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Messages - Morbie

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Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 0 - Team Cards
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:14:16 pm »
Morbie and Mawdjulus are no longer a part of The Gentlemen.

Community Events / Re: GoIOJPN looking for opponents!
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:21:28 pm »
I'm sure I can rally the Gentlemen at some stage for a jolly good romp around the air with you.

General Discussion / Re: Details on spotting
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:35:48 am »
I became really worried there for a second too.

The Docks / Re: The Gentlemen
« on: March 09, 2013, 02:45:29 pm »
Is there room for those who physically can't be gentlemen?  :P
Of course there is! You'll need to choose a title of "Lady", "Lass", or "Chapette" though. That's not true. Hit us up on steam, we're going to try organise a full clan training/recruitment game today.

Gameplay / Re: Ship Builds
« on: March 08, 2013, 05:54:15 am »
The trend is towards Manticore Goldfish. It is still bucking the trend if I follow Churrosaur's lead. I admit I didn't come up with the term "Blenderfish" but it suits the ship's function so well I would be stupid not to use the term.

Unless you want to go all hipster and tell me you flew Blenderfish before they were cool  :P
I claim all Hipster rights! Owner of the BLENDERFIST SHAWTGUN!? , namesake of Blenderfish rocking up this joint. All the hipster cred is mine! Muahahahaha.
*Scuttles away giggling about punching people with blended shotguns*

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: March 08, 2013, 05:48:37 am »
I get around a lot due to being in a weird time zone to the rest of you. I'll be the official hussy of GoIO. Always happy to play with you all if you want, I have the same steam name as my GoIO name if you want to hit me up for a game some time.

I'm good friends with Multifish and he speaks of you sometimes.

Score! Another boost to my hilarious ego! (It's fake) Hussy powers.... AWAAAAAYYYYYYY!

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:18:54 pm »
I get around a lot due to being in a weird time zone to the rest of you. I'll be the official hussy of GoIO. Always happy to play with you all if you want, I have the same steam name as my GoIO name if you want to hit me up for a game some time.

General Discussion / Re: Australia represent!
« on: March 07, 2013, 12:39:35 pm »
The game needs more Kiwi's, I seem to be the only active one. *sigh*

The Pit / Re: "Guns of Icarus" fans, holding game back.
« on: March 07, 2013, 04:34:25 am »
Morbie and I did this exact thing the other night. Ravaged the other team a round or two, then went opposing. You learn more flying against the best than riding in their shadow.

I do generally find that's the best way to go about things ^^

The Pit / Re: "Guns of Icarus" fans, holding game back.
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:15:40 am »
Hey Aythreuk, as a Moderator of the community, I can understand where your concerns are coming from and most players do strive to address your concerns and keep the game balanced as best as they can, but it will not be possible to adjust players decisions all of the time. Often players do enjoy staying with a crew and even team that they have found works well together. As this is the case, we will understand if you choose not to continue playing the game. We hope, however, that together we can push through this obstacle, and see you enjoying the game in the near future.

The Docks / Re: Serenity
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:23:20 pm »
Ill vouch for Psyran. He did pretty well when I engied for him. He didnt kill us that bad, hah.

Well I'd repeat what you said Zill, but I'm lazy, so I just quoted it. Good, hectic times on that spire.

The Docks / The Gentlemen Are Recruiting!
« on: February 22, 2013, 06:46:09 pm »
Time to migrate to the new forums!
Welcome to the info and signup page for The Gentlemen.

The clan was formed by Morbie and Captain Roy, in an attempt to bring a dapper hand to the unforgiving skies that we brave each day, the Gentlemen are now over 60 members strong!
(Holy carp!)
We're a group of active members formed from a lot of old hands , though we have nothing against taking on players as well. (in fact we welcome you!)
We're based worldwide and look for mature players with microphones
We can be recognised in game by the prefix [G] or -G-.
Past exploits of The Gentlemen include winning the first community run tournament; Claiming the Fjords.

If you would like to join, go onto our website and fill out the application and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Links for joining the Clan:
Clan Website:
And our steam page is

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