« on: February 24, 2014, 06:19:15 pm »
I think this is too much... Improve the match list, don't get rid of it.
Lobbies have created some of the most memorable moments for me in this game. Sorry to post about this without testing nor reading the whole thread. But I think this issue is very important. You need to really think if the Goals outweigh the Ramifications on the first post. Severing the Social Aspect of this game for a Quick-Join system that would only benefit those who can't handle reading the lobby list. Then if the majority of the community uses Custom Matches, wont you still have the performance/bottleneck issues that are bringing this change?
When I play, I log on, see what friends of mine are on, browse the match list to see what maps/match-sizes are being played, and try to socialize with friends and newbs alike. This proposed idea will ditch what I do, someone who has played since beta, for a system that will be buggy for awhile.
I want to look at the menu to decide what pizza I want, not for the pizza man to bring me what he thinks i should have without my consent. Or even worse, this sounds more like grabbing a slice at the local gas station because i can't wait for the damned pizza man...