It's true that there are some maps and situations where countering is just not going to happen. Dunes, fjords, and some of the 3v3 and 4v4 maps are a lot more open. I know there's a few alternate approaches on dunes and fjords, especially if you use the cloud cover. But all that fancy flying can't get you close enough to them before they spot you, especially if they predict you're going to try it.
Then it's just them backpedaling, taking out your engines, and slowly working your ship down.
You can't outrun the gun, it has the second fastest projectile speed of all the light guns (third overall if you include the heavy carronade). No recoil, -massive- turning arcs, and a long range make it difficult for even an absolutely new person to miss. What Muse and most of us have noticed is that it lacks the risk vs reward that Muse tries to shoot for.
But the balance is a constant up and down. We can certainly hope that the tweaks that are made put it into that perfect balance, but what sounds and looks good on paper could be totally different in practice. Then it's back to the drawing board to try again. It's just how these things work.
**Edit: Also the squid is an amazing ship. >=P Good day sir!