End of Turn 2HuskarrAs you toil away with your construct, an eerie tune starts to emanate out from you. No one knows what it is you are trying to hum, but they are all unnerved by it, and decide to give you some space. As your tune comes to an end, the final piece of your construct is put into it's place. Success! however The Wall is not impressed, and chucks a brick your way. Luckily, it just barely missed, but it reminds you that you should probably get behind your cover as soon as you can.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100
The MannAs you disengage from your misplaced hug, you continue to gaze upon the walls greatness. Inspiration suddenly strikes, and you decide what's better than a wall? That's right, a wall with a totem pole. You begin to construct your totem. For now, the size of the totem pales in comparison to the immense size of the wall. You may be able to build your totem even taller, however you fear the wind might knock it over. The wall sends a brick your way, as it's an equal opportunity bludgeoner.
Ongoing Action: Building a totem pole
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 5
HP: 95/100
D.StroughtYou arrive in a coach, and begin to construct a tea stand for the other people around you (will be ready next turn). You craft a sign that reads "Earl Grey: 5¢". The Wall prefers Chai, and lobs a brick your way in protest. Fortunately, the brick falls just 1 inch to your right.
Ongoing Action: Building a tea stand
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100
GuagaduIt doesn't take you long to find a serviceable stormbreaker, however a crew brave enough to face the wall has become a challenge. You may be able to fly the ship yourself, however you might not be able to effectively damage the wall without a crew. The wall sees you as a threat, and decides to lob a large boulder your way.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 12
HP: 88/100
NaouraAfter your failed attempt to poke the wall to death, you look around your environment, and see the remains of a squid engine. A maniacal laugh can be heard, as you approach the engine, and begin whacking it with a spanner. The wall doesn't like you keeping secrets from it, and decides to throw a rock your way.
Ongoing Action:
SomethingDamage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 9
HP: 84/100
QuesoCollectively, everyone feels a sense of uneasiness, as the wall appears to have grown silent, as if it were talking to itself. After a while, a person can be seen emerging from the wall. Unsure of who this person is, the participants decide to give Queso a wide berth. The wall Throws a brick in the newcomers direction, as even Muse gods have to get past the second wall before they can even attempt to break the fourth.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 8
HP: 92/100
CoverProvides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold up to 3 people.
Status: Ready for use. 0/3 Occupants
Totem PoleA decorative stick
Status: Can be added to, however going too high could topple the entire thing. Building higher may produce different effects.
Tea Standserves a gentlemanly brew to everyone for 5 cents. Gives a +2 to accuracy for 1 turn. In time, other brews can be served here.
Status: Ready for use. Currently serving Earl Grey.
StormbreakerPilot: Guagadu
Status: Can be used next turn. Additional crew members can modify how useful this ship is. To crew, you will need to use an action to board the ship and declare your class (gunner/engineer) Pilot will determine when to attack. The pilot cannot attack if there are crew boarding. Ship can hold 4 people
The WallHP: 1999976/2000000
Status: Trying to get Huskarr's tune out of its head