
Long Range: For fun, or to win?

I truly enjoy long range, and have to most fun doing so.
10 (29.4%)
I'd rather be closer, but go long range to win.
10 (29.4%)
I hate going long range and derive no enjoyment from it whatsoever.
9 (26.5%)
Winning is the most fun to me, I'll do whatever is easiest to get one with.
5 (14.7%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: Do you play long ranged to win, or to have fun? (Please read post before voting)  (Read 18104 times)

Offline Imagine

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So, one of the main things I've been wondering through all this balance and short range brawl vs long range snips is... just how much enjoyment are folks deriving from either? So I figured I'd make a poll for it here (yes, the forums is just a small sample size and doesn't mean anything, but it's a good anonymous way to see how people really feel about the subject without being judged).

Also, when I say long range I mean looooooooong range, like the lumberjack/merc battles we see, not art/hades that's been happening more recently which I feel can be considered more medium range type of battles. And no, the nuance and positioning of such long battles isn't lost to me, I do understand just how insanely tactical positioning can be, what I'm really wanting to find out here is how many people go long range because they actually prefer that play style vs how many people do so because they think it's the best way to win (and not judging here, I'm truly curious and understand that some have way more fun when they win regardless of how good of a match it was).

Offline Dutch Vanya

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I like to use typical long range builds and get as close as i can with them.

Offline redria

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I like to use typical long range builds and get as close as i can with them.
As a pilot, if I take a long range build, I generally take it so that I can lay suppressing fire to close with the enemy. My long range fighting it about 99% focused around finding/making an opportunity to move in to close range combat.

Sometimes I take a long range build and enjoy sitting back for a bit seeing ships explode, but I'm not really happy unless I'm in close ramming people.

Offline snor-laxatives

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I like to use typical long range builds and get as close as i can with them.
Sometimes I take a long range build and enjoy sitting back for a bit seeing ships explode, but I'm not really happy unless I'm in close ramming people.

Yes, so much yes.  I really love to fly a ship thats close range, in your face, brawling.  Im talking Double Carronade Pyra.  Medium range is also fun, although I feel like i'll change a bit soon.  If I see the other team is doing nothing but sniping, I may put a sniping side on a junker.  But for the most part i like me my close range.

Now although I like flying brawling ships, i really do like shooting lumberjack.  Some times its just fun to shoot people from super far away!

Offline Alistair MacBain

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I like both.
A sniper fight on a similiar lvl can be as hard as a brawl fight.

Offline HamsterIV

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I like using long range when I don't trust my teammate to keep formation or survive an encounter. If I die I can support my ally immediately after respawn on some of the more open maps. Like wise if my ally rushes into a bad situation I can hang back and lob artillery without risking my own ship. I like the drama of watching a bullet fly for 3+ seconds not know if it is going to hit or miss. I like to surgically take apart another ship int a way that you just can't do in the middle of a gat mortar brawl.

Offline Skrimskraw

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rather use time to brawl vs longrange, than sit far away and just point and click. ;)

Offline Imagine

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So, the reason I'm asking all this is because during yesterday's Rumble we had both styles on display. We had some long long range shootings, and then some matches which went pretty brawly from teams that we don't generally see that from. I understand that it was more or less done because of time constraints, but it really got me wondering as to why people prefer to go long range over shorter. Since there's literally nothing but pride on the line, it wouldn't make too much sense to play in a way which you don't actually enjoy but do so because that's what you feel like you need to do in order to win... unless of course, winning is what floats one's boat.

Once again though, not judging here, just purely curious as to why people play the styles they do, if the votes would be tilted way towards long range is what I need to do to win then I'd say there's some inherent problem with the game, but right now the votes are pretty even.

Offline Rainer Zu Fall

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I think as winning is as much enjoyable as the fun you experience whilst playing a match, tis a good thing to play with a build you like to play and that might as well lead to a win.
In the end it all depends on the map (CQC or open map?), the enemy loadouts (long range or CQC brawls?), your crew skill (hitting something close is easier than shooting a heavy flak on a moving ship) and how you and your teammate can coordinate with each other.

Offline Spud Nick

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Are you thinking about all of Guns of Icarus when you made this post or just competitive play?

Offline Imagine

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Are you thinking about all of Guns of Icarus when you made this post or just competitive play?
I guess probably more competitive play, but really, either.

Offline Queso

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I play both. As they say, variety is the spice of life.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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When the risk for reward shifts back to being more dependent on pilot skill, then we'll see a change. The recipe to make it happen is already in place with nerfed projectile speeds and poor arcs on ranged weapons. Just need the ships back and readjusted to promote hefty advantages to good pilots. If a ranged attacker can't hit their marks or keep pace with an evasive flyer, the range game falls apart as it used to.

The biggest support for this is the number of engineer pilots that have been cropping up. When you have captains going as engineer to keep ships alive...seriously...thats not good. Means they feel it is safe to sacrifice good flying and evasion for being able to soak dmg. Come on, thats not right. I've said it before and I say it again...I can never view engineer pilots as worthy adversaries or equals. Its cheap and shameful. You aren't flying, you're just moving a turret around. I will quit this game, uninstall, and launch an anti GOIO campaign if it gets so bad where everyone goes engineer pilot.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Engineer Pilots existed since the game started. People like Squash did it even in the Beta.
It is the same as a third engineer instead of a gunner. Sometimes the benefit from the pilot skills isnt as high and needed as the ability to repair more dmg.
And there are always ways around it.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Where's the voting option for I enjoy all styles of play; sometimes I snipe, sometimes I brawl, sometimes I mine but I always play to win.