Author Topic: Progress & Workload Distribution  (Read 88436 times)

Offline Kyren

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Re: Progress & Workload Distribution
« Reply #45 on: August 16, 2013, 08:45:19 am »
First post and status update:

I haven't received a lot of feedback on the PM's I sent and the Steam Group I founded for easier communication with the Guide contributors, but I'm currently working trough all the topics I've claimed so far. For the purpose of having something hand-out-able done until the 28th, I'll organize all the basic topics (a professional topic, e.g., I'd consider engineer parkour) into a Quickstart Manual like we used to have some on the old forum. As my personal time here is nearing it's end, I mainly want to have something proper and useful done to be built upon later.

This will allow us to have something out pretty soon, and then expand it with more professional advice. Kind of going from the "Sailing for Rookies" to "Gabriel's Captain's Compendium".

So far I've (recently) taken care of the "How to get started" stuff and got it here in a Google Doc I'll gladly grant access to for further help, and will proceed from there with the Gameplay details. I aim to set it up as intuitive as possible, with quick rundowns of the Tools etc. and situational tips, to essencially prepare a new player with this booklet for playing within less than half an hour :P

I too hope, that once I'm done here, that the base I'll leave will still be expanded with all the topics we're likely leaving out now.

Edit: Once I feel confident about every section I did, I'll post it here in the forum to get feedback. For the "How to get started" part, this should be Sunday because I'm not at home tomorrow.

Don't worry about this whole thing being called "Kyren's Guide to just about everything", though. I won't have my name anywhere else than on a list of all the contributors (also including people who offered feedback, commentary, criticisim or showed interest at some point and then were unable to make it as planned).
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 08:50:08 am by Kyren »

Offline Ataris

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Re: Progress & Workload Distribution
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2013, 02:20:22 pm »
Don't worry about this whole thing being called "Kyren's Guide to just about everything"

Why not, since it was your idea to start from =)

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Progress & Workload Distribution
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2013, 10:01:12 am »
I'm so great at leaving things to the last day...

It's all right. I'm nearly finished the parkour and I'll get on the clans bit once I'm done that. In the future I'd like to add videos in, but I'll have to work out some issues with OBS first.