I'd like the possibility to refer people to guns of Icarus and it being recognized, when they first join the game there might be an option someplace to put down the name of the person who referred you to the game. If you refer 5 or 10 people, or really any amount, that's all relative and up to you guys, then you get an item or something else, maybe a badge too like community helper or something. I think this type of incentive is especially needed with the low population currently. Similarly, if you buy the game for other people on steam, perhaps the possibility for Guns of Icarus to know that you bought copies of the game and gave it to friends, prompting a different type of reward. Which of course would require talking to steam to see if its possible and would take longer to implement, but something to think about.
I also would like the option to quick list the friends list in different orders.
So sorting methods, to sort by clan; people in clans first, people not in clans first.
To sort from last log in, which currently it doesn't do, I have people who logged in 39 minutes ago showing up after people who logged in a day ago, and then someone who logged in 5 days ago is first etc.
Possibly the ability to star certain players, so they always appear first on your list.
So yeah I just think there needs to be a bit more infrastructure with the lists, especially the clan list needs sort functions for member count, likes, and so on.
And the clan pages really definitely need more text space.
A way to leave offline messages to clan members so when they login they can get it. Much needed now to keep clans active, and together, like I want to ask my clan members for their steam account names but I am not online when they are. (Might exist already)