Well, as a fellow Yeshan, (goldfish FTW) in my professional opinion, an irradiated wasteland not fit for human life, full of the monsters you described and more. Perhaps their may be survivors, but it is unlikely that they would be recognizeable. In any case, until the dusty savages send someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, or we mount an expedition, we may never find out. If we do mount such an expedition, I would request 3 Pyramidion, 4 more Goldfish, and 2 or more Galleon. The Pyramidions would live up to their name of Vanguards, while the mighty goldfish, accompanied by my personal ship, the Golden Windwould take a main line fighting role. The Galleons would serve as supply ships and heavy fire support, and would house our scientific staff. Is this acceptable? (My RP senses are a-tingling...)