Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468452 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #300 on: March 04, 2013, 06:50:03 pm »
*Seeing Spoon's newly unconcious state, Zill turns to BdrLine*

Carry him back to...the saloon...Yiski has a remedy for his state....Roland will know where its at.....Its usually handy when....Furry is drinking. I'll handle Yiski and our...."friend"

*He gets up and kicks the bounty hunter in the head, knocking him out cold.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #301 on: March 04, 2013, 07:58:49 pm »
*Zill finishes mowing down a few stragglers. His incendiary rounds lit them aflame as the tar was still on their clothes.*
*Upon emptying his clip, he stumbles over in a coughing fit. The tar has done some work on his lungs in all the haste. His breathing is heavy.*
*He gathers himself and limps back to the remaining group. He sees Yiski on the ground with blood on him.*

Oh no you dont....

*Zill takes a flask out of his charred coat and pours it down Yiski's throat*

I didnt run all....the way over watch you die....Its only....a flesh wound old friend.

*Yiski coughs up the liquid and weakly yells at Zill*

Dammit... I thought... you'd.... stop dri... drinkin' that shit.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #302 on: March 04, 2013, 08:18:54 pm »
*Yiski coughs up the liquid and weakly yells at Zill*

Dammit... I thought... you'd.... stop dri... drinkin' that shit.

*Coughs up blood in his hand, yet manages a laugh*

Yea I suppose Im.....forced to come clean.....We're all....ticking bombs here.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #303 on: March 04, 2013, 08:20:33 pm »
*moves away from the unconscious hunter towards Spoon*

On it Zill. Bet I can grab a drink as well after all this.

*picks up Spoon's body and throws him over his shoulder and starts walking back to the saloon*

*while later, BdrLine nearing the Saloon, some visible strain can be seen*

*In BdrLine's thoughts*

Damn Spoon I think you need to lay off the alcohol. If it wasn't that I know you, I would have drop you off in front of the Doctor's.

*Enter the Burning Skies Saloon*

*Drops Spoon's limp body on the couch, to Roland*

Hey Roland, Spoon here didn't see where he was and got hit by a loose pulley knockin him out. Zill says you got something that usually works when Furry is drinking.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #304 on: March 04, 2013, 09:17:17 pm »
*Enter the Burning Skies Saloon*

*Drops Spoon's limp body on the couch, to Roland*

Hey Roland, Spoon here didn't see where he was and got hit by a loose pulley knockin him out. Zill says you got something that usually works when Furry is drinking.

*Roland sees Spoon K.O.d*

Yeah, I know just what you're talking about.

*Roland head to the back room and fetches a bottle labeled 'When Furry is drunk'.*
*Roland grabs the funnel and pours it down Spoon's mouth*

Well, he should be fine, but he'll be out for the rest of the day.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #305 on: March 04, 2013, 09:34:16 pm »
*Out of character*

I see that the Community Ambassadors are seeming like major targets in particular. First Zill, then Spoon. Who's next? Qwerty?

*End out of character*
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 09:44:58 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #306 on: March 04, 2013, 10:27:33 pm »
*Realizing that time is running out for Yiski, Zill make a decision.*

I know youre.....not going to like this....but Qwerty is taking too long...and youll bleed out.

*In the corner of the old warehouse was a Squid. Zill had been tinkering with the engines and only two were operational. Realizing Oliver was Yiski's last shot at life after tonight, he fired it up. Tar from the explosion made the engines difficult to keep up.*

Sunderland....get our "friend" aboard.....Ill get Yiski.

*With everyone on, Zill flew out of the warehouse and on toward Oliver's. Sunderland just barely keeps the engines alive long enough to get there. Landing in the middle of the town, Zill limps into Oliver's. Yiski is quickly taken in. The Squid's engines die out, leaving it stranded in the middle of town. It doesnt matter to Zill, so long as Yiski survives the night.*

*One heavy blood filled cough later, he downs the rest of his flasks, and passes out on his Squid's deck.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #307 on: March 04, 2013, 10:48:14 pm »

Oliver both worked and resided from his home is the Garden District in Anvala (The district obviously getting its name for the large open gardens scattered around the area). It was late, but he was reviewing over some of his files.

Suddenly a loud roaring could be heard just outside his house. This startled him and prompted him to look outside and what he saw what he and the others in the district could only describe with one word: madness.

Zill had taken his squid just for the purpose of landing it in the middle of the garden outside Oliver's house. The landing instantly crushing the beautiful landscape job which had just been completed not 1 hour ago.

After landing, Zill lifted Yiski of the ship and made a dash for Oliver's home. Oliver was shocked and about to ask what was going on, but taking a look at Yiski, he knew the answer would have to wait. He needed to save Yiski first. Sund and the 'friend' followed in at their own leisure.

Oliver was shocked to realize Yiski was still alive despite his wounds and apparent blood loss. Fortunately, for Yiski, Oliver knew his blood type (Yiski needed some blood after his first time debt collecting) and grabbed the required blood type. Oliver then hooked up the blood pack to Yiski and began emergency surgery.

Hours passed by while Zill and Sund were waiting guarding the 'friend' who has since regained consciousnesses (only to immediately lose it again to Zill). Finally, Oliver came out, covered in blood. Zill and Sund feared the worse.

Oliver immediately put those fears to rest. "No worries gentlemen, Yiski is alive and stable. His injuries weren't as serious, contrary to the first glance. It was only his blood loss which was the real threat. He's asleep now, but knowing him and his reputation, he'll probably be awake by tomorrow."

Zill and Sund gave a sigh of much needed relief. It had been hell for the past few hours.

With the threat of Yiski's death averted, the next question was why Yiski was targeted by the bounty hunters. It was no surprise over the years, when Yiski was known as Crimson Bolt, he made some (many) enemies. The only answer lied in the bound and unconscious bounty hunter they captured. And he was out for a good while, probably until the morning as well.

Zill stayed behind to watch their new 'friend' and trusted Sund to get his squid back into the dock.

When Sund landed back in the docks, he made his way back to saloon where everybody else was waiting to hear what was Yiski's fate. They all gave a sigh of relief to hear the worst had come to past.


--END OF DAY 22--
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:13:48 pm by Yiski »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #308 on: March 05, 2013, 12:37:54 pm »


The next day was anything from pleasant. After the events of yesterday, all the patrons of the saloon were on edge and uneasy. Roland assumed barkeep duties again and trying his best to relieve the tension mounting, sadly to no avail.

Over at Oliver's house, Yiski manage slipped in and out of consciousness and Oliver carefully noting Yiski's recovery. Meanwhile, Zill had taken over Oliver's basement to use as a makeshift interrogation room for the new 'friend' the rescue team made the other day.


Please state at the top of each post whether you're in the saloon or at Oliver's house. It should be obvious who is where, but for he sake of cleanliness.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #309 on: March 05, 2013, 01:38:09 pm »

*Wakes up with a start*


*looks around at his surroundings, and remembers where he is... All he remembers is heading out to the docks, and then a strong urge to run for qwerty*

"Dang... I was hoping Furry would knock me out after I got to qwerty..."

*Sees Roland wiping down the bar*

"Roland! what has happened while I was out?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #310 on: March 05, 2013, 01:53:00 pm »

*Roland looks to Shink*

From what Sund told us last night, Zill, Yiski, and the captured bounty hunter are over at Doctor Oliver's place. Doctor says Yiski's fine, but I'm more worried about what's going to happen to the bounty hunter.

Anyways, do you need a drink Shink?

*Roland thinks to himself. Roland was one of the few people (Zill being another) who know what Yiski did after his time with the Baronies' Military and before the saloon.*

I'm not sure how many people alive realize Yiski was the Crimson Bolt. If this is what yesterday was about, I don't see this ending well... ... for those after Yiski.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #311 on: March 05, 2013, 01:57:20 pm »
*thinks for a bit*

"No thanks Roland. I'm going to head over to Oliver's."

*Heads out the door and takes a left... thinks about it for a minute, and then turns around and goes right. Muttering under his breath*


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #312 on: March 05, 2013, 02:16:03 pm »
I am at Oliver's of course.
+end ooc+

*Zill puts the new "friend" in the middle of the basement floor on a lone chair. A barrel of tar delivered early in the morning in preparation sits in the corner. A pot filled with some sits on the old boiler in Oliver's basement, boiling. Zill has done interrogations before, but none quite so personal. He told Oliver to stay out, and let no one in.

Zill knew he had to keep him alive just long enough to get the information he needed. He made Oliver leave the "friend's" wounds unattended. Blood dripped slowly onto the ground beneath the chair. This was not going to end pretty. He slaps the man in the face to get things going. With Zill unmasked, the sight startles the man.*

Whoa! Where am I?!? Whats going on and whats that smell?!

*Zill gives him a good punch in the gut for good measure.*

You ask nothin' in this room. I am your nightmare for today. You answer me. What is your name?

*The "friend" looks around, squirming in the chair. He sees the tar and immediately answers.* name is...Skinner.

*Zill paces in front of Skinner.*

We already know you are a Head Hunter. Tell me why you came yesterday.

*Skinner slowly replies.*

W...well, we were here to collect a bounty on Y...Yiski. Take him alive and deliver. The reward would put us in retirement. Realizing you were here as well, we knew that would only double our profit by killing you.

*Zill stands over Skinner*

Who placed the bounty on Yiski?

*Skinner stutters.*

I..I dont kn...know.

*Zill immediately heads for the boiling pot, picks it up, and dumps it on Skinner's lap. The resulting scream could wake a man in a coma. Zill refills the pot and places it back on the boiler without hesitation. He then stands in front of Skinner, who is smoking from the hot tar.*

Who placed the bounty on Yiski?

*Skinner, weeping at this point from the searing pain, tries to respond.*

I..I...They...They are from up.....North....I....think. The writing looked...very clear.

*Zill realizes it must be from The Baronies. The scientists would love to get their hands on Yiski's experiments. It also explained why the Hunters didnt just storm the warehouse with numbers. They needed him alive for the secrets.*

Give me a name.

*Skinner looks around*

The no.....

*Zill then dumps a second pot over Skinner's shoulders. The scream would make any man quiver. Zill's resolve remained the same. The end was close. Skinner mutters something....*

The del...ivery point......Snowpeak.

*That was good enough for Zill. He lifts Skinner, still bound to the chair, and dumps him head first into the tar barrel. The cries fell on deaf ears, as skinner quickly drowns in the tar. Zill opens the door and locks it behind him. He turns around to see Oliver staring at him.*

You heard nothing. You saw nothing. My men will clean the basement. The barrel will go to Snowpeak. *Casting a glace at Yiski in the next room* He wont need to worry anymore for awhile. *Oliver only nods.*

*Zill goes past Oliver and sits in the corner next to Yiski. The tar on his coat burns, but it will never scar as much as the past days.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #313 on: March 05, 2013, 02:45:45 pm »
--Street Outside Oliver's house--

*Hears a bone chilling scream, and double-times it to Oliver's front door... pounding on the door*

"Yiski! Zill!"

*Breaks down the door, and surveys the seen before him. Zill is discussing something with Oliver over by the door to the basement*

"what's going on here? Yiski OK?"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #314 on: March 05, 2013, 02:47:06 pm »

*BdrLineAzn walks in with his rifle slinger over his shoulder*

*Walks up to Roland*

*heavy sigh* I just came from the docks to look at the damage from yesterday's encounter. *takes a seat* Looks like none of the other dock workers were killed, frighten with minor injuries but not dead. A few airships have taken damage, Zill's having the most. Also besides Yiski, the other casualties were of the Hunters, at least 13 dead excluding the one we found.

*lays his head on the bar*

You think you can make one of them Frost Fire Ale? Kinda need it

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 02:49:33 pm by BdrLineAzn »