I never leave home without the Phoenix Claw. I find it useful on every ship (minus the Spire.) You can keep your guns on an opponent that's faster than you, which is what I use it for primarily. I also use it as a sort of braking system to come to a complete stop faster. When on my Squid, if I can't keep both front and side gun on target (chasing someone, gubs with small arc), I'll have my front gun take out the ships armor, turn on phoenix Claw, and spin that side gun to face them. The extra burst of turning speed allows me to get that side gun on target in at least a second.
I use kerosene mostly, but have been trying moonshine as a replacement, it just takes some getting used to. In conjunction with phoenix Claw, you can turn your ship fast to get your guns on target, then inject a half second of moonshine/kerosene to have your turn come to a complete stop. The combo of these two tools allows your ship to have more control spatially, allowing for some unpredictable maneuvers.
The last tool is Hydrogen, Chute Vent, or Drogue Chute, depending on what ship in using, or if the enemy is using Carronades or lumberjacks.