I would think The Art of Warfare would be a nice place to fit in. We're casual and do have folks who can team with you if you need a crew or just folks to play a match with. We know people have a life outside gaming and that gaming is just a hobby and something we do for fun, so we are not the "hardcore" clan that others might lean toward. The GI unit is small but growing, so a leadership spot could be open. We'd love to have you on board !
We use Teamspeak, just so communication can be organized and easier to manage...so yeah a mic would be highly recommended here. I currently is in CST, so I have a good feeling about what time people are online...so you won't suddenly get a game invite at midnight

. All we ask is for potentials to be fairly active, be mature, and use the TS. Now, we know a few words might be said in the heat of games, but ya know, just fairly friendly.
Clan Name: The Art of Warfare (we're a global community with 2400 active players in 15+ games, founded 2001)
taw.netRegions supported: Oceanic, NA, Europe