It's not exactly a secret that the gunner isn't quite up to par with the other two classes. You need a highly specialized build to not require a pilot, and oftentimes, triple engineer works just as well (sometimes better) than engie/engie/gunner.
What I am saying should be no huge surprise to anyone, and most of you at this point are probably wondering what suggestion could possibly be new.
Well, I've been fiddling around with this idea for a little bit now, bouncing it off of a few of my fellow Cakes, and even a few Dev buddies, and I think it's time to bring it to the general opinion of the Forum.
Gunner tools.
Not gunner ammo, gunner tools.
For probably about 85% of the guns in this game, one ammo type is enough to get the gun working at maximum efficacy. Every engineering job needs a MINIMUM of two tools (repair and fire suppression) but for maximum efficiency, they need 3 tools (rebuild, repair, and fire suppression). Pilots need as many tools as possible to out maneuver their opponents (with the possible exception of a sniper galleon).
Imagine how OP it would be if an engineer could take 4 tools.
Imagine the shift in gameplay if a pilot could bring an extra tool.
Giving a gunner a 4th ammo would change next to nothing.
That's because everything the gunner has to choose from is far too similar.
Every class has a large selection of tools to utalize with a few scattered specialized tools. The Buff Hammer and Spyglass come to mind.
If we gave the gunner a few tools to use off the gun, I believe that would encourage the necessity of more than one gunner tool, AKA, bringing gunners.
Let's take an example.
The most balanced thing I've been able to come up with is a "greace can." You apply the greace to the gun similar to how one uses a buff hammer, and it charges up a bar to the left (but make it blue), that once fills, it activates, allowing the gun to be turned faster. You could then use an ammo ON TOP of the greace. Engineers could only do one or the other, and a gunner would have an advantage over a gungineer.
Applied effects would be less drastic than gunner ammo, but would have no downsides.
Applied effects run out of time, just like a buff hammer effect.
Now. I open the floor to you, community.
Stupid idea?
Meh idea?
Game saving idea?
Let's see what you all think.