Names being taken forever isn't really a good policy.
It really isn't fair that I am spending money on the game, playing every day, and yet the name I want is taken by someone who no longer plays.
I've played many games where names were reserved once taken, and ALL such games had an expiry system on all names, player and guild alike. You must have an expiry system on names. It is ABSOLUTELY absurd to have names taken for 3 years and the guy never even logged in more than once.
Furthermore I really don't see the point to even reserving names. Most games today adopted a system where logins are unique per a person but character names can be anything you want. Much like in real life, if my name is Michael, I can meet someone else with the same first name as me, and yes, even the same last name. It in no way diminishes who I am. You can still charge for names, and even charge extra for wanting a name that is taken in my humble opinion. I'd pay $20 to get the name I want.
Anyway expiry systems if clearly laid out, would not offend anyone and you will find that the majority of players will love such a system. Such an expiry system would have conditions under which names expire. I understand MUSE is obligated to it's customers who play, that players may want to go on hiatus for awhile and be able to come back to what they have. But it's unrealistic to assume everyone will come back and it's unfair to have names reserved for posterity, so as a gaming company one needs to be balanced in the way they deal with old players and new players.
Keep in mind the expiry system ensures that the game is set in the moment, and is not some artifact for the past. People have to play, not have a museum in their steam library they never visit again where they reserved their names. Also keep in mind players can change ips, e-mails, and reserve many different names, and yet only play on one main account often, this again is not fair especially without an expiry system on names.
For players who own guilds with 5+ members:
Has not logged in for 2 years.
Sends reminders by e-mail every 6 months, that if you don't login your name may be taken.
For players in guilds:
Has not logged in for one year.
Sends reminders by e-mail every 6 months, that if you don't login your name may be taken.
For players not in guilds:
Has under 50 hours played in a year or has not logged in 1 year.
For guilds:
Guild has less than 20 members
Guild has not had anyone online for more than 6 months.