End of Turn 3GuagaduAs the smell of your cookies permeate throughout the area, it does not appear to have enticed any players to accompany you on what many assume to be a suicide mission. On the verge of tears, you suddenly spot an odd looking lump not to far off in the sand. on further investigation, you find that an AI engineer had previously fallen off of its original ship, and was stuck in the sand until you freed it. Having nothing better to do, the engineer joins your crew. The wall was jealous of this heartwarming moment, and decided to chuck a brick your way. Luckily you were able to dodge it in the nick of time.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 88/100
HuskarrAs you hurriedly make your way behind cover, you suddenly get some inspiration! What better way to defeat a rock throwing wall is there than throwing those rocks right back at it?!?! You begin your construction of the trebuchet (will be ready turn 6), starting with the small mechanisms first. Knowing that you will need to soon venture out of cover in order to continue construction. The wall desires to be the only thing that can throw rocks, and tosses a large boulder your way. The impact shakes the cover you were hiding behind.
Ongoing Action: Building a trebuchet
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100
The MannThe impact from the brick seems to have caused some form of head trauma. After thanking the wall for bludgeoning you, you get to work incorporating the brick into your extension of the totem pole. A stick is a stick, and there is no way the wall could be confused by it, however the wall does not like the totem getting this tall, and decides to target it instead of you.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 95/100
NaouraOver all the commotion, suddenly a long string of curses that would make a grown sailor cry could be heard by everyone. Mouths drop, and eyes find Naoura dragging the squid engine over to cover. As you're hitting the engine with your spanner, you stand up to apologize to Huskarr for the noise. Unfortuantely, the wall takes this moment to lob a brick in your direction.
Ongoing Action:
SomethingDamage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 5
HP: 79/100
QuesoWith the Squid engine, and the trebuchet parts, you are just
barely able to fit behind cover. You gather up some Kaya wood, and begin to fashion a go board. The wall enjoys this game, and decides to toss 361 black and white stones your way. The stones gather up in a nice pile beside you, however you will have to separate the black and the white stones yoursel
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 92/100
Inventory: Go set
D.StroughtYou glance around and notice several of your fellow combatants have some scrapes and bruises forming from all the brick (maybe even a mild concussion in The Mann's case). You decide that now is the time to begin construction on a field hospital (will be ready turn 6). Unfortunately, there is no "safe" place available, and the wall chucks a brick your way for even trying to find one.
Ongoing Action: Building a field hospital
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 8
HP: 92/100
ShadedExaltAs you log in, the vast wall is the first thing you see. it's sheer size makes it difficult to determine how far off it is in the distance. You see your magnate over to the right. Suddenly the sky grows dark, and before you can figure out why, a large boulder strikes you. The wall has welcomed you to the game.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 10
HP: 90/100
SkymongerAs you enter, you decide to erect a tent, and begin to draw on the wall. As you draw, you begin to ask the wall questions. In response, the wall decides to pelt your tent with bricks leaving it in shambles, and then lob a rock at your head. It knows that it's purpose is to prevent anyone from getting past it, and could care less about who built it.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 8
HP: 92/100
LuharisSuddenly, you pop out from the tall grass, and immediately want to fight someone. As you look for an opponent, your eyes lock on to the glorious wall. You fall in love at first sight, and decide to write a letter expressing your love. The wall fails to notice you.
Damage Dealt: 0
Damage Taken: 0
HP: 100/100
CoverProvides +5 to defense for anyone standing behind it. Can hold up to 3 people.
Status: Ready for use. 3/3 Occupants
Totem PoleA decorative stick. Taunts the wall to attack it instead of The Mann
HP: 22/30
Status: Can be added to, however going too high could topple the entire thing. Building higher may produce different effects.
Tea Standserves a gentlemanly brew to everyone for 5 cents. Gives a +2 to accuracy for 1 turn. In time, other brews can be served here.
Status: Ready for use. Currently serving Earl Grey.
StormbreakerPilot: Guagadu
Engineer: AI Engineer (increases the number of times the Stormbreaker can be used before breaking. AI is less effective than a real player. Can be replaced by a real player later on)
Status: Can be used next turn. Additional crew members can modify how useful this ship is. To crew, you will need to use an action to board the ship and declare your class (gunner/engineer) Pilot will determine when to attack. The pilot cannot attack if there are crew boarding. Ship can hold 4 people
TrebuchetFlings rocks at desired target.
Status: Will be ready turn 6
Field HospitalHeals a player for 5 HP per turn. The wall cannot target a player in the hospital.
Status: Will be ready turn 6
The WallHP:1999976/2000000
Status: Wants to wash Naoura's mouth out with soap