End of Turn 5LuharisAfter attaching another heartfelt note onto the wall, you can see the Aura become more defined. You become more desperate in your attempts to get the wall to notice you, and begin construction on a 5-tiered bento box (ready Turn 7). The wall has
finallybecomes aware of your presence, and lobs a brick your way.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 4
HP: 96/100
NaouraAs you drag the scrap back into cover, a maniacal laugh could be heard as your project is starting to take form. No one really knows what you are doing, and some are even concerned that you may have lost your mind. Soon, the rumblings of an engine can be heard in concert with your laugh. The wall is really unerved by you, and tries to silence you with a brick. Unfortunately it hits your cover instead.
Ongoing Action:
SomethingDamage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 79/100
GuagaduShells fly as you order your engineer to continue working on destroying the wall. You try to get him to target any mechanism that is throwing the bricks at people, however there is no such mechanism present. Horror strikes you as you realize that the wall is using bits of itself to damage everyone. Your engineer can be heard mumbling under his breath "My name is Eustace". The wall tries to strike you with a chunk of rock, however you were able to increase altitude so that the rock passes harmlessly beneath you.
Damage Dealt: 1298
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 78/100
ShadedExaltYou decide now is the time to construct a sports bar so that you can entice some sucker-- I mean AI to your cause (will be ready Turn 7). You also start plotting how you could dismantle Luharis' notes, as you fear some bad things might happen if you let them stay. The wall tries to discourage you and hits you in the arm with a medium sized brick.
Ongoing action: Building a sports bar/plotting
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 10
HP: 80/100
HuskarrAs you continue working on your trebuchet, you know this last part will be the most dangerous, as you will need to venture out of cover to fasten the beam used to throw the objects at the wall. You also work to fill up the counterbalance, and thank the wall for the many heavy objects it has thrown at you. The wall decides it wants to help you out even further, and throws a rock your way.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 9
HP: 80/100
Skymonger As you are observing the wall, you ponder some of life's mysteries, such as where did all these bricks come from? You hear Guagadu confirm your suspicions that it's using part of itself to assault you and your companions. The wall does not seem to even care about 1 or two puny bricks, and it does not seem to affect it at all. The wall seems to shake as if it's laughing at your inner turmoil. You decide that you're jealous of the wall, and you want to build one of your own (Ready Turn

. The wall lobs a rock your way, but its aim was thrown off by all the laughing.
Ongoing action: Building another wall
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100
D.StroughtWith the completion of the field hospital, you decide that you want to assist Guagadu with his onslaught. Unfortunately, you don't see any way to board the ship. Suddenly, you hear Huskarr yell in triumph as he completes his trebuchet. You decide that this is perfect! You make your way over to the 'Love-rock-thrower' and begin sighting in Huskarr's stormbreaker. Huskarr is concerned that you might be crazy as you climb into the basket of the trebuchet. You yell at him to pull the lever! miraculously, you are able to land on deck of the stormbreaker unscathed. The wall is too impressed with your feat to do anything.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100
Achievement: "Natural20"
The MannYou decide that there is not enough totem present, and fashion a totem poster to attach to the wall. The wall is not pleased with your artwork, but is still really annoyed with the real totem pole. It tosses a boulder at the totem.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 95/100
Richard LeMoonAnother strange bird could be seen landing on top of the cover heralding the coming of something. The wall sees this dapper bird and decides to throw some pebbles at the bird, but apparently this dapper bird is a bit more agile than the previous one. It was able to fly off unscathed.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100
QuesoWith the construction of the trebuchet finished, there is no more room available for you to take cover behind. This is not a problem, as you've decided to create your own cover so that you can continue your game with the wall (ready next turn). You make your move on the board taunting the wall with a fuseki that look oddly familiar. The wall decides that it wants to shake things up, and tosses a white stone on the lower left star point. It also chucks a brick at you, because it's the wall... it's what it does.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 5
HP: 95/100
State of the board:
PiemanlivesBeing the helpful pie that you are, you decide that you will open up your own "home depot" to help your fellow players build what they want faster (will be ready turn

. The wall is amused that your structure seems to be pie shaped, and wonders if you did that for a reason. It throws a rock at you as it ponders your odd existance.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 9
HP: 91/100
Achievement: "Expediter"
CoverProvides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold up to 3 people.
Status: Ready for use. 2/2 Occupants (The Trebuchet takes up 1 slot)
Totem PoleA decorative stick. Taunts the wall to attack it instead of The Mann
HP: 10/30
Status: Can be added to, however going too high could topple the entire thing. Building higher may produce different effects.
Tea Standserves a gentlemanly brew to everyone for 5 cents. Gives a +2 to accuracy for 1 turn. In time, other brews can be served here.
Status: Ready for use. Currently serving Earl Grey.
StormbreakerPilot: Guagadu
Engineer: AI Engineer (increases the number of times the Stormbreaker can be used before breaking. AI is less effective than a real player. Can be replaced by a real player)
Engineer: D.Strought
Status: Can be used next turn. Additional crew members can modify how useful this ship is. To crew, you will need to use an action to board the ship and declare your class (gunner/engineer) Pilot will determine when to attack. The pilot cannot attack if there are crew boarding. Ship can hold 4 people
Remaining Uses: 8/10
Flings rocks at desired target.
Status: Ready for Use
Field HospitalHeals a player for 5 HP per turn. The wall cannot target a player in the hospital.
Status: Ready for Use
Luharis' Love NotesProvides +15 HP per turn to the wall.
Second CoverProvides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold 1 person
Status: Ready next turn
The Sports barHolds continuous recruitment drives to provide ships with AI if the pilot wishes. It also have 24/7 skyball coverage.
Second Wall+5 Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 5 people.
Status: Ready turn 8
Pie DepotDecreases the time it takes to build constructs by 1 turn.
Status: Ready turn 8
The Wall
HP: 1997305/2000000
Status: Gives D.Strought a score of 10 for agility
Image will come later....