"I'm afraid that this is for this group, we are stretched in the north and Yesha is still recovering. Like I said, go about this as a surveying mission, we don't know how strong they are or their current whereabouts. Also, during this time try recruiting people you'll think can fight these things if you are concerned."
Looking at his watch, Enger taps Frey's shoulder.
"Commander, Xin wants us in a meeting with him in the next half hour. He wants to know how our team here is doing."
"Very well Councilman," Frey answers, to Reagan and Carn as he points to the papers, "I'll leave these here. You two get acquainted with each other, both of you will have command of this."
Following the Councilman, Frey exits the transport and back onto the street. From the table, the line has gotten longer and the stack of paper taller.