Hello everyone!
I've been playing for a while, and theres something that has stood out to me personally about a gunner which I find rather jarring: a complete lack of non-manned weaponry. Literally everything in a gunners kit is designed to be loaded into guns (Aka ammo types). And because of this, there is a sense of tunnel vision for gunners.
Gunners man guns. Guns are only usable in combat. All of the gunners tools are ammo types. This means that all of a gunners tools are useable for combat only - Ammo has no value other than combat related things. What I would like to see is a bit of utility to be added. Here are some ideas I drafted up that open up gunner tools that may allow for a bit of pure utility in the gunners kit.
You might think I mean another ammo type. I don't.
Smoke bombs would be like the spyglass, just on a cooldown. Throw a bomb by hand, hit an enemy ship, have the bomb stick to it and start spewing out a medium sized, dense smoke cloud from that area. Balance wise, it would be wise to add a cooldown to the ability - say 10 seconds - to the ability. That way people just don't spam the things over the edge, and landing one feels like you really accomplished something.
The result of smoke bombs are fairly obvious? You can't see stuff, so walking around is harder. The possibility for a laugh as someone blindly strolls over the edge of their ship. Impairing the navigators vision. Etc.
What it adds is something a gunner can use that isn't related to a gun. When all of your guns blow out a gunner could use this to buy time. Engineers and navigators also have the option of equipping something to use purely for utility and that doesn't require a gun. People could use it to have fun. It even fits a bit with the theme of marines on ships - because we all know boarding is a horrible idea. Think of it as psudo-anti personal gear.
Keeping in line with the idea of the steampunk marine, enter the blunderbuss.
When ships are rammed against each other, not everyone is able to get to a gun and help fight. Open up the battlefield a bit with the option of pulling out a gunner tool - a short range rifle. Use the rifles to knock around enemy players, disrupting them (but not doing damage).
This next part is critical - NO DAMAGE IS DONE BY THIS GUN. That would be horribly unfun. Instead, a blunderbuss would be used to knock enemy players around on their ship. Knock gunners off guns, navigators off the wheel, engineers away from repairs, etc. It fits with the theme in that gunners transition from being gun crew to being real soldiers. Fighting quickly becomes uninterrupted, and feels better and more fluid. Also it would be single shot, and on a medium length cooldown (the reload animation would be so cool

I have other ideas, but I'd like to see if anyone likes these first.

Best of luck in the skies all!