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Messages - GeoRmr

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: burst rounds change suggestion.
« on: March 03, 2016, 06:00:33 pm »
Revert everything and we're back to square one.

I wouldn't mind this. I found this game a lot more FUN when you could snipe guns and engines using heavy clip heavy carronade.

This is a straw-man argument. Talking about balance from a design perspective is not the same discussion about how to strategize most effectively as a player. And yes, difficulty to shoot is a major factor in dame design and balance, for example the hwacha can be considered a 'foo strategy', large effect for little effort, but is surpassed by more difficult guns like the lumberjack. Video related

I don't necessarily agree with everything said in the video, and don't agree that lumberjack is always stronger than hwacha, but getting into that would take us away from the point of this discussion. For the sake of argument, would a tool that helps people move away from their hwacha "foo strategy" be such a bad thing?

You can kill a ship with just a lumberjack a lot faster than you can kill one with just a hwacha.

General Discussion / Re: Undocumented Minotaur nerf
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:50:27 am »
if anything, the minotaur needs a buff.

"difficulty to shoot is what balances the guns" is simply not true. When planning a strategy of attack on an enemy ship it's always safer to assume they can hit every shot, and when thinking tactically "oh their gun is difficult so I'm fine" is a mistake likely to end in death against experienced crews or even talented low levels. Plus saying "oh no don't use that gun your crew's not good enough" is a great way to make people not want to play the game, and corrals people that already play the game away from those guns. Not only that, but dedicating a pilot slot and taking time to watch people with the binoculars would create it's own balance dynamic. For instance pilots may ask themselves "if I stay back and the ally protects me can I sacrifice the slot to help accuracy?"

This is a straw-man argument. Talking about balance from a design perspective is not the same discussion about how to strategize most effectively as a player. And yes, difficulty to shoot is a major factor in dame design and balance, for example the hwacha can be considered a 'foo strategy', large effect for little effort, but is surpassed by more difficult guns like the lumberjack. Video related

"Hey Kamoba is a CA! We can swap ships with the Novice guy and stack against Kamoba repeatedly for a fuck tonne of wins! It's his job as CA after all." (Yes genuine occurance.)

Did you not know what you were signing up for when you applied to be CA?  :P

the reason why your dream of realizing referees in party chat with captains will never work is simple:

referees do other things while the matches are running.

They sometimes tab out, they sometimes chat with other people, they watch things on their other screen, listen to the commentary or music etc.
You cant honestly expect a referee to be focused constantly for 2-4 hours during the event.
There are already enough for a ref to keep focus on, gameplay, lobbies, password, invites, time, loadouts etc. etc.
adding to that list will lead to more confusion, especially when someone talks to you while you are reffing.

The referee party chat is used to talk about scores, lobbies etc.
and tbh, if the ref isnt responding to chat, then he probaly left his pc for a min to do something, so talking wont help ;)

I know its tough luck, but referees are just players who spend their valuable time helping to run the event. They arent professionals paid to do all  sorts of things, and more than often referees are new and pulled in 5 mins before the event.

Sorry, can you explain how a referee clicking twice to join an in-game party stops them from doing any of that?
wait a minute, if a referee is alt tabbed but in an in-game party they can hear a captain call for a pause in voice chat! It's a miracle.
wait a minute, doesn't it take less effort to press one button on your keyboard and say "pause" that it does to type it out?! It's a miracle.

The problem is not the referee responding, but the crews noticing the referee call for a pause.

Sarcasm aside, what am I missing here?

referees dont use voice chat

At the moment.
But even if they just flash the symbol with their name on, it would be better.

That seems like a fair call.

I would like to make a suggestion to all future SCS games, that the referee be in a party with all the captains so that they can call a pause with voice chat where it is much more noticeable than just in match chat.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Make Gunners A Relevant Choice
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:42:16 am »
already suggested long ago that all other crews revert to the old ammo change mechanic of being trapped on the gun to load ammo.

While the gunner has the exclusive ability to quick reload.

This idea, I like this idea.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: saving ship-bound pilot presets
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:25:28 pm »
I think it'd be a great addition. Emailed them with it as a suggestion a while ago too.

"Oh, I forgot to pack the luck lochnagar for the side mine..."

Sorry, when do pilots not have lochnagar? o.O

on galleon, heatsink to load the flare

Dev App Testing / Re: Sunday testing release notes.
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:28:26 pm »
Has anybody in blind testing even noticed the Hwacha change?

I did, but the situation for me to hold my clip only happened once and when it didn't happen I thought it was caused by lag.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
« on: February 27, 2016, 06:01:16 pm »
Did anybody notice that the Blood and Brass titles get cut off from the victory screen nowadays? Like, "Blood and Brass Champion" just says "Blood and Brass". I mean, I don't mind being the literal personification of a tournament, but that's not what the title is supposed to mean, I imagine.

Yes, it puts last word champion on the line of the person below you. It also affects master engineer elite, master gunner elite.

I like this refined list. It makes sense.

My only issue is the component highlighting. Your description of it is vague. Seems like you considered the issue of cloud concealment and draw distance.

Yesterday i was on an artemis and saw chem sprayed weapons through clouds on a ship i could not spot. Seems like the highlight effect already exists.

These are other issues with tutorial text hi-lighting and should be addressed separately as they aren't suggested features for the rangefinder, and are not about the range of the ship.

To clarify - I do not want the range finder to hi-light components like tutorial text. Currently the tutorial text hi-lighting activates as soon as a component is in range of your gun - if tutorial text does this (which it currently does) there is no point using the rangefinder effect that shows that you are in range with a transition of 'X' to '.' in the aiming reticle.

Perhaps give it more utility, such as marking waypoints on a map.

Does it need to do anything else beside find the range of the ships? I know that this thread is about making it useful. I also know that many vets won't find the rangefinder useful because they are so use to looking at the map and the sights on their guns.

Okay I guess the following would be the most modest functionality that would make the rangefinder usable:
  • Spinning circles are removed.
  • Rangefinder is given limited spotting ability as in my first post (captains mark ability with different brackets)
  • If used on an unspotted ship the range is displayed to the person using the rangefinder only
  • If used on a spotted ship the range is displayed to everyone on the ship of the person using the rangefinder
  • If used on a spotted ship the 'X' symbol replaces the '.' of the reticle on all out of range guns on the ship of the person using the rangefinder (current rangefinder functionality)
  • The out of range calculation is changed to include ammunition type loaded on the guns.
  • This information remains until the ship shakes its spyglass spot.
  • Component hi-lighting from tutorial text only happens when the component is well within range so it does not reveal exact distance.

I would regularly bring a rangefinder on a blender fish if all the above happened.

No. Because then you'll likely have more than 1 rangefinder per ship, and we don't want that. Give the rangefinder and the spyglasses to the crew mates you trust to use them responsibly. Don't dumb it down. Rangefinder should be a bonus for crews who are smart enough to use it.

I really don't see why this would make people take more than 1 rangefinder per ship. Also I don't see why that would be a bad thing if they did - what if the gunner was the only person with a spyglass and both engineers had range finders - the gunner is the person with the most free time to spot ships I think it would be pretty cool if people played like this.

Captains get this ability for free anyway, in the latest patch captain mark even shows where the ship is off screen with a floating arrow indicator! (OP OP) All it would do is let you point out the location of the ship to your own crew (teamwork required) for them to spot it which shows its location to the rest of the team (teamwork result). Note the ship will not appear on the map if you mark an unspotted ship with rangefinder, the ship will only be rangefinder marked for a few seconds, and it will not appear to the ally ship at all.

I don't think this would "dumb it down" (what great powerful advanced effect do you think the range finder brings, even with my suggested changes?) but only make it appealing to the crews that want to use it. I know for a fact my team would ignore the rangefinder if it left a crew member without the ability to mark a ship to other players on the team, no matter what information it showed about enemy ships. (this is the biggest reason it's bad to take a rangefinder currently!) Are we too dumb to use the range finder, or smart enough to realize it's crap if it takes away a crew members ability to spot at all?
Spotting position is just too important and not having it at all on one player is very bad - one player spotting a ship can have a serious effect on the outcome of the battle, just think how many times that one player on your team spotted that metamidion right behind you and saved your ass. (I can think of a veteran player who thinks spotting is so important that he would always take spyglass as pilot before they added the captain mark ability)

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