1. Simply dealing with this kind of situation helps a person to grow. Many jobs require you to deal with customers or to manage employees. In both situations, the task can often be described as trying to make a stupid person listen to you and do something they have no interest in doing regardless of how it will benefit them. As such, being patient with similar situations in gaming is actually helping you develop good interpersonal and management skills
Christ man we get it. Only some immature child could ever get frustrated in a game where team work is so factored into he game that most ships can't function without 4 people pulling in the same direction. What an abrasive jerk!
Saying "we get it" in response to basically my first comment along those lines is pretty senseless. Pick out one of the several LATER threads where I made similar arguments against BlackenedSkies and his purely selfish attempts to redesign the game to suit him to the exclusion of other players. And even then, I'm making similar points because he's using similar arguments in all his threads. They're different topics, but with the same rationale, and as such, it's perfectly reasonable to EXPECT similar counter-arguments showing up across them all.
As for your targeting of my attitude instead of my argument, at no point in this OR any of the other threads have I said that it's not reasonable to get frustrated. I'm quite happy to admit that I get frustrated with other people - both in team-oriented games AND when I'm working or just out there in the real world dealing with people. The point I'm making is that sometimes it's better to just shrug it off, move on, or back yourself out of the situation for a while.
You aren't the only living, breathing human on the team in an online team-based game. When you're in a management position, the people under your command are still human. When you're dealing with customers, THEY'RE human too. You aren't managing AIs that you can reasonably expect to obey every stupid command you give them. Sometimes you're managing people who might think that jumping off the side of a bridge is a bad idea, even if you're jumping with them. Maybe they noticed you got a bungie cord and they didn't. Maybe they're just scared of heights and you should give them a different job, like issuing bungie cords to the rest of the team.
Knowing how to deal with a situation is VERY different from never getting frustrated about it. Sometimes, the best solution is to step aside. If you can't cope with that much stupid, put yourself in a different situation. If you're getting lots of idiots on your ship all day, either take a break or get some friends to join instead. If you're facing one particularly annoying player and can't deal with them any more, quit the lobby and try another.