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Messages - dragonmere

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« on: October 28, 2013, 10:33:14 pm »
It has always been very hard to get in on a good sniper ship. Good gunners on long range weapons have always been extremely hard to counter. Now we need to get within 450m to do any damage whatsoever without a sniper build? That makes the approach a whole lot more difficult. It could quite literally be impossible against an extremely good enemy team. All sniper weapons now gain hitbox as they get further out? That lowers the threshold of skill on a sniper ship. A mediocre merc gunner now has the potential to be extremely successful. This means there are more 'good' sniper ships. More good sniper ships, which were hard enough to counter before patch, that are even harder to engage than they were before the patch.

I totally understand the desire to balance the game more towards the new players. I get it. There's not that many excellent sniping ships in matches with new or uncoordinated players. This patch doesn't really seem like a big deal for the pub matches. But we now have a trump card. The best counter to a good sniper has always been a better sniper, but now it looks like it's not the best counter - it's the only one.

I understand that the hades is supposed to be the new mid-range brawler setup. It's too awkward to consistently be a viable armor stripper. If you have a gunner good enough to hit more than 80% of your hades shots, you might as well be using that gunner on a lumberjack.

It just looks like with a good enough gunner setup on a sniper ship, you have a true trump card. There is no counter. It's not balanced.

« on: October 28, 2013, 02:48:42 pm »
As someone who strongly prefered extinguisher to chem spray pre-patch, you have just solidified my "no chem spray" rule on my ships.

I don't see anything WRONG with the extinguisher changes, either in theory or (very limited) practice (this may change as I try it out more). The chem spray might need some tweaks in the future to even out its viability though.

If the chem spray lasted a bit longer, and/or included a visual effect decay (like the active buff meter), I'd be much more inclined to suggest it. The low effect time plus difficulty in keeping parts sprayed consistently seems like more of a burden than a benefit in most situations. Considering that you won't have to worry about gaining a 20 stack of fire during an extinguisher cooldown anymore, I see very little incentive to invest the time and effort required to become proficient with chem spray.

The chem spray seems like it would only find its place among experienced and efficient crews, and in very specific circumstances. IMO the usefulness divide between the two SHOULD aim to be 50/50.

The Lounge / Re: Good Beers
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:12:28 pm »
Troegs Java Head is my current pick. (

It's a stout brewed with coffee beans. Very nice in both presentation and taste. Plus I'm not sure exactly how much caffeine makes it into the beer from the coffee beans, but it feels like more than none to me. Caffeine plus 7.5%abv equals fun. It's definitely in my top 3 of dark beers. Plus, since I usually tend towards super-hoppy IPAs, a stout I really enjoy is a nice change of pace.

Gameplay / Re: What's in the 1.3.3 update?
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:56:01 am »
Patch notes should be coming out very soon. Then all questions will be answered.

I don't think The Cohort will have enough players on during 1-5PM this week... But if it should so happen that a reserved team needs to cancel or you have enough time for a second match, as long as we have people on, we're down.

If any clans end up needing last minute fill-in players for this, don't hesitate to ask [COx] tagged players. We're always willing to help out.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Captain Chat
« on: October 28, 2013, 02:38:06 am »
Yup, volume levels can be a slight issue at times. But I'm pretty sure that we're getting volume level priority in an upcoming patch:  Captain > Party > Crew   That should solve any problems I've had.

Issues where random crews would want to talk between ships is a rare enough occurrence that I believe Party Chat fills the need. And many organized teams or clans already use third party voice chat such as TeamSpeak.

Also, when running with an organized crew or team, remember that communication skills are a part of teamwork. Managing voice communication just as you would any other part of strategy is extremely important in this game. If you are having issues with team members speaking over one another, you are probably having issues with overall team organization.

The Lounge / Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« on: October 28, 2013, 02:31:23 am »
On occasion I get asked why my Mobula is named fhqwhgads, or how to pronounce it.

The answer is obvious:

I think the mobula has a few fhqwhgads-esque qualities. It's definitely to the limit.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Clan tags free for all
« on: October 28, 2013, 02:05:31 am »
Yes. Clan management could potentially be key in this game.  I know the dev team has identified adding a true clan system as something they want to do. However, working towards Adventure Mode, PvE, and general content/balance patches are still a much higher priority at the moment, as far as I'm aware. So hopefully something is on the horizon, but nothing in the immediate future.

Currently, there's not really much you can do if someone 'steals' your tag. Ask, politely, for them to change it. Always take the civil route first! But if you can't get cooperation out of them, report them for trolling. It's not pretty, but it's pretty much the only thing you can do about this at the moment.

Just make double sure you talk to them first! Some people legitimately just think it's funny, and aren't trying to offend anyone. Others may even do it out of admiration. Then there's the trolls. Report them.

The Gallery / Re: Wolf Pack Wood Burning
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:56:59 am »
I will legitimately pay you money for a wood burning of a pyramidion. I'm not sure you were taking me seriously. Probably due to that picture of a goat I posted. But I am serious. Get at me.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Team Stacking - Match Balance
« on: October 26, 2013, 01:51:38 am »
I'm legitimately very confused as to where you get the 'information' that player retention is related to stacked matches. Yes, after the promotions end, the game loses concurrent logins. This is more likely due to the nature of people who purchase a game solely because it is on sale, or due to the recommendation of popular YouTubers. A few days/weeks after playing the game, an overwhelming majority of them will move on to whatever is on sale or recommended by popular YouTubers next. I see nothing to indicate this has to do with faults in the game or the actions of our community. This is the nature of the promotional channels that Guns of Icarus has been very successful in.

I feel as though you're accusing certain unnamed players, clans, groups or even play-styles of a negative impact on the game that simply isn't as definite as you believe. I would include myself in this group, as a member of a publicly competitive clan, and one that plays with it's own crews whenever possible. I could definitely be accused of "stacking". As such, I take the accusation that I am part of a cause of players leaving the game fairly seriously. Stating that some teams don't do it 'intentionally' doesn't negate the fact that you are still saying their actions are always detrimental. They aren't always. It can make some people upset, I'll agree. But to be completely honest, I probably get just as upset at team members who refuse to coordinate. It's just a matter of perspective.

I appreciate the time and effort you're putting into this. I really do. I just don't believe that any part of this community should be vilified as completely as you're suggesting. I feel as though you're trying to state your own personal opinion as a matter of fact. Does "stacking" happen? Yes. Does it make some people angry sometimes? Sure. That's about the only things that you can say for a fact. Anything else is conjecture. In my opinion, 'stacking' is not game breaking. In fact, you can dig up tons of posts on this topic, some very old, and yet the game is still running smoothly. In this game as a whole, we actually do a really great job of welcoming, training, and retaining new players.

The Lounge / Re: PAX East 2014
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:08:58 pm »
Any official word on if MUSE is even gonna be there? And how quick do PAX tickets sell out? I'm strongly considering taking a road trip to visit NoWuffo...

General Discussion / Re: No love from MUSE on these Boards?
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:00:02 pm »
This community is quite passionate. If they were to post every proposed tweak and change on these forums in public, I can only imagine the amount of speculative debate. And that's not really productive. Things already get a bit heated, at times, on the Dev App board.

The Dev App exists to find bugs, and test balance. That's it. It's not meant to be a public 'patch-preview' or a way for players to get a competitive edge through early information. And I don't see it being used that way. If you're suggesting that people are literally quitting the game because they don't have in-depth analysis of new features before they're implemented, I fully disagree with you.

If it's really that big of a deal to you personally, why not just sign up for dev app access? That way you'd get to 'know things', and you would be doing a great service in helping the dev team balance and test. :)

Finally, the social media pages are public. You never need to sign-up or log-in to view them:
So no biggie if you don't 'use' twitter/facebook. You can still see everything. If one's hatred for Facebook/Twitter is so intense that they can't even view a public page on the sites, that sounds like an entirely different issue ;)

The Lounge / Re: The GoIO Parody Song Thread
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:26:01 am »

The Clash - Guns of Brixton

When they knock out your armor
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on your Pyramidion

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on Paritian
Or waiting in death row

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, Guns of Icarus

The mortar feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell

You see, he feels like Byron
Born under the Icarus sun
His game is called survivin'
At the end of the harder they come

You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the blue Mobula
Goodbye to the Icarus sun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh-the Guns of Icarus

General Discussion / Re: No love from MUSE on these Boards?
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:59:29 am »
I agree. There could definitely be a benefit to having a single post that contains, verbatim, any game-related updates that get posted to twitter/facebook. All patch update notes do get posted here eventually, though.

That being said, I'd say the vast majority of players who love the game enough to end up here already know how awesome and involved MUSE is. I completely understand why the spend more time  posting through more visible channels.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please, Remove Profle's Leave Count
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:20:21 am »

While I don't mind the leave-counter AT ALL, I entirely agree that there should be some positive incentives to stick around. In some lost thread somewhere I had suggested similar achievements (challenges, actually, since they're not class specific). I really like this idea. Give people a reason to do something, and they'll do it.

Also, there should be some indication to new players that leaving an in-progress game is frowned upon. Perhaps an "ARE YOU SURE? Your team needs you!" message or something for new players, when they try to abandon match. As it stands, newbies have no idea that they're not supposed to leave, nor do they realize the amount of stress it puts on their team. Often times, I'll see a new player with less than 20 games, half of which have been abandoned. I don't hold it against them. They didn't know.

(P.S. I got my first 'leave' ;) )

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