the pieman national anthem. You're too engrossed in your work to notice the large brick flying your way.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 11
HP: 80/100
Achievements:  "Expediter"

Richard LeMoon
Your carrier pigeon ducks into cover just as a pebble shoots out from the wall. The wall had been expecting it. Unfortunately, no one noticed the note, or was too busy to take the time to jot down some coordinates. The pigeon waits.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100

After your death defying stunt, you look around and decide that your talents are best suited to wack your pilot on the head with your spanner. luckily it doesn't look like it caused any harm. You mount a gun as your pilot orders you to fire everything, however your gun is not pointing in the right way for whatever reason.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100
Acievements: "Natural20"

The wall is intrigued by your choice, but does not falter. Now is the time to press the attack! It attaches to your tengen! The wall is too interested in the go board to throw a stone at you.

Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 95/100
State of Board:

Provides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold up to 3 people.
Status: Ready for use. 2/2 Occupants (The Trebuchet takes up 1 slot)

Totem Pole
A decorative stick. Taunts the wall to attack it instead of The Mann
HP: 10/30
Status: Can be added to, however going too high could topple the entire thing. Building higher may produce different effects.

Tea Stand
serves a gentlemanly brew to everyone for 5 cents. Gives a +2 to accuracy for 1 turn. In time, other brews can be served here.
Status: Ready for use. Currently serving Earl Grey.

Pilot: Guagadu
Engineer: AI Engineer (increases the number of times the Stormbreaker can be used before breaking. AI is less effective than a real player. Can be replaced by a real player)
Engineer: D.Strought
Status: Can be used next turn. Additional crew members can modify how useful this ship is. To crew, you will need to use an action to board the ship and declare your class (gunner/engineer) Pilot will determine when to attack. The pilot cannot attack if there are crew boarding. Ship can hold 4 people
Remaining Uses: 8/10

Flings rocks at desired target.
Status: Ready for Use

Field Hospital
Heals a player for 5 HP per turn. The wall cannot target a player in the hospital.
Status: Ready for Use

Luharis' Love Notes
Provides +15 HP per turn to the wall.

Second Cover
Provides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold 1 person
Status: Ready next turn

The Sports bar
Holds continuous recruitment drives to provide ships with AI if the pilot wishes. It also have 24/7 skyball coverage.

Second Wall
+5 Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 5 people.
Status: Ready turn 8

Pie Depot
Decreases the time it takes to build constructs by 1 turn.
Status: Ready turn 8

The Wall
HP: 1995027/2000000
Status: Has the Pieman national anthem stuck in its head

Offline Naoura

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2016, 12:28:45 pm »
As the engine begins to purr, loud and regular, fully repaired after much sweat and anger, I start to work with the metal pieces, using scraps taken from the surrounding area to make a small, effieicent forge, thanking the Wall in a mocking manner for the stones.

Offline Huskarr

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2016, 02:11:45 pm »
*I finally take note of the pigeon and read the letter. I scribble down some random coordinates and send the most dapper of pigeons away. Then I retreat to cover and start planning a steampunky selfloading and firing mechanism for the Love-rock-Thrower.*

Offline Lu Lu

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #57 on: November 17, 2016, 04:32:51 pm »
As I put the finishing touches on the bento box, I start to wonder why wall-senpai has yet to notice me.  I decide to pour my very heart and soul into it ensuring that this will be the best bento box.  Ever.  Wall-senpai must notice me.

Offline Guagadu

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2016, 09:39:47 am »
I scratch my head in wonder at how I failed to manage to have all guns in arc with such a big target, before simply attributing it to a severe lack of skill. I tell Eustace and Strought to continue to maximize damage output, specifically targeting the wall's healing love notes, and give D.Strought the option to take the helm if he pleases, as nearly anyone is a better captain than me.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: The Wall [v2]
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2016, 05:17:31 pm »
I sit on a lounger on the deck of the Jeeves as the dapper pigeon lands, tips his hat, and drops the scroll. I look at it for a while and pull out a map. After some careful measurements, I roll my eyes at the dapper pigeon.

"These are the coordinates to Eric's house, not the Wall."

The dapper pigeon scoffs with an air of ire. I wrap another tube of paper on his dapper leg.

"All right. See if you can find someone with a better sense of direction, and a map."

The dapper pigeon tips his hat and flies off again. (will arrive at the start of next turn if nothing goes wrong. Coordinates of the wall must be given in pixels. Lower left pixel is 1,1)

I pat a nearby railing.

"Well then, Jeeves, shall we just fire and see what happens?"

The great hulk of Jeeves shifts a little and emits a low creak. "My thoughts exactly." I smile and lean over the rail to shout to the lower deck.

"AyIee Tommy, ignite the charge!"

Missiles pour out of Jeeves starboard flank, exploding into the firing mechanism and igniting the charge. Ice shards fly in all directions as the beast roars and rocks on its structure. A blast wave hits Jeaves, knocking me out of my lounger. Seconds later, getting up and trying to shake the ringing from my ears, I try to view the cannon through the black plumes of smoke. All that can be seen is another thick stream of smoke heading in a high arc to the south. (random coordinates. May miss the wall entirely)

"Well then... at least it fired. We'll have to see if there is anything left of the cannon once the smoke clears. Signal the loaders to bring up another round. I want it ready."
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 05:21:42 pm by Richard LeMoon »