Author Topic: Current Available Clans  (Read 332247 times)

Offline a DuSt NiNjA

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #345 on: July 30, 2015, 04:04:22 pm »
Sorry for not taking care of this sooner!

Im a co-leader of SREP, and our post is very outdated. ScheerBH is no longer in our clan, neither is Mr.Dev, and BarryC stepped down due to life circumstances.
Below I have created an updated version. If you could please put this in as soon as possible, that'd be great. Thanks!

Co-leaders: a DuSt NiNjA / Ikuto / Tfaltys / KingEridani
Officers: Lord November / haytheghost / ieatbugs / Skylord TrinPie / OverlordEgg
Clan Tag: SREP
Members: Currently ranges from 75-100 (members added and/or removed for inactivity everyday)
We utilize our steam group page:
Location(s): Our largest population is in the West, with a sizeable European population and a small but growing Far East population
Looking for: Players of any skill level. We care about activity and good character above all.
Other assests: Teamspeak3 server, designated members to teach new players, YouTube channel, Art Team, and an entire forums dedicated to playing other games with the clan
Recruitment Thread: In process. Message any Co-leader or Officer as listed above via the forums or in-game

Offline Sir Steffen

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #346 on: October 01, 2015, 08:16:39 am »
Clan Leader(s): Sir Steffen (
Clan Tag: ϟ
Members: 10 member (around 6-8 actief atm)
Website: (stil working on this one)
Location: EU and NA
Looking For: We are looking for actief Playerhow got at leest 50 games and class at lvl 10
Other Assets: we are mostly playing on lightning war doctrine (hitting fast) so people how like squid are most welcome
Recruitment Thread:,6850.0.html

i hope i did this corectly if not plz let me know XD

Offline Lueosi

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #347 on: October 01, 2015, 12:34:18 pm »

Ryders (also Storm Ryders)

Clan leaders: Archriel, GeoRmr
Location: Primarily Europe
Looking For: Good spirited competitive players
Members: Around 50 members
Clan tag: Rydr
 - Crimson Rhino Ryder Alliance [CRRy]: Aerodrome champion
 - Crimson Sky Ryder Alliance [CsRy]: victors in Sunday Rumbles and Saturday Box Socials, second place in Sky League tournament
 - Storm Ryders [Rydr]: Aerodrome II and III, Hephaestus Challenge and R&D Invitational champions, victors of many Sunday Community Skirmishes
 - Successful alliances with Wolfpack, Sky Invading Rhinos, Crimson Sky Menace, Glowwater Thralls, Senatus Populusque Romanus, The Bully Boys, Trading Troops, Team Predators, Overwatch, Cake, Bards, The Brotherhood. Scrimmage partners GwTh, SIR, OVW, Cake, Gents, Bards, WoD, SPQR, Tr.P.
Other Assets: We use a private Mumble server during competitive and casual gaming.

Offline GurasOguras

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #348 on: October 03, 2015, 07:46:18 pm »
Im not sure if it's still being updated or if anyone actually cares, but

Clan Name: Toilet Paper Clan Team Predators
Clan Leader: GurasOguras
Clan Tag: [T.Pr]
Members: Will never maintain more than 16 active team members.
Members Forum
Steam Group
Location: Europe
Looking For: We recruit basing on characters, not the skills. However we are competitive clan and we require some experience to join.
Recruitment Thread:,6320.0.html
Other Assets:
- We host our own TeamSpeak 3 server we use both for hanging out and playing casually as well as for communication during competitive tournaments.
- The only way to apply is via our Application Form

Offline Devil in Baggy Pants

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #349 on: October 17, 2015, 06:48:04 pm »
Clan Leader(s): Flygonians Y Devil in Baggy Pants
Clan Tag: Note which tag you use.[GROX]
Members: 1,670
Location: Somos internacionales.  Aceptamos a todos los jugadores.
Looking For: Valoramos el liderato, deportismo  y la tolerancia.
Other Assets: Estamos aqui para disfrutar e juego.
Recruitment Thread: Apliquen en la pagina del GROX Empire en GoIO o hablen con un ofifial.  Siempre seran aceptados.

Offline Tintil'Tal

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #350 on: November 14, 2015, 11:59:22 pm »
In Another Castle

Clan Leader(s): Tintil'Tal
Clan Tag: [IAC]
Members: ~10 currently
Website: We just have a skype group currently
Location: North America
Looking For: Cool people to play with.  Recruiting for competitive as well, but no requirement to participate.  Mostly just out to do awesome things with awesome people <3
Recruitment Thread:,

Offline Hungover Engie

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #351 on: January 27, 2016, 02:40:24 pm »
Clan Name: Deadstone Trading Company

Clan Leader(s): HungoverEngie
Clan Tag:[DdCo]
Members: Err... ten maybe?
Website: TBA
Location: All are welcome, but the Company is currently based in Europe.
Looking For: Again, all are welcome, skill level or age is irrelevant. That being said, applicants are expected to behave in a mature and friendly fashion. Saltyness will be frowned upon. Willingness to work with a team is, obviously, a must.
Other Assets: I cannot speak for all my members, but I'll try to make myself available for coaching and general teaching. Whithin limits, I am only human after all.
Recruitment Thread: TBA, thread is on the way.

Offline Red-Xiii

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    • Steel Meridian
Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #352 on: March 25, 2016, 09:30:01 am »
Clan Name:  Steel Meridian
Clan Tag: -§m-
Leaders: Red-Xiii & Sovereign
Members: 10 -- Looking for more
Location: Everywhere (US, EU currently)

We utilize discord  Any issues download the desktop app or use Chrome (if you must).  Most posts and communication happen in the text channels and we are always here.  To Join add Red-xiii on steam with Team Highwind as an Avatar.

Our sister competitive group Team Highwind for practice dates and any future schedule.

Recruitment Thread :,7512.0.html

« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 09:34:36 am by Red-Xiii »

Offline Red-Xiii

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    • Steel Meridian
Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #353 on: April 14, 2016, 09:26:12 pm »

Clan Name:  Steel Meridian
Clan Tag: -§m-
Leaders: Red-Xiii
Officers: TheHunted, Fapcatfin, Sovereign
Members: 25 -- Looking for more
Location: Everywhere (US, EU currently)

We utilize discord.  Any issues download the desktop app or use Chrome (if you must).  Most posts and communications have moved to the website. To join find our steam group and add Red-Xiii for the discord information.  All are welcome based on maturity and willing to learn.

Our sister competitive group Team Highwind is available for join as well. 

Recruitment Thread :,7512.0.html

Offline Quantum-Incident

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #354 on: May 01, 2016, 05:11:03 pm »
Virtual Locker Room:

Clan Leader(s):Quatum-Incident, Shadow Blackheart
Clan Tag: LOCK
Members: The number of members currently in your clan
Location: UK/US based but any is fine.
Looking For: Fun to play with, ability to have fun with us.
Other Assets: Sod all, but Discord/Teamspeak is a possibility
Recruitment Thread:,7636.0.html

Offline Axel Cout

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #355 on: June 07, 2016, 03:08:13 pm »
Clan Name: The Sky Whalers
Clan Leader(s): Axel Cout
Clan Tag:[TSkW]
Members: 10
Location: All seven skies!
Looking For: Anyone who likes to fly and wants to bring the name of The Sky Whalers to the top of the rank, and to make it be a feared clan!
Other Assets: At the moment, I'm the only captain in the clan, It would be nice to have more captains to carry the name of The Sky Whalers.

Offline Adenylatcyclase

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #356 on: June 10, 2016, 06:54:28 am »
Deutscher Clan sucht neue Member
Clan Name: [TODE] Todeshauch
Clan Country: Germany
ClanLeader: Adenylatcyclase (me)

Recruiting: Suchen mehr deutsche klanmember. Bis jetzt sind wir ne kleine gruppe von freunden. Wir haben die Möglichkeit einen Teamspeak server zu nutzen also mikrofon/headset ist erwünsct.
Wenn ihr interesse habt added  Adenylatcyclase auf steam.

Offline Mother Duck

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #357 on: August 04, 2016, 11:15:40 pm »
Clan Name: Duck McMuffins

Clan Leader(s): Mother Duck, Vunkai, BravoSam
Clan Tag: DUKC
Members: 57
Website: In the Works, but none yet.
Location: All over the place currently, no specific recruitment requirements will ever be asked for.
Looking For: AGood Communication with teammates and a complete willingness to perform both seriously and whimsically! Because who doesn't love Mobula Harpoon Battles?
Other Assets: The Founders are not menacing or controlling but we will try to peer pressure you into weird ship layouts that turn out to be hilarious.
Recruitment Thread: None Yet. In the works!

Offline TheEpicJman

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #358 on: September 21, 2016, 06:01:06 pm »
Clan Name: Adventurer's Guild

Clan Leader: TheEpicJman
Clan Tag: ADVG
Members: 17
Website: N/A (Search ADVG in-game)
Location: None preferred
Looking For: Adventure!
Other Assets: We have (root) beer.
Recruitment Thread:,7960.0.html

Offline Red-Xiii

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    • Steel Meridian
Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #359 on: September 25, 2016, 02:39:20 pm »
Clan Name:  Steel Meridian
Clan Tag: -§m-
Leaders: Red-Xiii
Officers: RedXiii, Mr. Bucket, BlueBlazez, NotaGaymergurl, Kittyen, TheHunted
Members: 34 active
Location: Everywhere (US, EU currently)

We utilize discord.  Any issues download the desktop app or use Chrome (if you must).  Most posts and communications have moved to the website. To join find our steam group and add Red-Xiii for the discord information.  All are welcome based on maturity and willing to learn.

Recruitment Thread :,7977.0.html   Looking for teams to scrim with as well.