Keep in mind that it's still far from being effective, we had some luck on our side and didn't get horribly double teamed, even though my ally was pretty sub par during those games, the games we won were harsh and were in non-open maps except that one time in Dunes.
This ship, it's not realy not effective- well.. not as efficient as one would want it to be, it's very hard to pull off a trifecta without backfire from the enemy and the moment they can backfire, you will break like a piece of thin glass hitting the floor. It's way too risky for the rewards it offers and breaks way too easily, I honestly can't see how the devs can just say it is 'working as intended' while it's not even worth using over anything else other than just having some fun I guess or if you like its looks.
The more I think about it, the more I want that secong gun on the top deck to be facing bow, so it can get 2 mercs and a heavy gun on a single target, then it might be worth using over the Galleon sometimes, it would still be horribly fragile for an airship of such mass, but at least it would put out a lot more damage for what it;s worth.