Hello Fellow friends..I don't know if this the right thread for this .. but I have started writing so nevermind!

I have try & buff up the GoI Wiki with photos & Pictures after ayetach made this thread
(Link to thread here:
I have posted some photos of the most of the Ships, Concept art , Maps , & Costumes that you can unlock. I'm glad that I can help out GOI as shamefully I have not play it recently !! (Too many game but not enough time!: If they we had 36 hour day however.....) .. But I need
your help.. If any of you have any pictures that you want to put up to the wiki . Posted them on there & will download them to post up to the wiki. Or if you want (or if you have already got a wiki account) you can do all by yourself !

(I not the wiki's chief photo-uploader !! haha)
When I first start playing GoI The wiki really help me out .. so I want to help the wiki (& the community) out! Thanks for reading this Ramble/Important Topic/more rambling! & I look forward to seeing all these photos !
Love you all & See you in the Skies x
PS: A big thanks to Lueosi !! Who link up the photos (I only know how to upload them & post them at the moment!
