--START OF DAY 111--
Yiski woke up in a very groggy state as did Lauren. After closing, Yiski, Zill, and their friends from the Baronies all shared stories of their lives since Yiski and Zill relocated to Anvala. In order to get through all the stories, it required a lot of alcohol and the group went through mugs of Hellfire, its cousins, and the two beers. By the time the group had finished, it was 4 am and they were effectively passed out. Lauren had to carry Yiski to bed. Ny-Lee and Roland helped BdrLine and Niko to a nearby inn. Jun'ko carried Zill upstairs of the saloon. The Baronies friends all slept passed out on the floor.
When Yiski got to the main floor, he saw two things. First, his Baronies buddies still on the floor. Second, Ny-Lee and Roland attempting to clean the saloon without waking the buddies.
"Sleep well?"
Before answering, Yiski went to the bar and made a couple of mugs Clear Skies. One for himself and the rest for everybody who needs it. Yiski took his drink and downed it in one gulp. Roland sighs.
"That answers my question."
Soon Lauren came out and had a Clear Skies as did Jun'ko and Zill. In another hour, the Baronies friends woke up off the floor and also had their Clear Skies.
"Woah... the hell do you put in your drinks? Been a while since any of us had stuff this strong."
"Because the strong stuff was made by me."
"Oh yeah."
The group laughed and in another hour, the saloon was ready and open.