I suppose I aught to apply my opinion here as well. As a new player, I do struggle against the Pyramidion. I don't think I suck too terribly (but don't quote me on that, please), I find every ship except the Pyra and the Junker fair game in most confrontations. The Pyra tends to be difficult to take down in a 1v1 attack (more so even than the aforementioned junker), even from a concealed position from the blind side. A tap of the phoenix claw (I assume) and my advantage seems to be negated; the main guns of the pyra have been brought to bear while my goldfish struggles to deal damage before the Pyra turns the tables.
Could this be that the "weaker" ships need a buff instead of nerfing the heck out of the Pyra? I know that I could use the ability to bring a side gun to bear along with the goldfish's main battery (they don't seem to overlap at all, while the junker, galleon and spire may bring three guns to a fight in the right positioning). Or if a nerf is in order, however slight, maybe compound the pyra's weakness? a few degrees/second less turning power or a small reduction of engine HP might do it to make the ship a higher risk/reward ratio.
Again, as I said, I am new to the game. Even so, I find any match that includes a Pyra to be less fun than others.