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Messages - Narayan

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Password lock ships
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:26:07 pm »
Well you could probably curb abuse by restricting the feature to players that have lvl 20 or above in any class. Usually if they make it that high they are pretty dedicated to the game. I just thought of one more problem this could stop which is random players joining your ship mid match as a second gunner.

Feedback and Suggestions / Password lock ships
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:43:26 pm »
I know this is going to be controversial, but I think it would be nice if muse was to implement a password lock on individual ships that extends into the lobby, and is at the discretion of the captain. I know there will be some concerns that this could be an anti social measure for the community, however I would argue given the age, and current state of the community that the positives would have a greater impact than any negatives. It would allow us to:

-Extend the password protection of the crew form into the actual lobby for parties that want to play with each other. Right now crews can have protection to organize in the crew form, however once they are in lobby that protection is gone and they are vulnerable to crashes and trolls. This is a logical extension of the protection, as you spend 20 mins in crew form trying to find a match, your buddy drops, and then the random that matchmaker immediately fills his slot with wont swap him back. Or even more unfortunately you ask someone who isnt even to blame to leave your ship because of a technical error, and feel bad as a result.

-Trolls like to troll, and if they know you don't want them they will go above and beyond to get on your ship, which can be very annoying. The best case is its some guy who wont take a proper load out or class. Worst case its someone who is stalking a female player and using sexist or threatening language in the lobby. With ship lock ability we would be able to keep those trouble makers out, instead of our only recourse being to file a complaint which we all know wont have any real effect on the troll.

-Lastly it would allow what I think we can all agree is the most fun part of Guns of Icarus, and that is playing with your friends. We all came to this game for the airship battles, and we stay for the friends we have made in the game. I know I for one enjoy a few fun battles with my mates by my side, and password protect would allow me to save a slot for a few mins if they tell me they are waiting for their game to finish so they can join me.

I know there is some concern that this could impact player training, however I believe our population of dedicated CA's is more robust than ever an certainly equal to the task given our present population. Secondly, not everyone wants to train or is a good trainer, and this measure could decrease saltness by keeping some of the new guys off the older and more burned out players ships. I hope everyone thinks this is as great of an idea as I do and I look forward to its speedy implementation.


General Discussion / Re: Ok enough is enough, we need more nerfs
« on: June 10, 2015, 03:16:58 pm »
Well IMO the effect of stamina reloads has been to increase the dps of the HWATCHA, which was until now mostly a support disable weapon on the goldfish is now a kill weapon. As for the getting on a galleon as a squid yes that is probably easier, however as a carro fish with your engines sticking way out to the rear they are a target now for a stamina hwatcha shot while you are trying to maintain station for your gunner to hit the baloon when dealing with goldies or galleons, not so much spires.

A lot of discussion here talks about how the hwatcha doesnt do well at range, but I would like to remind everyone that meta ships have always been close range ships, mostly due to ease of use for gunners. Which is why we are seeing this giant increase in hwatcha ships.

As for getting beat by noob players, more than likely if your a level 45 and you get stomped by a level 8 hes probably on a smurf account.

General Discussion / Re: Ok enough is enough, we need more nerfs
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:05:09 pm »


Your constant nerfs to balance game play wont change the fact that the players who play as a team will win, the people with mics who communicate well will do better, and your always going to have at least half the population of this game who have no interest in teamwork and will ruin any chance of wining for themselves and the crew.

You want muse to reward people for playing poorly? This is a team based game, man.

I dont know how you got that from what i said, my point was stamina does reward people for playing poorly, making sure gunners can get thier arcs without even talking to their captians, and therefore muse is trying to make the game better for the people who dont care, and dont play as a team, just looking at the statistics of ship wins and not the reality of the crews behind them. I dont like playing with people who dont want to be part of a team, thats why im suggesting vote kick, or the ability to close slots for captians. You know when you have gotten a bad apple even in the lobby before the game starts.

General Discussion / Ok enough is enough, we need more nerfs
« on: June 09, 2015, 05:23:58 pm »
So there were a lot of nerfs, the pyra nerf which made the meta pyra slower than a galleon. Next up was the goldie nerf, more specifically heavy clip nerf, so now we have nerfed the two best ships in the game, ok thats "fair". So whats left you ask? The answer is the HWATCHA.
       With the new gunner stamina, hwatchas reload fast, and have near infinate arcs. Gone are the days that you could take a caro fish or a squid and come in on top of someone, take out their baloon and ride them to the ground, you cant, because with the new arcs they are going to get something, it may be your engines, it may be your front guns. This in my opinion has gotten ridiculous, because now the pilot class, more specifically a pilots skill, is no longer a factor in mitigating damage, because a gallon with a quick phonix claw +stamina turn, with the help of his gunners stamina arc can land a burst hwatcha shot nearly instantly on anyone, regardless of how they approach.
       In the effort to level the playing field the devs have nerfed ships, ammo, guns, and added stamina the easy button for gunner and pilot. This has created a serious flaw in the game play imo and one that need to be looked into. My suggestion is to eliminate stamina acrs, restore carro arcs to pre buff, and eliminate the turning aspect of pilot stamina.

      Your constant nerfs to balance game play wont change the fact that the players who play as a team will win, the people with mics who communicate well will do better, and your always going to have at least half the population of this game who have no interest in teamwork and will ruin any chance of wining for themselves and the crew. As long as you have people inviting their clans and thier friends into private crew forms and playing together there is no nerf in the world that can give the noobs, the trolls, and the people who dont listen or care a chance.

       If the devs are serious about making a nerf that will work to balance game play and ensure teams do well, then do this, give us vote kick. Then we wont be stuck with people who we dont want to play with, and people who in all reality really dont want to play with us because they dont like our play style. In the mean time since you probably wont do that, make it so that my piloting can keep me from getting hwatcha blasted and i can stay above or below arcs in my approach.

General Discussion / Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:59:53 pm »
But sometimes I think it's normal for friends, or members of the same clan, wanting to play together for various reasons, including training for the official competitions.

Is a 12-0 noob stomp gonna get you ready for rydr? I mean these arent hard rules, I like to think of this as a gentlemen's rule thats more spirit than letter, its kinda like shooting of from the ladies tee when your a guy. Yea you can do it, and Im sure people can come up with great reasons, but its not going to make you a better golfer, and its not going to make your clan better at competitive to do team work against guys who cant even customize their ships. If you want to train get a private lobby with like dagz or bubble.

General Discussion / Killing the community, one game at a time.
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:17:43 am »
Ive been a long time player of guns of icarus, and like everyone else whose owned the game since 2013 Ive taken a few breaks here and there. When i came back the last time I noticed that the community as become a little less friendly, and a little harsher for new players. I was one of the people who didnt like playing with new guys, I in fact hated it. For me there was nothing worse than watching all of your engines go out at once while trying to make a phoenix claw turn on an enemy after burning kyro to get there. So I started using the community mechanism of friends list to ensure that I stayed with better players, however that led me to another mechanism, the crew form. Crew form in and of itself is a great thing, it allows people to form groups with competent captains  beside them, and good crew under them. The problem comes when they get to be too large. You see when you get some friends and a couple of clans into a crew form, no one wants to tell people to leave, so they open up the third ship, then the forth ship. With the population of GoI being what it is especially late night EST the only way matchmaker can find 4 other crews to put against you is usually by sending newbs in. A 4 vet ship vs 4 noob ship stomp comes after this usually 12-0 or 12-2 and its a massacre. The good thing is its pretty quick, maybe a little slower when its crazy king, the bad thing is its really frustrating for the new guys, or anyone unfortunate enough to be on the new team. This has caused the noobs in general to be more hostile, and to a large extent so frustrated with the game they wont come back. Now ill grand that some of the trolling and such is from the game being so cheap now, and the type of players that brings, and I know the CA's were overwhelmed after the steam sale, however we need a new mechanic for matchmaker. At the very least we need to limit crew for to 3 ships so then at least 1 or 2 veteran ships will find there way into a 4v4. Second I know matchmaker doesnt work on rank  but it needs to, no matter what you say a lvl 1-10 is never going to beat a lvl 30-43 its just not gonna happen, they dont know how to size up ships in the lobby, and they dont know the loadouts well enough for their ships, or tools. Please as a community we need to go to the devs, and limit the crew form size to 3 ships I think that will help curtail this problem, at least in the 4 v 4s, I appreciate any support I get in this.

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