The Banshee Rocket Carousel
The banshee rocket carousel deals decent damage to the permanent hulls but with only roughly 500 hull-damage per clip it is not able to kill any ship but the junker on its own with a single volley even if all projectiles hit the hull directly which is unlikely due to the banshees strong projectile spread.
In addition to the hull damage the rocket carousel has got a high to set fire charges on your enemies components. there is a 35% chance the component the banshee hits directly is set on fire with one stack. In addition to this any component within 3m of the projectile impact has got a chance of 26.4% to be set on fire with two fire-stacks.
Play style:Banshees are usually paired up with gatlings or hades guns which are excellent hull-strippers. Hence your primary job is to destroy the enemy ship once their hull armor is down. However due to the high ignition chance of the banshee it can help out with the hull stripping as well. Fires, especially on hull and the balloon, put additional pressure on the engineer who tries to keep up their hull under your gatling or hades fire. In general it's a good idea to just point and shoot the banshee at your enemy. If you see smoke emitting from your enemies hull and you think your hades or gatling gun will get rid of the hull-armor within the next few seconds it's a good idea to delay your shots a little so you can hit your target once their hull is unprotected.
Due to the high ignition chance, the banshee can be used to attack balloons, as fires pose a major threat to it. If your enemies balloon is not chem sprayed (which prevents fire stacks and is indicated by a white glow around the balloon component), it's often a good idea to place a couple of shots at their balloon. Note though that balloon destruction are not a primary objective of the banshee, but a situational side-usage.
Viable ammo types:
greased rounds
Greased rounds optimize the dps and ignition chance of the carousel at the cost of reducing its maximum range.

heavy clips
Heavy clips make the carousel pin-point accurate and hence allow you to use it efficiently close to its maximum range despite the guns strong projectile spread. A single heavy clip banshee volley deals roughly 340 damage to the hull and hence is not able to kill any ship, including the junker, on its own.

burst rounds
Burst rounds increase the AoE of your shots and hence enlarges the area in which you can set fires. It also increases the hull-damage per clip to 630 which is enough to reliably kill a junker with a single volley even if a couple of shots miss.