I saw the pic on f-book of a PS4 displaying the GoIO logo, and it got me thinking...
I'm assuming that the cross-platform release is going to stir up some new customers. How, exactly, is this planned to work with the 'competitive community'?
Given that there are no clan building tools within the game itself, only clan identification, one must rely entirely on Steam groups/messages, these forums, and TeamSpeak/Skype to build a cohesive clan. PS4 users aren't going to have these tools as readily available, if at all.
Not to mention that it is very possible that a much higher percentage of them will not have/use a mic than we already see in the 'puter only version. Also the lack of text input: The non-verbal commands work in game play, but there is no non-verbal system for lobbies, let alone clan building. Lobby coordination is absolutely 100% imperative for a competitive match. This is going to make serious competitive matches, even outside of clans or 'high level' play, nearly impossible.
Due to this, it seems pretty apparent to me that the majority of the new player base will be strictly casual only. There is also a(n optimistic) possibility that the numbers brought in by the PS4 will be far greater than the PC/Mac/Linux users combined. What we would be left with is a vast majority of the players basically unable [or at least have to jump through some pretty serious hoops, and most won't want] to join clans, or play competitively at all.
Are there any plans to prevent this, or is this the intended future of the game? Random players, random weapons, random crew composition, random ships. Am I just being pessimistic?