« on: March 19, 2015, 09:46:07 am »
Hello, fellow destructive and youthful feline appreciating adventurer! Welcome to the recruiting thread for the Destructive Kitten clan!
Art thou a goodly tiny fur ball? Likest thou goodly tiny fur balls? Art thou a goodly tiny fur ball or person who doth like thou which hath been aforesaid to thineself, who perchance also likes to shoot down airships, maim innocent engineers, crash into things and set stuff on fire? Well then this is the clan for you!
You had better not be lactose intolerant, though. And if you are, you had better hope it is the “gentle farts” kind of lactose intolerant. Cause we make it rain milkshakes all day.
Milkshakes? Yes. Milkshakes. And by that we mean many shards of destroyed airship! *DROPS THE MIC* How do kittens hold a mic, you ask?! THEY DON’T. That is why I dropped it.
*Activate describe move*
Who are we?!
We are a clan of fun loving, casual gamers who know how to get competitive in such great master pieces of ships as “Kitty Skittles” or “Die Move.” We enjoy humor, comedy, laughs, funny stuff, and things that tickle our fancy. Not to mention we enjoy activating die moves. We are an active clan that currently participates in casual pvp play, but are looking forward to moving towards competitive play once we grow to a large enough size. In the last 12 hours we have grown by 400% putting us at 8 members. We hope to continue this trend, but in order to do so, we need your help!
What is love?!
Don’t hurt us. Don’t hurt us. No more.
So, you’re ready to be a destructive kitten?!
Joining is fairly simple. Contact us here or in game, play with us for a match or two, making sure to be very vocal, and we will make our judgement quickly! (We play any time from 1pm to 12am American Central Time). Your acceptance is based purely on the judgement of our leader, MonsTheGod, or any officers. A few tips that might help? Try and be funny. Don’t be a jerk. Don’t be completely clueless. And whatever you do, DON’T touch our tra la la.
Clan tag: [Nya~]