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Topics - Caylin

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so... you stayed with us for 6 weeks. then you stayed with us for 2 more. and here it is.

so, let's get right down to business!






indeed. The Goldminers, with a total of 130 points, after betting it all and scoring 6 kill in their final game. taking an impressive 123 points out of their final match on water hazard, they are the runaway winners, on the TimmyB Tournament's first installment. congradulations go to Princess Tutu, ToraTsuki, Rythm Rogue and The Froginator!

but alas, second place awaits!




(their enemies are tea plants)



These masters of tacticionary tactics played it smart. Betting only 24 points into their final game, the came out of it with a grand total of 101 points, an outstanding 96 of which came from 3 kills in their game, and a healthy stash stored in the back to be added on!







With the second highest kill count in week 6, these fighting furry fiends bet 100% of their hard, earned, points and came out laughing. with a grand total of 94 points, scoring 82 of which from their final game, thier place on the podium is well deserved.


the first point, is the gamblers token, worth 2 actual points, and awarded only to those that took the untimate leap of faith and place not 1%, not 10%, but 100% of their points into their final match. the teams that earned this super bonus point are:
The Vagabond Otters
Raining Tacos
The Goldminers
The Brotherhood
Life After Love
Please Notice Me Send Pie

the second super bonus point is the certificate of attendance. this is awarded only to the most dedicated of teams, that signed up for every single week after their first appearance and for their devotion, they are granted 5 points. these teams are:
Vagabond Otters
Raining Tacos
The Goldminers
The Brotherhood
Life After Love
Crimson Sky Menace
the Jumping Amazing Super Optimistic Noodle Squad
Please Notice Me Send Pie
Les Phenic Exalt
Le Filbustier

the third super bonus point is a special one, awarded to only 1 team. this, is the biggest loser trophy, awarded to the Raining Tacos, who bet all 44 of their points, more than any other team to get nothing back from their final match. so out of sympathy for these lusorz, we gave them 5 points :P

the fourth super bonus point, the scroll of shortenization, is a simple 2 point bonus for the teams that had names so long, we decided to turn them into abbreviations. this point is granted to S.H.M.U.R.G. and the J.A.S.O.N.S.

the fifth super bonus point was granted to 3 teams, for simply outstanding and/or georgeous logo design. this 5 point bonus. this point, AKA the artist's plaque of excellency, is given to Flammenwaffe, Ducklok, and Les Phenix Exalt.

the sixth super bonus point is for a string of themed logos. the chain link of linking logos linkingly is given, for 5 points, to Ducklok and The Vagabond Otters.

The seventh and final super bonus point is worth a whopping 10 points. this bonus point, goes to Ducklok, for an absolutely genious theme from week 1 through 6. this point is called the pick of destiny, and is given to those ducks that rock harder than us all.

SO! The final table is upon us, and I shall make you wait no longer!

in 1st place with 130 points and 2 super bonus points, it's the Goldminers
in 2nd place with 101 points and 1 super bonus points, it's Teatime
in 3rd place with 94 points and 3 super bonus points, it's the Vagabond Otters
in 4th place with 79 points and 2 super bonus points, it's Life After Love
in 5th place with 75 points and 1 super bonus points, it's Thrallicious
in 6th place with 53 points and no super bonus points, it's Brick's Tsundere Waifus
in 7th place with 43 points and 2 super bonus points, it's the J.A.S.O.N.S.
in 8th place with 31 points and 2 super bonus points, it's Les Phenix Exalt
in 9th place with 30 points and 2 super bonus points, it's Flammenwaffe
in 10th place with 29 points and no super bonus points, it's Men In Tights
in 11th place with 27 points and 5 super bonus points, it's Ducklok
in 12th place with 19 points and 1 super bonus points, it's S.H.M.U.R.G.
in 13th place with 18 points and no super bonus points, it's Viva la Dragons
in 14th place with 13 points and 1 super bonus points, it's Le Filbustier
in 15th place with 12 points and 3 super bonus points, it's Raining Tacos
in joint 16th place with 7 points and 2 super bonus points, it's The Brotherhood
in joint 16th place with 7 points and 2 super bonus points, it's Dopping
in joint 16th place with 7 points and 2 super bonus points, it's Please Notice Me Send Pie
in joint 16th place with 7 points and 1 super bonus points, it's Crimson Sky Menace
in 20th place with 5 points and 0 super bonus points, it's The Merry Flying Mongooses
and in joint 21st place with 1 point and 0 super bonus points, it's Succulence
and in joint 21st place with 1 point and 0 super bonus points, it's Musesaurs
and in joint 21st place with 1 point and 0 super bonus points, it's The Black Cloaks Mercenary Team (:P)

(prizes coming soon)

Community Events / TimmyB Tournament post event points and summary
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:19:12 pm »
First things first, the points will be finalized by the judges (Me, B'Elanna, Foxx and Byron) next saturday, and then posted. Kills of the final week will be posted very soon, but super bonus points will be added, aswell as final kills scrutinized to make sure we give credit to the right ship, so the kill list is subject to minor change.

the way points will be calculated is as follows:
  • losing teams in week 6 will be given their week 5 points, minus their bet. after that's calculated, they get any super bonus points they have gained added on.
  • winning teams in week 6 will have their bets subtracted from their week 5 total, and all of the points bet by each of the 6 teams will be added together as a pool. then, each kill they gained in week 6 will grant then 1/7 of the points in their match's pool added to their new total. then ofcourse, super bonus points will be granted.

now that that's said, we can move on to the post tournament summary :)

so, first of, huuuuuuge thank you to all the players who participated, be it in all 6 weeks or only a couple, the tournament couldn't be here without you guys playing, and sticking with us till the end through all the bumps. On behalf of myself and the rest of the organisers, I can only say that we cannot express enough gratitude to you guys for that. thank you so very, very much ^^

thanks also to the various casters who've commentated on the matches, and to the rob & dan show for hosting the stream. They made the tournament epic, and allowed it to not only be an experience to play in, but an experience to watch.

and last but not least, thank's to muse for officially supporting this tournament!

so, as most of you know, this tournament is planned to be repeated in the future, so on saturday, as well as the point announcement, we'll be posting a suggestions thread. here you are welcome to voice all your criticism and ideas of how to improve the fun-factor of the tournament.

hopefully you guys all had fun during the matches, we know there's been alot of organisational errors and a few disputes, but yeah, the matches looked good on our end so we hope they were good on yours.

next time we plan on being much better at this thing, now we've been thrown in the deep end ^^

last but not least, thanks to everyone involved in making this a fitting tribute to Timothy M. Blumer, known to us as TimmyB, who passed away on March 16, 2014

Community Events / TimmyB Tournament Week 6 information
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:50:39 pm »
so for week 6 it's just a standard deathmatch with point and ship restrictions...

it's time to go shopping!

so, first thing you need to know is that on week 6, you will not gain points the same way as you have been doing before. In week 6 everyone places a certain number of points into a pool, which is split between the players. the more they place, the more options they unlock for ships and weapons (based off percentage).

at the end of the match once a winner has been declared, the points that were pooled prior are then distributed based on the number of kills per ship to the winning team. this will be calculated proportionately, so that each kill is worth approximately 14% of the total pool, rounded up.

the minimum placement is 20% of everyone's points for the pool, rounded up. after the winning points have been calculated, a few special bonus points for the entire tournament will be given out for certain, stand-out items :P

ship unlocks:
20% - Spire
30% - Squid
40% - Galleon
50% - Mobula
60% - Goldfish
70% - Junker
80% - Pyramidion

heavy weapon unlocks:
20% - heavy carronade
40% - heavy flak
60% - jumberjack
70% - hwacha

light weapon unlocks:
20% - flak, banshee, mercury field gun
30% - flamer
40% - gatling gun, artemis
50% - mine launcher, flare gun
60% - gatling gun
70% - carronade
80% - hades
90% - mortar
100% - harpoon gun

after the matchings are posted, each team will be required to submit the amount of points they are placing into their pools in this thread or to myself via PM on steam([G] Caylin) or skype(kungfuninjacow), if you do not do this before your match has begun, it will be assumed that you've place 100% of your points into the pool, so make sure you tell us if you don't want go "all in".

P.S. on friday I may be un-available to answer PMs for most of the day (it's my daughter's birthday, she's 10, very happy :D), so just leave them as a message and I'll get them, otherwise goodluck and have fun!!!

Community Events / TimmyB Tournament team matchings and points
« on: August 21, 2014, 07:06:02 pm »
so, for each week we'll post in this thread the individual match setups.

feel free to co-ordinate with the teams who will be on your side prior to your matches, for strategy and making sure y'all comfy together ect. ^^

I'll also post after each week the current point standings for the teams week by week :3

Community Events / Game Duration in the Competitive Scene
« on: November 03, 2013, 06:39:01 pm »
well, us and the rhinos killed the rumble today, so i suggest a rule change of no merc/artemis :P

The Signal Tower / TheRealDeadpool's win streak record break
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:32:09 pm »
As some of you may have heard, a player by the name of TheRealDeadpool is approaching on the current record(121 wins i believe) of winning streaks. him and his clan (DPA) have been slowely working their way up the streak chain, and as of the last check, he is at 91. we plan on hosting a most incredulous of livestreams to commendate this spectacular achievement, but we are not putting any major commitment into it as of yet, as we have no solid date, and his title may yet be disputed!! So wish him well in his quest for glory in the skies of icarus!!

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