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Messages - Aluminum Pidgeon

Pages: [1]
Q&A / Re: Reload speed: Wilson's Notes vs. Real time
« on: September 24, 2013, 08:24:02 pm »
There is a number of seconds for reload in the dmg matrix on the mainsite.

Except that you shouldn't trust those numbers. The majority of them are wrong.

This. You can't know the amount of frustration I get just searching for which value is the right one, so I can add to the Wiki (which by the way, is in great need of active contributors).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Bounty Board
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:30:51 pm »
I really don't like the first come, first served principle of the current bounty signup system.
What I'd like to see is a system which favors people who
- they actively participate at the bounty system
- are "skilled" (I want to hunt worthy opponents, not prey)
- are very active and hence available in case I want to hunt them.
Also I'd like to see the number of bounties to be very limited. Being a bounty should be considered a privilege.

What about this signup system:
- allow people to signup for the next season once a season starts.
- grant the top 3 bounties and the top 3 hunters a guaranteed spot in case they sign up for the next bounty season
- fill up the remaining slots with people from the sign up list using a point system similar to this: (bounty hunter points)*(1+ (highest class rank lvl)/15)*(1+ (average number of games played per day played during the last bounty season)/10). The people with the highest 'score' are the bounties for the next season

An entirely unrelated request:
please introduce another menu point to the bounty board where you can keep track of targets one already hunted down.

And a question regarding the value of bounties:
is the value set and fixed at the beginning of a bounty season or can it alter during a season?

And this is why I fly SIR airlines.

I can't agree more with this post, and I think there is a HUGE point that makes this bounty system highly useless: unless you're a bounty, there's no penalty for losing a match, which means a bounty can team up with his friends and have them lose on purpose.

One thing I've said before, and will say again: the art team is killing it. The badges for bounties/hunters are SICK!!!

Q&A / Re: Reload speed: Wilson's Notes vs. Real time
« on: September 21, 2013, 01:11:36 pm »
It's not bullets/sec, it's mags/sec.

Also not that. On the carronade, for example, the reload speed for mags/sec is 0.83(...) mag/sec, instead of the 0.17 they show.
You said that the carronade took 6 seconds to reload and the reload speed if 0.17.
Okay, let's do some math.
Reloading 1 full clip (or whatever you want to call it) takes 6 seconds.
1/6 just happens to be 0.16666667 which is rounded to 0.17. That is why the reload -time- is 6 seconds, but the reload speed is 0.17
So, in this case (and all other cases) speed =/= time.

The Gatling for an other example has a reload speed of 0.2 and a reload time of 5 seconds. 1/5 = 0.2

Conclusion: Reload speed is Reloads/sec, on the carronade you reload 17% of the clip in 1 sec, on the gatling 20% in 1 sec and so on.

Understand now?

Oh man, that answered everything! Thanks a lot, this was keeping me awake.  :P

Q&A / Re: Reload speed: Wilson's Notes vs. Real time
« on: September 21, 2013, 08:02:03 am »
Dunno but if u take this link ( as a base the numbers seem quite realistic.

Yeah, I've looked there for answers too.

It's not bullets/sec, it's mags/sec.

Also not that. On the carronade, for example, the reload speed for mags/sec is 0.83(...) mag/sec, instead of the 0.17 they show.

Q&A / Reload speed: Wilson's Notes vs. Real time
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:52:20 pm »
I've noticed something that I find quite strange, and I have no answer to it. Maybe a developer does.

While looking into Wilson's Notes, I've noticed the reload speed for the Harpoon Gun is 0.25, and the real time it takes to reload is 4 seconds, which led me to believe the value means 0.25 bullets per second.

But the tricky thing is, if you look at the Light Carronade's Reload Speed, 0.17, and the real time, 6 seconds, it makes no sense!

That also happens with the Flare Gun, where the Reload speed is 0.05 and the real time is 20 seconds. Shouldn't it be 0.10, considering it takes 20 seconds to reload 2 bullets?

Help me understanding this, if you can.  8)

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.2 Release Notes
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:43:49 am »

It all looks good. Good job, guys.

Edit: Really really really want the fix to the bug when exiting the game on macs.

Community Events / TSR #4 Screenshots
« on: September 01, 2013, 10:58:36 pm »
Hello sky fighters!

Today I had the pleasure of spectating all the matches on The Sunday Rumble #4, all of them were really awesome!

Anyways, I've been working on the GoIO Wiki and tried to get some nice screenshots to post there. Thought I should share them with you, just click HERE to get them!

I would like to say three things related to the pics:
First, no after editing on them. Second, flares+duel at dawn= awesome! Third, HUGE respect for the art team at Muse Games. Seriously guys, you rock!

Oh, and one more thing! So sorry for the "Press J, K or L to chat" thing on some shots, I'll do my best not to leave it there next time.

That's all

Safe flights!

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