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Topics - Atruejedi

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Thousands of messages have been exchanged between participates in The Council (Skype link). This thread exists to poll players about our tentatively approved proposals for HEAVY ammunition. The most popular proposals are as follows:

Heavy Ammo Proposals

HEAVY AMMO _______________
Damage _____
Clip Size _____
Rate of Fire _____
Rotation Speed _____
Jitter _____
Current Stats
Proposed Stats Option 1
Proposed Stats Option 2
Proposed Stats Option 3
Proposed Stats Option 4

Option 1 removes the clip penalty while decreasing the rate of fire and rotation speed of the gun.
Options 2, 3, and 4 are slight variations in numbers.

This table is designed for you to reply with quote to this thread and select the option with which you most agree by deleting the other proposals. Each proposal is grouped between the [ TR]  and [ /TR ] tags, so remove those lines of code as necessary. Good luck!

Personally, I vote for option 1. I don't think it's too extreme, but it could be, hence the other options.

Thousands of messages have been exchanged between participates in The Council (Skype link). This thread exists to poll players about our tentatively approved proposals for BURST ammunition. The most popular proposals are as follows:

Burst Ammo Proposals

BURST AMMO _______________
Damage _____
Clip Size _____
Rate of Fire _____
Area of Effect Radius _____
Current Stats
Proposed Stats Option 1
Proposed Stats Option 2

Option 1 removes the clip increase to make other ammunition choices more attractive on the Artemis and Hwacha.
Option 2 removes the clip increase to make other ammunition choices more attractive on the Artemis and Hwacha and also decreases the AoE increase by 10% to +40%.

This table is designed for you to reply with quote to this thread and select the option with which you most agree by deleting the other proposals. Each proposal is grouped between the [ TR]  and [ /TR ] tags, so remove those lines of code as necessary. Good luck!

Personally, I vote for option 1... because we had no arguments over this. Although I did suggest an AoE decrease, but I'm not sure if it's needed. So I didn't even vote for my own proposal, lolz

Thousands of messages have been exchanged between participates in The Council (Skype link). This thread exists to poll players about our tentatively approved proposals for GREASED ammunition. The most popular proposals are as follows:

Greased Ammo Proposals

GREASED AMMO _______________
Damage _____
Clip Size _____
Rate of Fire _____
Projectile Speed _____
Rotation Speed _____
Jitter _____
Current Stats
Proposed Stats Option 1
Proposed Stats Option 2
Proposed Stats Option 3

Option 1 adds Jitter as a modifier for Greased ammo to make it less effective at non-short ranges.
Option 2 adds Jitter as a modifier for Greased ammo to make it less effective at non-short ranges and also decreases the velocity, shortening the range and arming time.
Option 3 decreases the velocity, shortening the range and arming time.

This table is designed for you to reply with quote to this thread and select the option with which you most agree by deleting the other proposals. Each proposal is grouped between the [ TR]  and [ /TR ] tags, so remove those lines of code as necessary. Good luck!

Personally, I vote for option 1. If not 1, then 3. I think 2 is overkill.


Artistic Rendering of Andrakuz
(Photographs of deities are banned by The Council)

This is the story of Andrakuz, a neophyte from the Netherlands who, upon joining the Chaos Skirmish this past weekend, rescued his team in their time of need and led them to a crushing victory over their enemies. The entire story was chronicled by Lysanya in video form and is available for viewing at the below link. I've cued up the video to begin at the moment Andrakuz was anointed our pilot at 1 hour, 45 minutes and 20 seconds into the video. I've typed up a dramatic retelling of his experience below. I encourage you to read the text below first and then watch the video. Pay special attention to the match's text chat to get the full experience.

If you did not participate on Saturday night, SPOILERS FOLLOW:


Every once in a while, a combination of circumstance, fate, and chance producer a HERO FOR THE AGES... Our first hero was Tachy (#PraiseTachy! Read his story here) and he has served the Random Gods well as their champion on this earth, fighting against injustice with courage and valor. But battling the hordes of novices and stackers can fatigue even the strongest of warriors, and the Gods demand balance. On Saturday, October 29, 2016, at approximately 11:20 PM EDT... the Gods gave us our latest righteous warrior, Andrakuz...


War wasn't brewing. It was simmering. The heat was always on and the borders were always on high alert, with mistreated crews of opposing squadrons watching each other diligently across the vast deserts and tundras and other sorts of wastelands. A crew can get bored staring at all that sand and ice... life on an airship can be pretty rough. Corporal punishment. No entertainment beyond booze and brawling. Swabbing the poop deck. You know, if you take a moment to think about it, the swabbie of one faction seems to have more in common with his enemy swabbie than with his own captain. And, hey, what exactly are we fighting over if everything is simply a waste? You know what? We're going to start a movement! Swabbies of the World, uni--


...What was I...? Oh. Yes. High Command doesn't give you time to think; the pot has to be stirred until the sauce is ready. Sometimes a ship strays off course and into enemy territory, even though there are no discernible borders. Sometimes trade negotiations go sour and the diplomats challenge each other to a duel with Javelin Harpoons at 500 meters (with no Lesmok!). Sometimes we organize a blood sport in which teams of ships ferry a buoy back and forth between two sides of a territory for hours until one side finally surrenders. But, more often than not, when the ingredients in the recipe for perpetual conflict need to be adjusted to make sure we all take our medicine, the Council just begs that crazy old oracle M'Kaw to interpret the will of the Gods. And nearly every time she declares that the Gods want Chaos, so she chooses a site for battle and both sides, desperate to keep order in their lands, agree to her absurd rules.

Chapter 1

Through M'Kaw, Paritan was chosen as the site. Through M'Kaw, the orders of battle were determined. Through M'Kaw, High Tide was chosen as our pilot, but he refused to follow the Gods' "mischievous wishes."

"A Squid equipped with all Mine Launchers!? I will not accept my station! This shan't be my lot! I will not bow to these demands! Either the Gods are unreasonable or M'Kaw is a charlatan! My lack of skill will surely damn my compatriots to defeat and embarrassment! Or, worse... death!"

"You must follow their rules!" I cried. "This is their vision, and it must be realized! High Command and the Council trust the oracle, as does our enemy. The impending battle must be fought with only mine launchers because that is what Those Who Rule the Skies want! If we are to die, at least we will die with honor! We will receive our just reward. We all have our part to play in the skies... O! My Captain, won't you reconsider?"

High Tide paused. His face was stone, staring into a far-off abyss. "No," he finally said, firmly, defeated. Perhaps he saw in his mind's eye the charred corpses of his crew scattered among the shattered glass and concrete of the urban husk called Paritan. High Command knew a momentous battle was imminent and the scenarios had been playing through everyone's heads, from the lowliest swabbie to the Fleet Admiral himself. "I cannot do this. I will not. It is suicide. I would rather lose my honor than lose my life and yours." Without turning, without saying goodbye, without apologizing, he walked calmly down the gangplank. We later learned he had immediately resigned his commission and was banished by the Council, which branded him an apostate for disobeying the will of the Gods.

"Heretic," Lexy muttered as High Tide took his final step off the plank. She wasn't exactly a zealot, but something about her...

That's when I saw him. No, not High Tide. Him. His brown skin was tanned from both the sun and the heat of the barrels he unloaded upon hits targets as a gunner. His rakish tricorn sat neatly upon his tight curls. He strode with hesitation up the ramp onto the nimble vessel and spoke without emotion. "I have no mic," he muttered as his face turned into a frown. But he didn't need to say anything. We didn't know it at the time, but we knew he was special. We knew he might be the--

"BLAAAARE!" screamed the klaxons. Our heads rotated rotated back and forth and our eyes darted rapidly. "Are they attacking?"

"Nope," our engineer said nonchalantly as he walked up the ramp. "It's go time. You must be our new captain. Hi." He looked at Andrakuz with a blank stare for a brief moment. His face was completely forgettable. "No time for introductions. The oracle has determined the battle is to begin at dusk and we have to get to the rendezvous point as soon as possible. The enemy is already on the way."

"I already did a pre-flight check, even though it isn't my job," Lexy said accusingly, narrowing her eyes at me and then deliberately glancing down at the decorations pinned to her chest. One of them was a tawdry oversized bullet, but it made the point that High Command both liked to recognize its best gunners and didn't like spending much doing so.

"Okay, yes, fine, sorry," I said with exasperation. I stared at her and then tapped the flask in my chest pocket. "It won't happen again," I said with a purposely crazed look in my eyes.

"Suuuurrrre," she replied, taking two seconds to say a one syllable word. And without another word, we all manned our stations and set sail for the broken city of Paritan.

Chapter 2

As our newly christened ship took to the skies, Andrakuz, realizing he had only served aboard crews during his service and had never really been in command or directly responsible for the well-being of a crew, questioned himself. His crew realized their captain was uncomfortable at the helm of such a sensitive craft, but they casually reaffirmed their faith in his command and offered practical advice by chatting to one another and allowing Andrakuz to overhear their conversation.

"I think I'm getting chapped lips. Should have brought some balm," Lexy remarked. And Andrakuz gently lowered the throttle.

"I must have drank too much last night. If that's possible. I'm feeling queasy," I remarked. And Andrakuz loosened his grip on the wheel and let the winds carry us gently toward our destination.

"Doing okay, captain?" our engineer asked.

Andrakuz nodded solemnly and thought of telling his crew he'd do his best, but he knew those words were only a sign of weakness and wouldn't help. He knew he had to be in command but he didn't know how to give voice to his orders. If only I had a microphone, he thought. He began to spiral mentally even though his ship moved with relative grace. But before his self-doubt could shake his emotions, that question mark turned into an exclamation point. The Gun Runer appeared through the haze and darkness of the wrecked cityscape. "Captain, enemy vessel si--"

"BOOM!" His skin felt a rush of hot air blast through the hair on his arms and scalp. His ears rang. He opened and closed his eyes rapidly in an attempt to blink away the spots obstructing his vision. "Sir! We hit a mine!" Lexy shouted from the starboard emplacement, turning in a rush to repair the engines. "Reverse course and radio our flee--"

"BOOM!" The same intense sensations rocked Andrakuz's body again. The Gun Runer's crew, being assigned to a Junker, clearly had trained with these weapons at their war colleges; "Munkers," after all, were the preferred craft for mining specialists, and these bastards had already demonstrated their consummate skill in a single moment. If our ship had a nervous system, by now it would be causing the craft to go into shock. Andrakuz thought he heard a voice far behind him, but it was only mere feet away. "...our fleet for assistance! Radio our fleet for assistance, Captain!" Lexy cried to the captain over her shoulder as her pipe wrench crashed into the mangled engine.

I had already dove into the pit housing the armor repair hub and was toiling away to provide us with some immediate protection. I stabilized our systems quickly, but before our crew could effectively target the Junker, a Squid, the Fifth Hokage, rose up from the littered alleyways and set itself on a crash course with our vessel as its destination. The ship's captain, a rogue called Wrathling, was famous for his suicidal charges into enemy defenses. While he was often beaten and broken by the end of the skirmish, just as often he took an enemy down with him. He was a wildcard in the skies who was just as likely to kill as be killed.

But luck was on our side, at least for a moment. As the Fifth Hokage darted forward, Wrathling neglected to radio his co-captain on the Gun Runer to request they halt fire as he sought personal glory with a ram kill... and the Munker's expert crew was still actively targeting our ship. As the Fifth Hokage made contact with our hull, ordnance exploded in the vicinity of both craft and damaged every gas bag keeping the ships aloft, sending them both sinking towards the streets.

"Activate the emergency parachute, Captain!" I bellowed over the sound of metal-on-metal as I cobbled back together our armor plating and the rest of the crew worked on patching up the gas bags. The Fifth Hokage sank below us and it seemed we were out of harm's way. "Alright, balloon's looking good. Deactivate the parachute. And, say, cap, did you know the Drogue Chute remains active for a few seconds after you deactiv--"


...I must have blacked out. The next thing I remember, we were out of harm's way on a ship in perfect condition, about to enter combat with fresh faces but, somehow, I felt as if I'd learned something in the past few minutes. I had gained something valuable, even if I wasn't sure what it was or how it happened. "Guys, do you..." I trailed off. Their astounded stares back at me confirmed they had shared the same experience.

For a moment, we froze. Then, in a sudden panic, we ran to our stations. "Vessel in sight, Captain!" our engineer warned. "Pyramidion-class! Designation is Shake Rattle n' Roll!"

"Then let's make 'em live up to their namesake," I quipped. "Prime the launchers!"

Lexy and I mounted our weapons and squinted through the clouds. "Gentle on that wheel, captain! Treat it like a lady!" I advised with a wink.

Lexy rolled her eyes and smirked. "How about 'Keep 'er steady?'" she offered, eschewing the sexism. Our gallant gunnery officer was, under all the grease and oil, still a girl, but the word "still" was simply offensive to her and anybody who had served beside her. She had seen more combat than most "men"  and acted with more courage under fire than the majority of high-ranking officers in the fleet would care to admit on official records, fearing it would make them look inferior. But those medals proved her prowess and her reputation preceded her. High Command had heard tales of her achievements many times over and knew she was invaluable to their success.

I chortled. "Guys, you heard it here first: Lexy wants you to kee--"

The ship shook as Lexy dropped the hammer and flames and thunder erupted from her gun. "Can it," she chimed in. I grinned and opened fire with her, but our charges landed short of the enemy.

"Distance too great. We've gotta close that gap, cap," I said, turning about to check on the captain. Andrakuz appeared steady, more comfortable at the helm. I guess he had been with a woman or two before and my advice made sense to him. Stupid Lexy, I thought. Sexism is funny! Locker room talk 'n' all. Anyway. "Either that or switch ammun--"

"Reverse course," Lexy interrupted.

I sniffed the air. It was... thick. Smokey, but... almost sweet. Barbecue sauce? I thought. Oh. Oh!

Lexy continued: "The Pyra just dropped a tar barrel. Let's hold here. No need to unnecessarily gunk up the engines. I'd hate to make more work for Jedi," she said with a sarcastic grin.

I tapped my flask. "Or yourself."

sup skrubz

I emailed this to Muse and I wanted to paste it here as well just in case you fellows and fellettes haven't noticed this in the dev app: Firnfield 3 vs. 3 and 4 vs. 4 King of the Hill is coming and could be awesome. Unfortunately, you can't test it on your own... luckily I was at this past week's testing session and got to try it out! Here's my feedback (minus the italics/bold/formatting because it's a paste job; deal with it 8) ):


Hi Muse,

First, let me preface this with: I'm sure Richard and I are pretty much going to line up identically in our feedback. I assure you we aren't the same person ;)

Next, let me echo Richard's suggestion about the name of the map... for the longest time, I was all about "Battle for the Big Gun" as the title of a Firnfeld KOTH map, because that's indeed the point of the map, IMO (currently it isn't, but we'll get to that). Then Richard blew my mind: name it Battle for the Breach, because that's exactly what we should be fighting over (the gateway under the gun where all the action typically takes place in Crazy King and DM!) and the wordplay: a breach, like a breach-loading rifle... and it's a giant gun... come on! It's perfect! So I'm with Richard: Battle for the Breach is genius and I hope you'll choose it over Frostbite Occupation, which is pretty cumbersome and a misnomer. This superweapon is obviously invaluable to the war effort and needs to be secured at all costs!

Now, to the meat: there is so much potential here with this map, but there are also fundamental issues that need fixed before the map can actually be fun and fair. Let's start with the biggest issue: the actual location of the capture point.

As it is now, we're fighting over the wrong gap.

As the image explains (I hope), the purple text is the area and location of the current capture point. This shouldn't be where the fighting is... and, as it currently is, mark my words, this will turn into a long range Lumber/Merc fight every match to nuke the ships sitting in the all-too-open capture area (there is literally almost no cover currently; in order to capture, you've got to be a sitting duck). Richard already attempted to demonstrate this turkey shoot strategy over the weekend, but it was hard to do when we were playing a 4 vs. 4 match with 10 people... aka, 8 pilots and 2 engineers spread among 8 ships ;). Either way... you've been warned!

Richard's Galleon in the picture below is where the point should be (aka, very near to what it is in Crazy King!). The area of influence doesn't necessarily have to encompass the exact area of influence in Crazy King, but it should be somewhat approximate (I've put some yellow arrows on the image above in an attempt to make suggestions).

Also, question! What is the shape of the area around a capture point? Spherical? Rectangular? Logic tells me the area should be spherical to make it the most "even" area around the buoy... but I don't know how it works.

Once the capture point is moved to the gateway (labeled in green above), the fight becomes a race to get to the point, dogpile it with ships, then slowly pick apart the enemy. Will this be time consuming? Yes. Will the matches be long? Yes. Will there likely be an initial stalemate? Yes. Is that bad? I don't think so. This adds some necessary desperation at the beginning of the match (as with Scrap and Labyrinth) where it's an absolute race to get to the point as soon as is god damn possible; otherwise, if the enemy captures before you, they just keep a'tickin' up their score... an intense initial sprint toward the middle to block the point from the enemy would be in line with these other maps and encourage speedy ships and coordination/teamwork before the match even begins. Fast ships run to block/capture, flaking ships move into position to reinforce or whittle away at the enemy, etc... lots of potential here! I'm excited!

But speaking of spawns... as it is now, there are huge problems. Lemme try to explain... with this picture of the map.

First, let's talk pure positioning and the equity between spawns... well, it doesn't exist. Consider the following numbers...

Blue Spawn pixel distances (approximate) from the current capture point:
1. Front Spawn 304
2. Rear Spawn 216
3. Southeast 330
4. Northwest 264

Red Spawn pixel distances (approximate) from the current capture point:
5. Front Spawn 389
6. Rear Spawn 232
7. Southeast 329
8. Northwest 262

What does this mean? Well, the Red and Blue "rear" spawns (2 and 6) are completely different. In fact, the Red Rear Spawn is 28% further away from the point compared to the Blue spawn. Why would anybody ever choose this point? How was this not noticed during preparation?

Spawns 1 and 5 (the "Front" spawns) are relatively more fair numerically, but still flawed in practice. While Red's distance from the point is still 7% further away (and I agree, this isn't much, but it all adds up), more important is the positioning relative to the area where the teams are going to camp and stalemate on each side of The Gun (see the first image for these camping areas)... I'd actually argue that Red's Front spawn is more advantageous to them because of the mountains screening them as they approach the capture point... they can dogpile the side of the gun very quickly, whereas Blue's spawn is in open air on the approach to The Gun... meaning they are going to be taking fire on the approach from Red Team once Red is in position if Blue spawns at their Front spawn. Yikes. No good.

Now let's talk about the "flanking" spawns in the Northwest and Southeast...

The Southeast and Northwest spawns, when speaking about their distance, seem fair (equidistant from the point for all intents and purposes :))... but still unfair for all practical reasons. Spawn 3 provides Blue with an amazing flanking opportunity which will be seized upon every match... they can dart forward, using the mountains as a screen, and approach the camping Red ships with relative impunity. Blue will constantly be flanking from this position, and who could blame them? Yet the same spawn in the area for Red team (spawn 7) doesn't provide any flanking opportunity because of topography: while Blue can easily run behind the mountains from Spawn 3, Red has to charge into open skies from Spawn 7. This isn't to say that these are bad spawns, it's just unfair to Red and gives Blue a big advantage, especially when you consider the Northwest spawns...

Since Blue is given a great flanking opportunity in the Southeast, you'd think Red would be given the same chance in the Northwest... but nope. Because of the topography, it takes Red a very long time to do anything from this spawn, and they're forced to go through enemy spawn 4 to execute any maneuvers (whereas Blue in Spawn 3 can avoid the enemy entirely). Spawn 4 here is a decent spawn, just bread and butter. Doesn't provide a good flank (and doesn't need to), but allows another safe angle to shore up reinforcements.

Nitpick: Spawns 3 and 7 should point the ship northwest (toward the center/point) and spawns 4 and 8 should point the ships southeast (toward the center/point). However, all of the following is irrelevant once the point is changed to hover over the gateway/breach anyway... so... hm.

Also, it's very important to note: the initial spawning of the teams places them extremely close to the point in pack formation. All 4 ships of each team are right beside each other (which is fine!), but the very short distance of the journey to the center means everybody gets there at the same time and that ship choice doesn't matter because slow ships arrive just as quickly as fast ships. Compare this to Scrap, where taking a Galleon or Junker can fuck your team if you aren't smart... and that's how it, indeed, should work! Fast ships have the advantage of arriving first, while slow ships provide the firepower to the team moments later. Right now, fast ships aren't needed. Just jam 4 Galleons up their ass with a quick dogpile at the beginning and it's game over, man. Game over!

Lemme try to give you a shortlist of what needs to be changed to realize the amazing potential of this map:

1. The capture point must be moved to be above the gateway/breach.
2. The area of influence/capture needs expanded/enlarged.
3. The initial spawning needs to be pushed significantly farther away from the capture point.
4. Spawns need to be more evenly, fairly, and logically placed.
5. Name it Battle for the Breach
6. Profit as it becomes an extremely popular map and breathes fresh air into Skirmish.

The only relatively small fear I have is that it will, indeed, turn into somewhat of a grind... but, guess what? Many maps are already a grind, so I'll take that risk and it can always be addresed later if need be!

Here are my graphical suggestions for spawns and the capture point location/area of influence...

Let me try to explain this as well as possible...

Spawns 1 and 5 are "equal" and the same distance from the capture point.
Spawns 2 and 6 are "equal" and the same distance from the capture point.
Spawns 3 and 7 are "equal" and the same distance from the capture point.
Spawns 4 and 8 and 9 are "equal" and the same distance from the capture point.

1/5 are the shortest, most direct, and riskiest approaches. It's pretty much "open season" to attack these ships during their approach because of map topography and available cover.

Spawns 2/6 are farther away than 1/5, but are relatively direct approaches to the point and provide a tiny bit of cover during the spawn. There is no "open season" in this spawns.

Spawns 3/7 are the Southeast flanking spawns. Based on topography and likely areas of attack/approach, these are much more fair to each team.

Spawns 4/8 are the relatively "safe" flanks that are the same distance from the capture point as spawns 2/6. They just provide a different vector for attack.

I'll admit, because it's impossible to even load this map alone to fuck around with it, these spawns might not be perfect, but I hope you appreciate the intention. The two concern you might have are, first, "Blue spawns 1/2/4 are much more spread out than Red spawns 5/7/8."

Well, you're right.... but that was a measured consideration because of map topography. Not much else can be done without modifications to the map itself. That's the nature of the beast, I guess.

Second: "Spawn 9???" This is an alternative idea to spawn 8... Spawn 8 was for that "safe" area and potential flank, but 5 could serve the same purpose... You're probably thinking, "Feels like there should be a red spawn somewhere around G5..." Well, you're probably right, but I was trying to make the spawn/approaches/distances/cover the most fair. Perhaps include 8 and 9? Red would have 5 spawns, then, though... I don't know. Or replace Spawn 6 with Spawn 9 (since, again, they're the same distance from the point). I'm just making suggestions!

So! Thoughts?

I hope this helps. I consider this map my baby; I've been pushing for it for ever and it's finally almost here! So let's make it as great as possible!



As usually, I'm always looking for others' thoughts.

Feedback and Suggestions / How to Fix Skyball
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:04:56 am »
This is pasted from the Steam discussions board. If you've read it there, you're up to date. Viewable here:

TL;DR at the bottom. Bums.

We played a 50 minute Skyball match earlier today. I finished almost two Guster albums as we played. It was universally despised. I took screenshots of the text chat to prove it. But it has so much potential. How do we fix it? Easily. Here are my suggestions, and hopefully you, my fellow players, will weigh in and Muse will listen to us. VIP is now amazing, but those changes took 6 months to implement. Let's make this happen faster. So, what do we do?

Skyball's problem is there is too much DEFENSE. Why is there too much defense? Because when you die, you spawn near your OWN GOAL. This causes you to kill the enemy, grab the ball, then head to THEIR goal... where they have now conveniently spawned since you killed them. They then kill you, grab the ball, head to your goal, you spawn, kill them, take the ball, go to there goal... ad infinitum.

How do we fix this? The 35 second slightly-longer spawn time is GOOD... you SHOULD be penalized when you die. After all, VIP had the same type of problem: constant suiciding escorts ruined it. The real problem is the LOCATION of the spawns. All teams need to spawn in the middle of the north-south Y axis. I don't care if they spawn in the exact center or the west or the east. It doesn't matter. But the spawns need to be equidistant from each goal and the same for each team. That way, when you die, you're not near EITHER goal... which is better for gameplay, but also allows you to make a viable DECISION of which direction to head (further, you should spawn pointing east or west). At this point, dying is a REWARD because it allows your team to defend way more effectively.

On Battle for the Ball, a map with a ton of potential (including for 3 vs. 3 Deathmatch called "Graveyard" ;)), the sandstorm needs to be removed entirely (or should spawn on the left AND right of the map but travel north to south on one side and south to north on the other to "funnel" players into the middle; this is a way more complicated suggestion so I'd call it a pipe dream). I hated the sand to begin with, but with spawns in the center of the Y-axis, spawning in a dust storm will be very not fun (Scrap has the same problem, but it's avoidable, so it's okay).

Now that there's less defense, games will go quickly if only 2 points are required to win. Up the winning threshold to 3 points. Voila.

To prevent long matches, add a new mechanic to the game that is a game timer (and a clock, honestly, but that's a different topic). Matches should cap out at 20 minutes and whoever has more points should win. Tied scores should have an overtime of 5 minutes but result in a draw if nobody scores... or just give the win to whichever team destroys the other team in sudden death ;). This timer/clock would ALSO help tournaments and competitive plaly, so it should doubly be implemented (shocked it isn't in after almost 4 years, honestly).

Blocking the point is good. It's like a tiny game of King of the Hill and encourages people to actually defend the point. Without blocking, the game would turn into the Squid race we all dread.

Also, just as 2 vs. 2 VIP sucks, 2 vs. 2 Skyball sucks. Remove it.

1. Move spawns to the middle of the Y-axis of the map, AWAY from goals.
2. Remove the sandstorm on Battle for the Ball
3. Change the score threshold from 2 to 3.
4. Add a 20 minute match time limit.
5. Keep the KOTH blocking mechanic at goals.
6. Remove 2 vs. 2.


Please read the entire post. You can sign up your four-player crew in this thread. We will need a total of 6 crews.

Event begins at 4:00 PM EDT Saturday, September 3, 2016

They said it couldn't be done. They said everybody hates blind pick. I intend to prove them wrong. I want to break the meta.

Oh god, now what are you planning?

I'm looking for captains and their crews to sign up for a series of four 3 vs. 3 matches in a one-off event. After participating in Cronus League and watching the Sunday Community Skirmish, I realized there might be a market for this type of deal. I loved the random combinations of teams during Cronus and I find SCS predictable and slow-paced but I love the competitive spirit (personal opinion; sorry :-\ ). So what is the deal I'm proposing?

First, this is NOT a tournament, but it can (and hopefully will) be competitive! You can wear your try-hard pants here, unlike at the Chaos Skirmish, which is just absurd and casual for the sake of community-building and fun.

How would this work, exactly? I like it when people have a plan.

I've got you covered, then. There would be four 3 vs. 3 matches. The lobby would be private and password protected. The password would be provided by the creator of the lobby (me) to the captains who have signed up with their crews. If some of the crew cannot attend, no problem; the captain can provide the password to another friend who can take the absentee's place. But, please, sign up with a full crew here and have them post here as well so I know there's genuine interest. I don't want to crack this event out only to have captains show up with no crew ???

Once all 24 players are in the lobby and assembled onto their respective ships, Atrusario's Lobby Randomization Utility will shuffle the team captains into their initial positions. Captains will use the swap-ship function to rearrange the teams. Teams are now set for the the first match. At the conclusion of the match, the lobby will not shuffle teams; we'll do that on our own. Here are the team compositions for the sequence of matches...

For the OCD out there, 10 matches would be required to have each ship fly with all combinations of allies against all combinations of enemies, and I thought that was a bit long. So, instead, the above sequence allows for each ship to fight against all other ships at least once. Four matches sounds a bit more doable, right? But, I mean, if you want to play 10 matches... I've got it all worked out ;D

What makes this so special?

Now here's the twist that makes this really interesting...

Every round, the three captains on each team decide PRIVATELY, through private messages or party chat, which ship each of them will fly. They do not need to proclaim their intended loadouts. Once each team relays to the lobby creator (me) which captains will be taking what ships, the ship composition of each team is announced. No take-backs! Loadouts can then be selected. Any loadout can be taken at any time, but last-minute swaps are discouraged. I'm not going to babysit the loadout screen of each ship, and if you're going to "cheat" in an event that is supposed to be fun and interesting... wow. I guess what I'm saying is: Don't be a dick.

But didn't we alrea--

Concerns? Allow me to allay them.

In 2 vs. 2 matches, blind pick isn't likely to succeed because captains go with two "safe" ships that end up fighting two other safe ships. Plus, the 2 vs. 2 matches that tried this signed up as teams of two ships. Now it's 3 vs. 3 and the teams are random. It is my hope that randomized 3 vs. 3 matches will shake that boring, cautious meta up and allow for some genuinely interesting battles. You wanna play it safe and take a meta Mobula or a Hwachafish? Go for it... but you have no idea what three ships you'll encounter until you're already locked into taking that ship. Perhaps you'll assume the enemy is taking a Mobula and you'll take a counter to that. But maybe they'll assume you're going to counter them and they'll counter your counter. But then you'll counter their counter to your original counter and-- okay, okay, you get the point. And you aren't even considering the other vessels. With three ships on each team, anything might happen. And I certainly hope it does. This might not be a Chaos Skirmish, but it can definitely be chaotic...

When will this shindig take place?

I'll make the lobby at 4:00 PM EDT Saturday, September 3, 2016 (Chaos Skirmish is at 9:30 PM EDT, if you recall, so this is five and a half hours before that; much more Euro friendly!). Captains can sign up their crews here, and remember: you'll be with your crew for the duration of the matches. There are no prizes, no winners, and no limits to the amount of people from certain organizations who can participate. So if there are three ships full of Zealots that want to participate, hey, great! 8) I hope this scratches a particular itch I have and hope it hits the spot for others as well!

They said it couldn't be done. They said everybody hates blind pick. I intend to prove them wrong. I want to break the meta.

Oh god, now what are you planning?

I'm looking for captains and their crews to sign up for a series of four 3 vs. 3 matches in a one-off event. After participating in Cronus League and watching the Sunday Community Skirmish, I realized there might be a market for this type of deal. I loved the random combinations of teams during Cronus and I find SCS predictable and slow-paced but I love the competitive spirit (personal opinion; sorry :-\ ). So what is the deal I'm proposing?

First, this is NOT a tournament, but it can (and hopefully will) be competitive! You can wear your try-hard pants here, unlike at the Chaos Skirmish, which is just absurd and casual for the sake of community-building and fun.

How would this work, exactly? I like it when people have a plan.

I've got you covered, then. There would be four 3 vs. 3 matches. The lobby would be private and password protected. The password would be provided by the creator of the lobby (me) to the captains who have signed up with their crews. If some of the crew cannot attend, no problem; the captain can provide the password to another friend who can take the absentee's place. But, please, sign up with a full crew here and have them post here as well so I know there's genuine interest. I don't want to crack this event out only to have captains show up with no crew ???

Once all 24 players are in the lobby and assembled onto their respective ships, Atrusario's Lobby Randomization Utility will shuffle the team captains into their initial positions. Captains will use the swap-ship function to rearrange the teams. Teams are now set for the the first match. At the conclusion of the match, the lobby will not shuffle teams; we'll do that on our own. Here are the team compositions for the sequence of matches...

For the OCD out there, 10 matches would be required to have each ship fly with all combinations of allies against all combinations of enemies, and I thought that was a bit long. So, instead, the above sequence allows for each ship to fight against all other ships at least once. Four matches sounds a bit more doable, right? But, I mean, if you want to play 10 matches... I've got it all worked out ;D

What makes this so special?

Now here's the twist that makes this really interesting...

Every round, the three captains on each team decide PRIVATELY, through private messages or party chat, which ship each of them will fly. They do not need to proclaim their intended loadouts. Once each team relays to the lobby creator (me) which captains will be taking what ships, the ship composition of each team is announced. No take-backs! Loadouts can then be selected. Any loadout can be taken at any time, but last-minute swaps are discouraged. I'm not going to babysit the loadout menu of each ship, and if you're going to "cheat" in an event that is supposed to be fun and interesting... wow. I guess what I'm saying is: Don't be a dick.

But didn't we alrea--

Concerns? Allow me to allay them.

In 2 vs. 2 matches, blind pick isn't likely to succeed because captains go with two "safe" ships that end up fighting two other safe ships. Plus, the 2 vs. 2 matches that tried this signed up as teams of two ships. Now it's 3 vs. 3 and the teams are random. It is my hope that randomized 3 vs. 3 matches will shake that boring, cautious meta up and allow for some genuinely interesting battles. You wanna play it safe and take a meta Mobula or a Hwachafish? Go for it... but you have no idea what three ships you'll encounter until you're already locked into taking that ship. Perhaps you'll assume the enemy is taking a Mobula and you'll take a counter to that. But maybe they'll assume you're going to counter them and they'll counter your counter. But then you'll counter their counter to your original counter and-- okay, okay, you get the point. And you aren't even considering the other vessels. With three ships on each team, anything might happen. And I certainly hope it does. This might not be a Chaos Skirmish, but it can definitely be chaotic...

When might this shindig take place?

If there's enough interest before the weekend, I'm open to trying this out at 4:00 PM EDT Saturday (Chaos Skirmish is at 9:30 PM EDT, if you recall, so this is five and a half hours before that; much more Euro friendly!). Captains can sign up their crews here, and remember: you'll be with your crew for the duration of the matches. There are no prizes, no winners, and no limits to the amount of people from certain organizations who can participate. So if there are three ships full of Zealots that want to participate, hey, great! 8)

So, thoughts? Suggestions? I hope this scratches a particular itch I have and hope it hits the spot for others as well!

Well, that was quick. Good ol' summer vacation. Thanks to Shas'ui answering my call for help earlier today (well, yesterday now...), I was able to rapidly complete (erm, see notes) this project. Let's DO THIS.

(I spent way too much time on this logo)

What is The Gun Range?

The Gun Range (subsequently abbreviated as TGR) is an eXperimental Computing Facility (.xcf) file utilized by GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program (available for free here). Using GIMP you are able to open the .xcf file and display (or hide) the ranges and gun arcs of every weapon in the game, many with multiple ranges (listed below).

Why did you make this?

I'm a visual learner and a very spatial thinker. I can fairly easily visualize how to keep guns shooting while piloting in the thick of a tense battle, but I wanted concrete visual evidence of theories and of strategies I'd been executing. Plus, I like helping people get better and potentially benefiting and therefore growing the community. This project has been very revealing and informative to me as a pilot, so I hope it helps other pilots as well, and it should also help gunners and engineers! I will be even more of a murder machine now. It's like I'm Robocop and killin' shit is my directive.

Okay, GIMP is ready. What now?

Glad you asked. Here we go...

1. Download and save this file from my Dropbox.

2. Once you've opened the file with GIMP, locate the "Layers - Brushes" window. If it isn't visible, click "Windows" on the toolbar at the top of the screen and select "Layers - Brushes."

3. Once you have the window up, simply click on the space to the left of the "lock" icons. When the eyeball is active, the layer is visible. Click again and the eyeball is gone; now the layer is hidden. It's simple! Observe:

(yes, that overlap should be green; see the notes and help me!)

4. Now you can experiment with however many guns you want! TGR allows you to see if these guns would work well together with overlaps and angles. In the above example, the Banshee and the Mercury have a fairly large overlap, but the Banshee has a much greater range of motion while the Mercury can hit targets much farther away.

Any other details I should know?

  • I recommend you back up TheGunRange.xcf in case you fuck something up. Otherwise you'll have to re-download it every time you derp.
  • Complete is an interesting word... I did everything I wanted to do before I released it, and it's very helpful. That isn't to say I won't or don't plan to update it. If there's enough demand or feedback, I'm open to additional features and/or changes.
  • This was all done "by hand" using a mouse. The arcs and ranges are NOT "pixel perfect," but they're damn close and should be helpful enough. Further, all guns are "spawned" from the same origin point and face directly north. This means the gun overlaps are not 100% accurate because guns don't spawn INSIDE EACH OTHER in the game. Duh.
  • The guns are not specific to any ship. You'll have to pretend the Galleon is turned 90 degrees to starboard and giving a FULL BROADSIDE toward the north if you want to know what three weapons could overlap and work well together.
  • The Mobula and Spire are particularly problematic at this juncture. In the game, the Mobulas guns are fanned out 50 degrees on the port and starboard sections of the ship ( >:() , while the front gun faces completely forward (in other words, that gun is fine). There is a high chance I will add a guide on how to tweak these angles in the future so you can dick around and be really, really creative :D
  • The only map background is Battle on the Dunes. If there's a demand, I'll add other layers for other maps. But until I know people actually give a shit about this thing, I don't see the point in putting any more work into it. I'm already satisfied and so much knowledge has been revealed.
  • As Richard pointed out, just because a ship is in range and arc doesn't mean you'll hit it. The further away a target is, the less likely you are to hit it, either from lack of skill or weapon mechanics. For example, weapons with "jitter" (random accuracy) or bullet spread decrease in accuracy as distance increases. Lesmok won't help; if anything, it'll make you less effective. Yes, your bullets will travel much farther and faster, but they'll be so spread out you're probably better off just waiting until you're in range for normal ammunition. Jitter is of particular concern with Minotaurs and Carronades and that's why heavy clip is so popular with them.
  • Each square (A2, J10, Bingo!, etc.) on the map is 500 meters in the game.
  • Each square is 79 or 80 pixels on the map image.
  • Weapons typically responsible for disabling weapons/engines and popping balloons are indicated with blue overlays.
  • Weapons typically responsible for stripping the armor are indicated with yellow overlays.
  • Weapons typically responsible for killing are indicated with red overlays.
  • I used these three primary colors because I thought it would look pretty on the map and create magenta, green, and orange gun overlaps. It didn't. Yes, I made the layers partially transparent... I'm dumb. Help?
  • If you think the color system sucks, make a better suggestion. But I'd prefer to just fix it.
  • Disabling weapons: Artemis, Banshee, Flamethrower, Light Carronade, Heavy Carronade, Flare Gun, Hwacha, Lumberjack
  • Stripping weapons: Gatling Gun, Hades, Mercury, Harpoon, Minotaur
  • Killing weapons: Light Flak, Mortar, Mine Launcher, Heavy Flak
  • Feel free to disagree, but deal with it ;D

Here are the currently "programmed" weapons with their available ammunition options:
  • Gatling - Normal, Greased, Lesmok
  • Light Flak - Normal, Greased, Lesmok
  • Mortar - Normal, Greased, Lesmok
  • Light Carronade - Normal, Greased
  • Banshee - Normal, Greased
  • Flamethrower - Normal, Greased, Lesmok
  • Hades - Normal, Greased, Lesmok
  • Mercury - Normal, Heatsink, Lesmok
  • Artemis - Normal, Lesmok
  • Flare - Normal, Heatsink
  • Harpoon - Normal, Lesmok
  • Mine Launcher - Normal, Incendiary, Lesmok, Lochnager (you're welcome!)
  • Heavy Carronade - Normal, Incendiary
  • Hwacha - Normal (that's it... if you aren't using burst or heavy, which have the same range as normal ammo you're doing it wrong)
  • Lumberjack - Normal, Greased, Lesmok, Lochnager
  • Heavy Flak - Normal, Greased, Lesmok, Lochnager
  • Minotaur - Normal, Greased, Lesmok

Finally, here are some examples...

Every available range and arc in the file is active in the above image.

Any guesses?
Lesmok Hades in yellow, Lesmok Heavy Flak in red, and Lesmok Lumberjack in blue.
That's why it's such a formidable loadout on a Galleon IF YOU CAN AIM.
Do note the minimum effective ranges, though, as the overlays do not reach to the typical origin.

A Golden Age Pyramidion with Light Flak and a Gatling gun.
This image presumes the Gatling gunner has Lesmok ammo and the Light Flak engineer has greased.
The Lesmok Gatling in yellow has a significantly increased range while the Greased Light Flak in red has a shorter range than usual but matches up much more closely with its partner.
All that orange is great for keeping your crew in effective range!
Do note how much shorter the range is compared to the Galleon above, however...

Anyway, that's all. Feel free to post your own images here using TGR to show off potential loadouts and help scrubs git gud. Feedback, compliments, and worship are welcome.

Hello all,

Last night I did a ton of math to create a visual guide for GOI weapon ranges and arcs. I want to make a guide like this for all regularly-flown (and my personal pet) loadouts. Below, starting one kilometer (two squares) from the bottom center of the map and facing north, is a representation of the Artemis (in red) and Mercury (in yellow) displaying their arcs and ranges on the front of a Pyramidion (one of my favorite loadouts). The overlap is, well, where the guns overlap. Ammunition is normal in this image.

The issue is, it's taking me FOREVER to do this because there's no real automation. I figured I could just click at an origin, drag my cursor to a point, then "fan out" to a certain angle... but it isn't that simple. Not by any means...

I mean, this would be doable for me to create for more loadouts, but goodness, before I sink a ton of time into it, I wanted to know if anybody had any experience in GIMP that could make it easier or if anybody even cared for a guide like this. Here are the numbers in image form...

All the weapon statistics come from the GOI Wikia ( which I assume is accurate. I was going to attach the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet to the post as well if anybody was interested but the forums won't let me. If anybody wants it, hit me up.

So... any help? :D

This is the story of Tachy, an unassuming Argentine who, upon joining the Chaos Skirmish this past weekend, unexpectedly became a hero to an entire lobby. The entire story was chronicled by Lysanya in video form and is available for viewing at the below link. I've cued up the video to begin with the entry of Tachy into the lobby at 20 minutes 12 seconds. The first chapter of Tachy's story lasts about fifteen minutes and is worth your time. His adventures continue throughout the evening. I've typed up a dramatic retelling of the first chapter below. I encourage you to watch the video first and then read the text below. Pay special attention to the match's text chat to get the full experience.

If you have yet to watch the above video or did not participate on Saturday night, SPOILERS FOLLOW:


Every once in a while, a combination of circumstance, fate, and chance producer a HERO FOR THE AGES... and on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at approximately 9:50 PM EDT... the gods gave us our latest champion, Tachy...

The gods initially declared Shas'ui our pilot, but because of connection issues and crashes from the Alliance Open Alpha, he had to abandon us... we thought the gods had forsaken us! Specifically me! What had I done to earn their ire??? An engineer without a pilot, a lamb without a shepherd, I threw my hands skyward and pleaded for a savior...

...and the gods answered! Pity was taken on a poor wretch like me! They sent me Tachy, who joined from an open slot advertisement in global chat which provided him the lobby password... and my, my friends, how prophetic that password would prove to be...

The best kind of hero is a reluctant hero, one insecure in his station but who will take up the cause when there is no other choice. Tachy initially spurned the position of captain, hopping into spectate and pleading "no pls noo" when I requested he return and take the helm. "I am really bad in cap" our humble warrior declared. But I did not believe him. Despite his low rank, something was special about this player... I could see it in the five gleaming letters of his name. The characters spoke to me through a means unexplainable. I believed in him. We believed in him. And we let him know it.

Watch as the match chat erupts in support for Tachy to take the helm and the voice icons light up the screen like guiding beacons in the night. Chants of "Tachy! Tachy!" echoed throughout the lobby and from other player's computers, their microphones placed too closely to their speakers and overpowered by the salutations. Succumbing to peer pressure, Tachy assumed his role as the chosen one and humbly christened his ship Shame. But never had a ship been so inaptly named...

The match begins. Tachy has chosen a staple of the game: the Pyramidion with a gatling and a mortar. The Shame charges forth, me on the main deck, and is instantly cut down by enemy fire. An omen!? I refuse to believe it... We respawn and the fight continues.

Allies crumble under the weight of the enemy. The Shame explodes and spreads wreckage all over the red canyon's depths, much like blood on the floor of a slaughterhouse. This is all my fault! I internally scream. I have failed Tachy!

But Tachy would not let me fail him. We respawned again. Our allies had secured one kill and another. We had initally been losing heartily but now the scoreboard read a respectable 5-2 in the enemy's favor. We needed nine points to achieve victory and the enemy obviously had an advantage at the moment... but there was still the possibility, however statistically remote...

Sweat poured from my brow. My muscles ached. Repairing the main deck of a Pyramidion was suddenly like coitus. I had to focus. I had to be strong. For Tachy.

Two allies were with us. Another, the Steaming Probe, was successfully engaging in a one-on-one engagement in another sector, eventually dominating and destroying his foe and heavily damaging another. With throttle at full, Tachy and his stalwart allies raced across the skies to pounce on the Perpetrator, stripping his armor, exploding mortars against the hull, and... yes! YES! Tachy got the kill!

But our savior was not of peaceful mind. Enraged at the stones and whips he had suffered, he tore his ship hard to the left and laid decimating fire upon the limping Galleon. The Tanksank withered under fire and Tachy added another notch to his belt. The game was tied! I'm just warming up, he certainly thought to himself, but his stoic personality and foreign tongue would not allow him to gloat.

Our team wrested another point from the enemy and the two teams were now tied. The battle was now in its most intense moments. Each fleet moved toward the other. Engineers and gunners opened fire, mallets and spanners crashed against the armor, and each team simultaneously secured another kill as the Perpetrator finished off the Vegeta and the Steaming Probe terminated the Tanksank. We held a 7-6 lead, but our grasp was tenuous. So slippery was victory that a lone ally overextended himself in the battle and quickly succumbed to the enemy's weapons in a hopeless three-on-one bout. The game was now tied again. The back and forth was like a riding a seesaw on the ocean's waves.

The enemy had now made a critical error. In an attempt to neutralize our long-range Spire, the Goldfish Surprise moved in, sustained heavy fire, and our captain made his move. Looping around the enemy vessel in a nimble reverse-J maneuver, the Surprise was cut off from his friends and destroyed; a kill that was clearly stolen from Tachy by the Probe... but all in the name of victory.

One point. One point separated us from victory. There was no reason to celebrate yet. The battlefield, fittingly, was quite chaotic at the moment. Ships were cut off from their fleets, heading in all directions in a desperate attempt to either stave off defeat or end the match. A ship named in honor of Tachy moved in on the Tanksank with the Shame following his friend closely behind. One kill. All we needed is one kill to end this grisly battle.

Gatlings and mortars from the Shame and her ally whittled away at the hull of the Tanksank. Outnumbered, outmaneuvered, and outgunned, she couldn't hold. No one will ever know which pilot from which ship landed the critical shot that tore the Galleon's hull apart and sprinkled its embers across the sky, but we all know why we had prevailed... Tachy.

It was a fairy tale ending. We loaded back into the lobby and Tachy's screen was flooded with applause notifications from his allies and opponents alike. Our sheepish savior could only manage to utter a meek "thanks guys :D" as we gushed our praise. It would be criminal were this man not chosen as Player of the Week. This is a story we will tell our grandchildren.

"But what was the password!?" you ask, dear reader? Oh. I'd forgotten to include that detail. My mind seems to be going at my old age. Well, I'm certain it will prove no surprise to you after it's known. It all seems like the gods had a plan for us the whole time. The password? Ah, yes, no more delays, no more delays. The password. The password was...


I've been working on writing an email to Muse all week about my thoughts on the Alliance Open Alpha. Apparently people I didn't share it with directly want to read it, which is fine. So, here it is:

You can read it here:

It helps to use the "zoom out" function at the bottom of the Dropbox screen. If you agree or disagree with any of my reflections, suggestions, or criticisms, I encourage you to post here. I've also posted this message in the Steam forums. Thank you for your time.

Oh, and be warned: it's 61 pages (with pictures) and 11,517 words. So... grab a drink.

The Lounge / I'm available for voiceovers and voice acting
« on: June 16, 2016, 07:05:43 am »
So, it's been since October of last year that I submitted the Mighty Pirate Voice Pack to the Guns of Icarus Online Steam Workshop and I've basically given up on it getting into the game/store. But that being said, I wanted to "advertise" my vocal and voice "talents" here because I have a whole lot of time on my hands at the moment and I figured, hey, if you or someone you know needs voice talent, you'll think of me, right? Right? RIGHT!?

You can hear my demo reel and get more details at my Fiverr page located here:

Atruejedi's Fiverr

Hire my vocal cords. I did an old timey baseball announcer voice over for River Turtle and he was pleased, so please, let me please you.

After watching the Mobula slugfests of today's Cronus League and reading the lore descriptions of each ship, waxing nostalgic to myself for days long passed, I felt I should put some thought into how each ship should, ideally, function. I am not interested in specific hull or armor numbers, nor specific top speeds, etc. That isn't my strong suit. I couldn't care less if a Pyramidion's armor has 650 or 700 HP, for example; I just care HOW the ship performs, especially compared to other ships. I made this table to compare ships to other ships and how I, personally, think they should perform.

Sorry if the image isn't showing up or is showing up multiple times... it was too small, so I attached it, and then I hyperlinked it as well :-\

Each value is between 1 and 5, 1 being the weakest, 5 being the strongest. Comparing the Squid and the Galleon is probably the best way to explain this. The Squid has an acceleration of 5, while the Galleon has an acceleration of 1. The Squid can begin moving very easily, whereas the Galleon struggles. Now compare their firepower numbers. The Galleon has four heavy and two light guns, and the Squid has three light guns, with the ability to have sets of two firing at once. I realize these numbers are subjective, but I hope you understand what I'm going for here. I think if you compare the numbers you can start to see defining roles for each ship, even if those definitions are only slightly different. I would compare the Junker, Goldfish, and Pyramidion. I would compare the Spire and Mobula. The Galleon and the Squid are kind of on the peripheries of roles. I'm interested in hearing the community's thoughts on this. Thanks for checking this out!


I'm sure most of you have heard of the impending Typhoon heavy flak changes or have even experimented with them yourselves. And now there are changes planned for lochnager ammunition. The glory days of super-satisfying lochnager flak kills are about to become legends we tell our newbchildren in the weeks ahead. But does it have to be this way?

I'll be the first to say the Typhoon heavy flak changes are MOST WELCOME! The gun actually FEELS like a flak cannon now and will be used much more often in the game! Huzzah! Variety!

But what of these lochnager changes? I didn't know there was a problem with lochnager. Yes, it's a niche ammo, but aren't most of them? Not all ammunitions work well with all guns. Greased mercury? Heavy mortar? Lesmok hwacha? Burst flare? The list goes on...

This all being said, I began to wonder... why not add a new ammo type instead of change lochnager ammo? Certainly it wouldn't be difficult beyond creating a new name for the ammo, an icon to represent it, and statistics to go with it. So I ask you: what would you propose, considering the changes Muse has proposed to lochnager?

Honestly, I have no dog in this fight. I just wish to keep lochnager in its current state. I'm only interested in adding a new ammo type to prevent any changes to lochnager ammo as it currently functions.

Further, but much less likely... why not add a new heavy weapon? The Typhoon heavy flak cannon now works as it always should have (IMO), but it used to work like a howitzer... so let's add a howitzer that performs the old flak's function! This new howitzer could function as the Typhoon has for years: wait to strip the armor, take your shot, hopefully connect with the enemy, and do massive damage. The one problem: it would need a new weapon model and animations. Do you think Muse has anything sitting around? Can we crowd-source this?

I think the old "two shots normal clip, one shot lochnager" was pretty much perfect. Hell, you could even make it fire one shot. Or make the shot arc more. I just want that satisfying BOOM! KILL! when the lochnager flak hits an enemy. I'll miss it! Give me a Howitzer!

I'm eager to hear your thoughts on both a "new lochnager" ammo to be added to the game and an "old heavy flak" to be reintroduced into the game!

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