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Messages - GeoRmr

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fireworks after birthday week
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:42:50 am »
I rather have the fireworks be a rare occasion.

It is starting to be distracting. Why not reskin the firework to be used differently? Like when a ship gets destroyed, it gets one firework animation that is the usual yellow spark instead of a colorfull array of many firework animations when one ship dies.

How about different destruction animations? Say if you destroy a ship using rockets, you get the firework animation? And then more types of animations for different deaths!

World / Re: Scenery While you Die?
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:23:14 pm »
A big Cave, darkness instead of clouds anybody?
A sewer level, a giant sewer level to end all sewer levels. Paritus must have had big sewers right? Or storm drains?
A map that slopes 45 degrees
One with a huge waterfall two distinct levels of terrain, (could be an outflow pipe from the giant sewer level)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please Make Gunners Useful
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:58:40 pm »
Okay, here's the deal:
I strongly feel that the classes are balanced and that the gunner role does not need 'buffing' in any way, despite all the nerfing muse has done to the different ammo types.

Gunners are extremely underrated simply because the advantage gained by carrying multiple munitions is subtle (but should never be overlooked), and down right general ignorance of their advantage on light weapons; I have already seen at least three individual posts in this thread claiming that only one ammo type is useful on the mortar! [particularly and especially on a metamidion].

I even run an extremely effective surprise/aggressive build that involves two gunners, a buff hammer, and rocket carousels - the varying ammo types allow you to put out preliminary disable at an unexpected range, followed by additional overwhelming disable and hull strip at mid range, and extremely fast direct damage at close range.
It destroys unprepared ships (most meta build ships) safely and quickly enough that a second engineer is not needed as long as the pilot is mindful of how they engage, and the gunners don't miss coordinate correctly [even against experienced captains].

A quick debunking: lesmok greased and burst rounds will all out perform each other situationally on the mortar, experiment and learn exactly when and what to use them against from moment to moment (the art of gunning). I guarantee their additional versatility will give you a killing and disabling advantage that by far outweighs the use of a third engineer, who (lets be honest) is only any use after all hell has gone down and you're waiting for an inevitable death or your ally to miraculously save you.

Don't forget to count your shells, count seconds, know your ability, and do some number crunching for maximum kill stealing ability efficiency:

How many lesmok shells does it take to kill a pyramidion? So what are you going to do with the other four? How long does it take the lesmok mortar to reach a target 1000 meters away? How long is your up-close ally going to take to strip their hull with that gun? Shouldn't you start shooting now then? Will you be able to hit that ship at that angle with jitter? Roughly how many shots are going to meet the mark? Should you ignore it, reload to burst and fire through the break once you've covered some ground? etc.

Chrome, I hope you appreciated the 11 out of 12 kills we 'secured' on red sepulchre. =P

Feedback and Suggestions / Toggle-able aim asist
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:40:28 am »
I'd really like a toggle-able option in settings, to change the behaviour of aiming guns, the current system is independent of ship movement which is fantastically simple for most situations, however if the reticule were to move with the ship, it would allow gunners to better predict turning speed of ships and adjust their aim accordingly. This would be particularly useful for example on a galleon where there is no point of reference to calculate ship movement as it turns or accelerates. It would ofcourse be more difficult to master but could allow skilled gunners even more freedom to hone their art.

Gameplay / Re: Hwacha Tweek
« on: October 03, 2013, 06:16:39 pm »
Not trying to point fingers buuuuuuuut xD

ya'll just gotta learn how to shoot.

Who are you quoting? I never said:  "you don't know how to shoot."

while reading it, i imagine it in a texan accent. Some may take it as an insult that they can't perform

Exactly Gambrill, my gunner role-play comes from Texas.

Gameplay / Re: Hwacha Tweek
« on: October 03, 2013, 06:04:56 pm »
This kind of comment incites anger and flame GeoRmr. Please provide a more sensible comment than "you don't know how to shoot."

Salute to you sir

Wow, I never knew that this community was so hypersensitive, are you guys serious? If my post offends people so much, THEN GOOD, the people offended by it are those I would actively seek to offend. There is really no need to be so butt-hurt about such a blatantly indirect and non-serious comment.

Edit: On reconsideration, I have found that your post, Nidh, has incited an unreasonable amount of anger in myself, indeed what I believe is a far greater amount than any I may have caused to the random lurking reader of my post.

Gameplay / Re: Hwacha Tweek
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:59:09 pm »
Rubbish, if anything this gun is still overpowered, ya'll just gotta learn how to shoot.

I heard muse are doing a huge revamp on the spotting mechanics. Trying to make it a more of a specialist play-style, in-par with buff engineer, for example.

I make great use of Sandbox for testing various engineering techniques (like the buff trick that needs to be fixed so badly). That's where I developed my Squid engine repair circuit (which makes Squid engineering way more fluid, and way more fun).

Indeed, the problem I feel with this and the other achievements is that you must be in sandbox with players below a certain level. Whenever I've used sandbox, it has been to practice MLG PRO NAVAL FORMATION META STRATEGY attack angles on different weapons and some minor manoeuvres with higher level crews.

(sand box is lacking at the moment with only one map and one ship, it could do with allowing multiple ships, multiple maps, and the ability to spawn ship models in place of the target dummy's.)

New low level players tend to learn everything they need from the tutorial (we wish... allot of them, myself included, tend to go straight into pub matches with no idea of what to do) then jump into the game and level up. New players want to actually play the game not just sit in sandbox. the main benefit of sand box for teaching inexperienced players occurs when they have already gained a few hours legit game play, by which point they usually have levelled up. The most valuable experience comes from actually playing the matches.

EDIT: In addition, I feel that the time requirement for you to spend in sandbox is unrealistically and unnecessarily high, everything a player needs to gain from a "lesson" in sandbox can be completed within 20 minutes - 40 tops.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Be able to change colors of cosmetics.
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:21:10 am »
Why not extend the dye system to hats and goggles?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ability to assign roles to AI
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:11:23 am »
It could be defined as objects in a ship loadout, (much in the way you select your ships arsenal, they could also be saved in presets) specifying the ideal role-set-up for the ship. This would be applied regardless of your starting human loadout. (possibly as a toggle-able option; in the alternative setting, AI will take on the role of the human who disconnected, thus overruling the priorities defined in your ideal layout.)
e.g. if you were to set it to one gunner and two engineers,
  • if an engineer leaves, the AI will be an engineer,
  • if the gunner leaves, the AI will be a gunner.
  • if another engineer leaves, the AI will be an engineer.

However, if you start with two human players who are gunners, and then one gunner leaves, the AI will be an engineer to match your predefined ideal set-up.

The class load-outs could also be predefined, again, in order of importance. I.e. if you want a buff engineer on the ship, and a buff engineer leaves the AI will take buff, but if a main engineer leaves the AI will take a main engineer loadout. If the human players loadout is not the same as one defined the AI could decide based on the closest match to your predefined loadout.

Edit: I also like the idea suggested by Cheesycom, perhapse you could set the order of priority of each gun to fire, (perhaps even to tie a gunner to only use one or two guns) and each ship component. I know some pilots who would prefer you to fix engines before hull for example!

Community Events / Re: Squid Racing!!!
« on: September 30, 2013, 05:52:56 am »
Allow all the support weapons?


Feedback and Suggestions / Depth Charge
« on: September 28, 2013, 02:51:59 pm »
A cool but perhaps silly suggestion that'd be hard to implement, but nevertheless here are some possible ways it could be used.

As a medium weapon that drops (big) bombs vertically, big AOE damage with a LONG reload, one bomb per clip. Shouldn't be a problem, to my knowledge there is no hull beneath any of the medium weapon spots on the current ships.

As a two stage light weapon, one or two bombs per clip. (problems with hull beneath weapon spots, thinking of the Mobula in particular) It could launch a (large) projectile horizontally, which would then fire vertically downwards after an arming time in it's second stage. (think a slightly right-angular net-projectile-arc)

As a piloting tool
that would sacrifice some or all of the hull armour (or even core hull health)  to drop a projectile vertically from the centre of the ships hull to deal damage to enemies below. (maybe as a one use per game, if multiple persons aboard a ship have it equipped, they would not be able to use it after it's initial use, or it could only be used if on the helm.)

Imagine this as a finishing weapon to a balloon-pop.

Feedback and Suggestions / Wardrobe
« on: September 28, 2013, 02:18:46 pm »
Why not allow costumes to also be saved in the load-out pre-sets? Often my captain chooses his ship depending on the map, for each of his builds I take a different load-out. During times of intense MLG steam-punk RP it'd be nice nice to have the costume change with my load-out to suit the appropriate map/ship. It would also be fun to alternate costumes on a regular basis, without the hassle of changing multiple parts each time players want a fresh look (which for some, is frequently).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: If you're here, who's flying the ship?
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:55:50 pm »
Any number in games left is one too many.

Would this include for example, a power cut?

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