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Messages - GeoRmr

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Been missing the best of three format, perhaps when there are fewer teams signing up go back to best of three and keep the new system for when there are a lot of sign ups? Maybe a fixed number that specifies what format the tournament will be?

I would really like to see a rule where every game begins on a pause until the referee starts the match when all players have loaded in, in order to solve the frequent issues with early game disconnects.

The Lounge / Re: What do you guys think of this?
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:56:05 pm »
Paper only wins because Rock feels bad for it and throws the game. Rock would win if he played serious, but he doesn't want to drive off Paper. A community consisting only of Scissors and Rock would get boring quickly.

The Lounge / Re: What do you guys think of this?
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:21:04 am »

World / Re: Land-Based Vehicles
« on: April 20, 2015, 07:36:33 am »

General Discussion / Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:46:56 am »
I think my favorite name is the for my mobula. I've always really liked the ship but when it first came out it was often regarded as too difficult to engineer/coordinate and therefore worthless despite its rather fancy exterior design and overwhelming forward firepower.
worthless despite its rather fancy exterior design
fancy exterior design
fancy design
f a n c y

Meanwhile the engineers are busy repairing...

Make'm work harder then,  my crew can do that shit by themselves while I stand around being useless ;)

stay jelly

World / Re: Land-Based Vehicles
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:36:07 pm »

not long now

ITT: Blackened Pies is bored of running around in circles chem-spraying  and is jealous of the gunner shooting stuff and having fun.

gunner envy much

There's 2 types of items we use. Wieldable items, and Icon items.

#1. Wieldable items - These are items that you can actually hold to help your team with (Examples: Spyglass, Rangefinder, Spanner, Rubber Mallet, etc)

#2. Icon items - These are items that are never seen, and only you can use them while mounting a specific object like a gun or the helm. (Examples: Kerosene, Moonshine, Greased rounds, Burst rounds, etc)

The Pilot utility belt contains both iconic items for his specific job, and wieldable items that other classes can use.
The Gunner utility belt contains iconic items for his specific job, but no wieldable items that other classes can use.
The Engineer utility belt contains wieldable items that other classes can use, but no iconic items specifically for himself to use.

The gunner needs some wieldable items to make himself more useful, as he only really needs 2 ammo slots 90% of the time, and the engineer could possibly use some iconic items to boost engines possibly.

This is the reason muse hasn't already done this - giving the gunner wield-able items "breaks the design paradigm" of gunners only having iconic items. One of the devs said this in one of the many clones of this thread a few months back.

Gameplay / Re: A strafing ship?
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:34:08 am »
So,... this is a thing by NASA.

The hope of a strafing ship lies with NASA!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New Clothing
« on: April 14, 2015, 05:58:13 pm »

does this count?

Community Events / Re: Clan Clan Challenge
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:17:58 am »
Get outta here, Europe. Your timezones are inferior

General Discussion / Re: Explaining GOIO to a new player
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:13:19 pm »
Edit: just example from top of my head:

[spoiler]It's exactly the same as any other generic fps[/spoiler]

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Light Harpoon
« on: April 12, 2015, 06:21:30 am »
back of a squid is also a serious harpoon placement
It is bad on the side of a galleon

imho it could use a slight damage buff/increase in projectile speed - the gun is harder to shoot than its utility deserves

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