Author Topic: Competitive play and the PS4  (Read 33602 times)

Offline dragonmere

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Competitive play and the PS4
« on: December 08, 2013, 01:16:27 pm »
I saw the pic on f-book of a PS4 displaying the GoIO logo, and it got me thinking...

I'm assuming that the cross-platform release is going to stir up some new customers. How, exactly, is this planned to work with the 'competitive community'?

Given that there are no clan building tools within the game itself, only clan identification, one must rely entirely on Steam groups/messages, these forums, and TeamSpeak/Skype to build a cohesive clan. PS4 users aren't going to have these tools as readily available, if at all.

Not to mention that it is very possible that a much higher percentage of them will not have/use a mic than we already see in the 'puter only version. Also the lack of text input: The non-verbal commands work in game play, but there is no non-verbal system for lobbies, let alone clan building. Lobby coordination is absolutely 100% imperative for a competitive match. This is going to make serious competitive matches, even outside of clans or 'high level' play, nearly impossible.

Due to this, it seems pretty apparent to me that the majority of the new player base will be strictly casual only. There is also a(n optimistic) possibility that the numbers brought in by the PS4 will be far greater than the PC/Mac/Linux users combined. What we would be left with is a vast majority of the players basically unable [or at least have to jump through some pretty serious hoops, and most won't want] to join clans, or play competitively at all.

Are there any plans to prevent this, or is this the intended future of the game? Random players, random weapons, random crew composition, random ships. Am I just being pessimistic?

Offline Squash

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2013, 01:18:46 pm »

Offline dragonmere

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2013, 01:25:49 pm »
Meaning what?

In an attempt to not go into full 'rant-mode' about this, a topic I'm highly passionate about, I'd really appreciate it if only serious replies were posted. Animated gifs add nothing.

Thank you for your future cooperation, squash.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 01:28:15 pm by dragonmere »

Offline Dev Bubbles

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2013, 02:47:30 pm »
With this game, it is by nature not the most casual game :P  So I don't think that would necessarily change with PS4.  We are looking to add more community tools in game but we are also developing a new match making system a big step beyond even the scramble system that we are putting in place, so everything needs to account for that.  With voice it is one of the unknowns that we need to figure it out.  But regardless, we're excited about PS4! 

Offline dragonmere

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2013, 04:10:21 pm »
By casual/competitive I don't mean FarmVille/DOTA. I'm saying those who just sit down and click play without putting any real thought into it, and those who take the time to form a team, determine load outs, etc. and perform general strategics before/during the match.

Most likely we can generally agree that PS4 players -if they had the exact same build we do right now - are going to be much more likely to just 'sit down and play'. Too much work on outside resources to get competitive.

Building some type of team/clan/competition/preparation/whatever tools into the game could possibly sway that trend. It would even help current PC/Mac/Linux users.

Of course, a good matchmaking tool alone might do the trick. If there was a proper venue for teams trying to play competitive matches, there might be more competitive players in general...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 04:16:11 pm by dragonmere »

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 06:31:15 pm »
I agree. In order for clans to keep up with their PS4-based members, we need a game-based clan management system.

Does anyone remember that in-game calendar someone suggested a while back?
The one where we promote the watching and participating (and generally finding out about) the competitive scene via event calendar somewhere on the main menu?

Anyway, being added to the in-game clan roster would also show any clan-scheduled events alongside whatever ones our Muse Overlords deem fit to be broadcast to all players.

Maybe even a new tab? 'Options' 'Social' 'Progress' 'Clan'?

Regardless, we're going to have next to no competitive PS4 players unless it's easier for everyone to connect in-game.

Offline Zander Broda

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 09:10:35 pm »
i assume they'll make use of the systems in place on the PS4 and online forums, like people do in other games...

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2013, 10:33:22 pm »

How it usually works...

"Alright everyone, who here is using PC and mouse/keyboard?"
"Ok, your on my team. The rest of you people on console/gamepads. You are not worthy to even be in the same general pixel area as my screenname, go to the other team."
"You PC jerk! Console gamers are gamers too!!!"
"Yeah, thats nice, now get over there."

Offline roder

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2013, 02:02:03 am »
well, not sure if you guys are console gamers, but not many games support in-game clan functions, actually its rare. the last game i played that had in-game clan function was Halo 2, recent games dont really have it. But console clans still form, and its usually on forums such as these. actually, console gamers have as much tools as pc gamers to form clans, players have to go out of the game to join one lol yeah it might not be as readily available since you're already on the pc as a pc gamer, but if you're really into it you'll go on a forums.

if you set the definition of "competitive" as clans, microphones, and out-of-game contact you're setting yourself up for disappointment. the majority of course will be casual competitive. and by that definition, on PC there's still a third of the lobby that are mic-less and clanless. at least with ps4 theyre providing everyone with mics

for competitive play, console games usually use an intermediate, for e.g. GB (gamebattles), to host competitive matches
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 02:04:07 am by roder »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2013, 03:50:07 am »
I was part of Clan MacAddict back in the day. Yes, the one affiliated with the magazine before the mag turned to a steaming load of feces. We had console divisions within the clan. One of them being Halo, which then branched onto PC when Halo came to PC. But it was pretty dead. Most of the community's operations were focused entirely on Mac gaming in UT99. The console branch off was just an afterthought.

But there was some important truths learned from it. The Mac/PC side always held authority and power over the console. The two types of gamers, did not mix well. Console side of things was very casual too. What events and competitions they were able to get up, suffered most from players committing to it and willing to show up.

Yeah it is great Muse is expanding and getting this shot on PS4 but it is going to be an uphill battle to bring the two sets of gamers together. The only really good thing Muse has going for it is that Sony is not as anal as M$ about accessories. PS4 gamers will be able to keyboard/mouse which will help bridge the gap. But still, may want to have some segregation going on because regular control pad players will get their butts whipped royally and likely will find themselves quickly blamed as the cause of all problems in GOIO.

Offline Arnox

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2013, 06:32:38 am »
Pessimistic only if you think competitive events are the only way to play GoIo Dragonmere :)

But you should not be worried that much. The player base is and will be almost the same (yeah PC CoD players are in the same bag as CoD Console players for me). A lot of players (and good ones) are already using paddes while playing, so no big diff. no hardware issue since it's a console. HUGE TV screen so better aiming and bigger HULL icons and such. I will ride other the usual Pc/Console fighting crap : more players, new players, more potential recruits  ;D

From my part I hope the PS4 thing will manage to maintain a mid-level player base, since this part of the community is desperatly missing at the moment. 

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2013, 07:13:03 am »
As long as the infrastructure for PS4 and PC players to organise themselves into competitive teams cross-platform is there then there isn't a big problem. This would likely be soluble by having in-built methods for organising clans (Not all PS4-owners have Steam and Teamspeak for instance). If the structure was built into the game itself such that both platforms could organise themselves and communicate effectively, then we can all welcome a large new pool of players to our community with our blessing. The day would come that a PS4 player was running a clan that PC-playing members were a part of - something I'd be excited to see.

I think this has probably been considered already, but it would be very highly recommended that PS4 players had mic/voice marked as an essential for taking part. Otherwise, communicating in matches or lobbies will be difficult unless they have a keyboard and mouse handy. And if they did have a keyboard, they may as well be using that to control their character over their controller, and would likely own a PC anyway.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2013, 08:18:52 am »
Nah, no control pad can match mouse precision. As much as GOIO is airship combat, it is also an FPS. There are gimmicks you can get which can help on pads. I got stick extenders for my 360's pad and they did wonders, but it still is very imperfect.

Its going to happen...just sayin. Paddies will be limited in their abilities compared to mouse and it is going to come down to insisting those players go keyboard/mouse or pad/mouse if they expect to really be of use. Specially when you consider how finicky some of the parts on the ships are to hit.

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2013, 09:46:34 am »
Nah, no control pad can match mouse precision. As much as GOIO is airship combat, it is also an FPS. There are gimmicks you can get which can help on pads. I got stick extenders for my 360's pad and they did wonders, but it still is very imperfect.
Its going to happen...just sayin. Paddies will be limited in their abilities compared to mouse and it is going to come down to insisting those players go keyboard/mouse or pad/mouse if they expect to really be of use. Specially when you consider how finicky some of the parts on the ships are to hit.
I am well aware of the limitations, I agree with you on that front. The real problem however is organising matches and contacting out-of-game people cross-platform if they don't have Steam etc, and that they should have voice chat enabled at all times so they can at least communicate with PC players. I don't really mind having people playing with a pad if they're willing to communicate. That factor alone would put them an edge over some PC players who refuse to communicate/listen and can hence swing a match against your favour.
I suppose what I want to see above all else is an in-game way for players to organise events within the game itself so that players on both platforms can find it and contribute.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Competitive play and the PS4
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2013, 03:34:17 pm »
Listen people are people, there will likely be just as many people willing to play competitively on console as there are on computer.

As far as I understand they'll have access to steam and steam messages and with the rotation speed constraints on the turrets and accuracy having to do much more with aim than twitch reflexes you'll see only the most marginal benefit to keyboard and mouse over the gamepad (not to mention the fact that the gamepad will likely be slightly better for walking around the ship).

I don't think this will be as big of a problem as some are anticipating.  To me this is a huge opportunity to expand the player base and since competitive players tend to play the game the longest hopefully clans will eagerly reach out to console players and make GOI even better than it is now.