That is a terrible idea, its like taking from Peter to pay Paul.
The heavy flak isn't for all situations like the annoying but ultimately ineffective manticore. In taking the heavy flak you've made a bargain with skill and fate, namely if the enemy can keep their armour up they win, if not you win.
High risk high reward, surely we can all appreciate that.
No we can't actually. Not like this.
I know the Paddling uses the Heavy Flak in competative and that you guys are one of the best, if not the best team in this game, considering you are still holding the Champion's Cog and I do respect that. But your usage of the Heavy Flak doesn't prove anything about the gun being actually good and efficient.
You guys use the gun in a very specific team set up for a very specific role. Out of the three ships that can equip a Heavy Flak, on how many can the ship itself make use actual use of it by itself?
Goldfish can't get a bifecta, so that only leaves the Spire and the Galleon. On a competative set up, the Spire is a very high risk/reward ship, if not THE Risk/Reward ship of the game, but it's considered highly inefficient due to its fragility and very high risk. Is it truly? Well who knows. So that leaves the Galleon that makes the most out of it.
That's 1 out of the 3 ships that can even equip the gun. And that's only for competitive.
In pubs the gun used to be usable with the old Lesmok on the Spire as well as the Galleon, the Fish still couldn't make any truly efficient use of it. It was a realy rare weapon to see as well and almost nobody could actually use it properly.
So the usageof the Heavy Flak is basically: 1 Competative team, the odd guy in pubs that used it well, low level pilots on Galleons that couldn't use it and eventually switched off of it.
Are you trying to argue that the gun doesn't need changes just because you guys can use it in one and only one specific situation and team set up?
I mean no offense and I don't want to sound patronizing, but that's the vibe I get from your post Moriarty.