Author Topic: What's to the South?  (Read 28636 times)

Offline Indreams

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What's to the South?
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:51:02 pm »

This is the World as we know it. But what's to the South of Arashi Desert, Vastness, and Abermar Valley?

Yeshan scholars have discovered works by Marco Polo. (Yes, the man whose name sailors often call out to make their position known)

This is what we found:

One legged man, cyclop, two headed midget, chest-face, and werewolf.

But us Yeshan scholars refuse to believe this fantasy until we have proof.

So, come forth brave explorers of our ally Mercantile Guild. Come forth you bastardly savages of the Arashi League. What is south of your lands?

Btw, no need to rp. I just did it to make it sound interesting. What do you guys think/know is South of the known world?

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 11:58:35 pm »
Well, as a fellow Yeshan, (goldfish FTW) in my professional opinion, an irradiated wasteland not fit for human life, full of the monsters you described and more.  Perhaps their may be survivors, but it is unlikely that they would be recognizeable.  In any case, until the dusty savages send someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, or we mount an expedition, we may never find out.  If we do mount such an expedition, I would request 3 Pyramidion, 4 more Goldfish, and 2 or more Galleon.  The Pyramidions would live up to their name of Vanguards, while the mighty goldfish, accompanied by my personal ship, the Golden Windwould take a main line fighting role.  The Galleons would serve as supply ships and heavy fire support, and would house our scientific staff.  Is this acceptable?  (My RP senses are a-tingling...)

Offline RedRoach

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 09:20:56 am »
Oh yeah, the south. More ruins, more sand, a couple of massive  raider strongholds littered throughout the area, and the so called "Plague" that the Mercantile Guild are always off about.

Basically, more death, more destruction. Nobody likes being there unless they're constantly embracing death. Which make sense, *ahem* Arashi Bastards *ahem*.

(RP storyline imminent, unless this is how we get a PvE scenario in Adventure Mode with raiders flying from the south.)

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2014, 09:35:03 am »
I imagine an land comparable to the Mojave in Fallout New Vegas. A radiated wasteland that is home to mutants and scattered communities of either people trying to survive or raiders. A land full of complete anarchy and death

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 10:03:06 am »
I imagine an land comparable to the Mojave in Fallout New Vegas. A radiated wasteland that is home to mutants and scattered communities of either people trying to survive or raiders. A land full of complete anarchy and death

Yes, I believe this may be the case.  RedRoach, you have plenty of contacts in the guild.  Would you know of a technology they may sell that would protect us from such a thing?

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2014, 10:56:48 am »
Depending of what kind of radiation would tell what we would need to protect ourselves. If it's radiation that originates from say a nuclear weapon then the only thing that would help would be a suit that seals out the radiation and a device that detects the radiated particles. The particles would need to be deflected by a special material or fabric. The device would have to be able to pick out the radiated particles and tell how concentrated the particles are.  If that's not the case and its more of radiated, free floating particles in the air then sealing off opening would be the best bet. Almost like a biological, airborne type of thing. This would simply be a respirator, goggles, and clothing that simply covers the body. The good thing about the former is that the radiation would be contained to the areas where the nuclear devices were set off. The bad thing is that if someone isn't protect then bad things would happen to the body like cell mutation which would cause cancerous cells to form. The good news about the latter is that it wouldn't be as deadly because the particles would have to enter the body through an opening compared to just penetrating the skin. Then again you would have to really be worried about getting any cut or having anything happen to you that would result in an opening appearing on your body. I hope for the latter of the two because walking around in a radiation suit would impede on my pirating. I'm more than sure the Anglean's or the Merchants have something better than those primitive methods.

Offline RedRoach

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 12:00:22 pm »
Yes, I believe this may be the case.  RedRoach, you have plenty of contacts in the guild.  Would you know of a technology they may sell that would protect us from such a thing?

Just because I KNOW the Guild doesn't mean I LIKE the Guild. They don't have the technology that could protect them from the Plague, hence their silver-tongue members  scavenging all over the place with their scamming deals and whatnot. As long as they can't find their cure, so they shall remain merchants.

And I've got like 4 friends in the Guild. Man, F--- the Guild.

Offline Indreams

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2014, 12:04:08 pm »
I kinda want to see the Sea of Decay to the south.

To those that are unfamiliar, the Sea of Decay is a toxic fungal jungle that covers most of the land in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Few images that I found:

It's probably beyond the current Muse to render a whole new world like this in the game, but imagine battling giant insects or fighting each other in a fungal cavern. Perhaps in the distant future... (GOIO II anyone?)

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2014, 12:13:05 pm »
Then i guess it is more of a biological airborne particles than radiation. Maybe they were plants mutated by radiation.  This is merely one part of the unknown south. There could be more crazy biomes down there that exhibit different unnatural features. Only time will tell. I still opt for the radiated wasteland. Anarchy. My favorite.

And I've got like 4 friends in the Guild. Man, F--- the Guild.

As long as long as you're not with the Baronies you're fine in my books. Those damn Baronies

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2014, 01:39:20 pm »
OK, guild is useless.  Any other ideas?  Special high altitude ships?

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2014, 03:47:18 pm »
I just imagined fighting in jungle/swamp ambushes. Squids, mobulas... shit kinda like that. ^^

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2014, 04:10:53 pm »
OK, guild is useless.  Any other ideas?  Special high altitude ships?

Build ships that have a life support system that keep the toxins out. Or we engineer a new fabric that would block the toxins. Or we make an antidote or vaccine to the toxins. Other than that, I got nothing.

To see the Tinkerer i go! Maybe he would know of something or have something that would help.

Offline RedRoach

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2014, 04:29:02 pm »
OK, guild is useless.  Any other ideas?  Special high altitude ships?

As quoted by a scientist from the Squeaky Cog, rising in high altitude is possible, but it would cause damage to the crew and several components of our ships. I believe the best way to go is low to the ground.

And Jester, if an entire faction of Merchants who have instilled themselves practically goddamned everywhere haven't found a cure when that's their entire purpose for leaving home, then hats off to you for making or finding a cure for the plague. (In my opinion, srsly that's a huge plot point in the entirety of a whole GoIO faction don't remove it pls)

(Okay, Strange "Random Role-Play" thing aside, [I have no clue how we did that. Seriously. Apologies, Indreams.] I think that to the south there would  be more focus on ground. The GoIO counterpart, with veichles, dips and trenches, burnt-out ground from missiles, scrappy tanks and light jeeps, and for some absurd reason, even though they hadn't seen the current GoIO area, Anti-Air machinery like Heavy Flak bunkers. Oh, and the entire "It's poison!" thing? That wouldn't affect the people on ground, who have learned to consume mushrooms or herbs to be able to survive the Mercantile Guild "Plague", but have air-sickness should they get to heights such as climbing mountains or, you know, BUILDING AIRSHIPS. )
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 04:31:17 pm by RedRoach »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2014, 04:56:24 pm »
I like RedRoach's idea!  Anti-air better be a thing in adventure mode.  Maybe flak cannons that act like real flak?  My idea though, is screw tanks and jeeps.  We're talkin' 'bout Walkers.  Dieselpunk, Steampunk, whatever.  But walkers.  As an example, we could use the ones from the Leviathan trilogy:

Behind Prince Alek we have a Cyklop Stormwalker.  Pretty badass, non?

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: What's to the South?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2014, 06:03:22 pm »

And Jester, if an entire faction of Merchants who have instilled themselves practically goddamned everywhere haven't found a cure when that's their entire purpose for leaving home, then hats off to you for making or finding a cure for the plague. (In my opinion, srsly that's a huge plot point in the entirety of a whole GoIO faction don't remove it pls)
It was an honest mistake. I have not read the entirety of the lore and am not entirely familiar with everything. I'm still new to the forum, the lore, and the game. No need to step on my toes for it.