So, one of the main things I've been wondering through all this balance and short range brawl vs long range snips is... just how much enjoyment are folks deriving from either? So I figured I'd make a poll for it here (yes, the forums is just a small sample size and doesn't mean anything, but it's a good anonymous way to see how people really feel about the subject without being judged).
Also, when I say long range I mean looooooooong range, like the lumberjack/merc battles we see, not art/hades that's been happening more recently which I feel can be considered more medium range type of battles. And no, the nuance and positioning of such long battles isn't lost to me, I do understand just how insanely tactical positioning can be, what I'm really wanting to find out here is how many people go long range because they actually prefer that play style vs how many people do so because they think it's the best way to win (and not judging here, I'm truly curious and understand that some have way more fun when they win regardless of how good of a match it was).