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Messages - GeoRmr

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World / Re: Which existing airship belongs to which faction?
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:38:49 am »
Talking of Evadne's reports:

Junker: "From an Arashi blueprint for building an airworthy ship with a minimum of materials..."
and GeoRmr is correct in saying that they tell us the Spire is originally from the Baronies.

What I want to know is why the phobos mine launcher isn't in Wilsons notes! Surely he must have laid a few mines in his time gunning aboard the Icarus. =P

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Gunner tool: Ammunition Lock
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:28:42 am »
I hope that they do not implement it by default, (could be annoying when using lochnagar) however I really like the idea of it being a gunners tool! Would be a great choice for pilots to take on the rare occasion that they do hop on a gun.

Gameplay / Re: The buff hammer, and guns.
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:05:18 am »
While you seemed to completely ignore that this isn't a gunner vs engie thread.....

It was never said that a buff hammer was the end all be all of gunning. The straight opinion is it gives too large a bonus on any gun on top of any ammo loaded, thus throwing off balance. The gatling was just an example.

Nevertheless, that is what captain phill said, and yes he did say that buff engineering is causing the gunner class to be obsolete. Don't point the finger of derail at me! =P

Gameplay / Re: The buff hammer, and guns.
« on: November 26, 2013, 09:05:07 pm »
Before we go about nerfing the buff hammer, shouldn't we first establish that in its current state it has issues. Sure you get the pro of extra damage. However you still have the cons of

Time spent buffing. During this time you are giving up other potential things you should be doing.
Short duration of buff. Requires timing and makes it difficult (though not impossible) to keep up during a fight
Use of a repair tool slot. A buff engineer has to either give up specializing his repair or rebuild or has to sacrifice a fire tool.

I think these make up for the 20% strength.

Time spent buffing, Sammy, you know most guns can be kept constantly buffed during reload cycles, and the fact that before most battles all the guns are pre-buffed to get a quick kill. Point is, it is still more worth while to run buff engi then to go gunner (sorry for bringing up class vs class Zill, but currently the buff hammer is a big selling point to not have gunners on a ship, so it is bound to come up.) Also, I would not call this idea a nerf, but a repurposing of the tool. Changing it from a tool to assist in kills to a tool to assist in defense.

Sorry, the buff engineer > gunner points being made here are completely non contextual. Yes, on the whirlwind for example, a buff engineer with greased rounds is a better option than a gunner in most scenarios. Well done. There are other guns and other ships and other builds.

Running a buff engineer does not replace the role of a gunner on a ship, a prime example of this would be a flak spire, 2 artemise and a mercury. If the engineers prioritize repairing over shooting the most likely result is a death that lasts slightly longer than if they did nothing, therefore it is perfectly viable to maximise the kill potential by running one engineer with buff kit and charged rounds to drop hull armour with the mercury, while allowing the flexibility of a gunner with 3 ammo types on the main gun to ensure a kill at any range and in any context. lesmok for the longer range, charged rounds for mid range arc finding and killing galleons (lochnagar won't one shot them, or wait, if the buff engineer drops the hull then jumps downstairs to finish a pre-buff it will.)  lochnagar for everything else and extreme short range. The pilot should also be shooting, alternatively bring a flare gun.

Fix it when they're dead.

I can also list several examples of ship builds where gunners are essential and better desired than buff engineers with buff engineers being a 'nice to have but not essential' should you so wish: I thought it pertinent to post the spire example to point out that gunners and buff engineers serve different purposes and should not be considered different approaches to the same end.

Oh, I also agree with everything Sammy B.T. said.

The lumberjack speaks for itself.

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:31:14 pm »
On another note, Artemis trifecta has been available for ages with roughly the same disable and kill potential that has today. It has not suddenly become op, people have just started using it and their opponents haven't heard of hydrogen or cloud cover.

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:24:55 pm »
Part of the light flack's uselessness comes from the aim jitter combined with arming time. It doesn't work at long ranges due to the jitter and it doesn't work at close ranges due to the arming time. The Artemis has no aim jitter or arming time so it is effective at all ranges. Going from Awkm's history, if one tool is too good in too many situations, he removes its usefulness in one of those situations to make the other tools more desirable.

heavy clip,
incendiary rounds,
charged or burst for midrange
that is all

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:50:27 am »
God don't even kid like that. Light Flak is useless enough with it's arming time, and the Hades pumps out enough damage to overcome that downfall.

light flak works very well in tandem with a hades, i find it more effective than running double hades.

personally i think the Artemis is fine as it is, but i wouldn't complain if it were to have a no aoe before arming time nerf.

The Docks / Storm Riders [Rydr] [sRyd]
« on: November 25, 2013, 09:37:48 pm »
What We Are

Faction of the Rider [Rydr] clan, created during the temporary inactivity of the Wind Rider [wRyd] faction.

Why We Are

Multiple factions have been discussed a lot amongst our clan. Since the inactivity of more than two thirds of our clan members, including the clan founder Archriel, I felt it appropriate to create the Storm Rider faction to continue clan growth and keep an active player base.

Who We Are

With respect to clan lore, the Storm Riders adopt everything that defines the Riders clan, exactly as when the clan was monolith, one faction. However our approach is somewhat more bellicose and avaricious than the Wind Rider faction, but by no means are we venal in any regard.


Squid used Quick attack,

... it's not very effective.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Omni-Class Items (Special Crew Tools)
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:39:03 am »
The Spyglass and Rangefinder would be excellent in the Omni-class item slot. It would allow captains who have filled all their slots with useful things like Pheonix Claw.. Kerosene.. and Hydrogen to also bring in a prized gadget like the spyglass. Then gunners and engineers could bring in Kerosene for quick escapes just in case the captain lags out or leaves the match.

Now I heard you say if they removed the spyglass from the pilot slot that that slot would become useless to gunners and engineers, but think about how already useless hardclip and a buff hammer are to a captain when he needs to be piloting, but he still can bring them in anyway for the why-nots.

On a junker a pilots enginnering tool can be invaluable to help repairing the ballon immediatly behind the helm, and the ammo perhapse could alow more options for the galleons light guns by preloading the stern chaser with ammo for another crewmember (who would bring a different ammo type for the light port gun) or themselves to use.

The Docks / Re: Farming Firnfeld Cheevos
« on: November 12, 2013, 11:48:19 am »
Gunner available to help pilots with the 1300m kills, pm me in game.

What you need to bring:

Spire, mercury top-deck port, Artemis top-deck starbd, flare gun-deck port, typhon heavy flak.
engineer with buff, pipewrench, extinguish, charged rounds, they must keep the mercury buffed and shooting. Engineer full repair lesmok, pilot lesmok.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Request: Coloured Reticules
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:26:55 am »
-as does the chat box, I want to read the chat!

Requesting reticules to have a thin black outline and an option to give the chat-box a coloured background, (could be translucent).

Gameplay / Re: Harpoon gun discussion
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:50:39 am »
Honestly, one of my biggest issues with the gun is that harpoons were not used against ships, and the only reason to use one against a whale (given how dangerous they often were to the whalers) was so that you knew where it was when it died. SO WHY ARE WE USING THEM ON AIRSHIPS?!?

Seriously. I'd much rather a huge armor-piercing ballista than a harpoon, because there really isn't a logical reason to keep a ship tied to you when you don't have boarding and you don't need to find it once it's died to harvest its fat for oil.

The new harpoon will come in the same patch as the sky whales DUUUUHHH...

World / Re: Which existing airship belongs to which faction?
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:04:29 am »
I believe Muse mentioned in their interviews that each faction will have its own distinctive playstyle.

also, I think the Junker would be a ship of the Arashi League. They are independent people with access to a lot of scraps, ideal for building ship like this.

The Goldfish has the same Asian lanterns on board as the Galleon does, but it has a much different style to it therefore I'm not sure whether it truly is a Yeshan vessel.

The Spire I would associate with the Anglean Republic due to its mechanical design (unlike the Goldfish or Galleon which are mainly built from wood). However, It is not the aggressive kind of ship that would fit that faction. Maybe it's rather a ship from the Baronies?

Spire is from the Baronies, have you not unlocked all of Evadine's Reports yet or something? all this lore is in them if you give it a read... get working on those achieves!

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