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Messages - Clara Skyborn

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Galleon [Interior design]
« on: May 14, 2013, 12:30:58 pm »
The Galleon balloon component used to be up that ladder (but not in that room). It was way too difficult and time-consuming to reach in battle, so it was moved down to the helm deck.

If you'll look, most of the ships actually have some little sealed-off compartments and inaccessible areas. The cargo/supplies/crew quarters/head have got to be somewhere, right?

World / Re: The Yesha Empire
« on: May 13, 2013, 12:25:10 pm »
Just to spread a little Yesha and Arashi hate mongering.

A Yeshan and Arashi are sitting at a bar, the Arashi turns to the Yeshan and asks him, "why do you fly, glory, money, or honor?"
Without pause the Yeshan replies, "For honor, of course!  And you?"
"Money" says the Arashi, "But I guess we all do fight for what we don't have enough of."

Salute for that. Nice.

Yesha is first up for the upcoming feature series on the factions, so look for more lore on the Empire soon. I'm enjoying these discussions very much.

World / Re: Adventure mode- home city?
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:44:12 am »
Ignore the scale, it is certainly subject to change. Also, ships moved a lot slower back when this map was made. Kids these days, with your squids and your moonshine, always in such a hurry!

General Discussion / Re: Clan burial grounds
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:27:31 am »
We need a clan genealogist around here.

World / Re: Fjord Baronies
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:22:23 am »
So ya, that's my mental vomit.  I'll likely be doing something like this for each faction just for the sake of getting conversations going, or to nudge some devs to chime in with an "actually... Your wrong Tim, go back to your whales".
EDIT: I love it when Muse come over and go: 'What the hell are you folks on about? Take those foil hats off and maybe you'll listen to our lore!'

Really? I feel kinda bad when I keep dropping in and going "UR ALL RONG," but if you like it...

Waz is a little closer to the mark, the king is definitely not an elected position. Lord's Leap, the Kingseat, got its name when the first king of the current reigning dynasty (Dahlberg) secured his title by having the last prince of the old house and the two lords who were his closest supporters thrown off the 200-foot waterfall that is the city's most prominent geographical feature.

Also, internally (and now, I guess, externally) I do often refer to the Baronies as the "Game of Thrones" faction. Actually, the artist who did the faction concept art just watched through the entire series at her desk while she was working on the Baronies...

World / Re: Making the infantry of Arashi
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:35:27 pm »
I have a question for you, is this a Sahara like desert with shifting sand dunes and Oases or more of an Arizona desert with clay a few feet down? That would effect what a digging machine would be capable of and how fast.

I can answer that, since I'm interested in seeing where this goes. The Dunes, in the Burren, is more like the Sahara (you've all seen it), whereas the Arashi Desert is rockier and more resembles deserts of the American southwest.

ETA: I should also clear up a misconception that might be coloring things a bit: while there's not much love lost between the League and the Guild, they're not bitter blood enemies at full-scale war, although there are certainly conflicts in their history (and the present day). I think in one of the Kickstarter videos Eric said the Dunes war was between these factions, but he misspoke. The war in Battle on the Dunes is between the cities of Nalm and Sylka (from Guns 1), which are both independent.

The Pit / Re: You should probably take a break from GOIO when...
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:23:40 pm »
Fine, get scurvy, then. See if I care.

The Pit / Re: You should probably take a break from GOIO when...
« on: May 03, 2013, 12:16:17 pm »
I think it's an orange tree. You know, for scurvy.

Fair enough. I'll remove the reference.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.2 Release Notes
« on: May 02, 2013, 01:55:15 pm »
Wow, Moo, you're on fire. Very thorough, thanks!

For Pilot achievements, most of the Multiclassing category was changed to include crew actions, which the pilot can influence by giving orders as captain, requesting certain loadouts, using certain strategies, etc. It also counts when the player is the one performing the action -- it can be triggered by anyone on the crew, it doesn't have to be someone else. So the pilot could also just bring a wrench and bang on the balloon to get that achievement, which was the original intention way back when these achievements were created in beta and pilots were leaving the helm a lot more frequently. When it became apparent that these goals were counterproductive, the objectives for that category were changed, but it was too late to change the name so they're still "Multiclassing," even the pilot should still be focusing on flying.

Hotfix changelog is coming, and the forum news is updated.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.2 Release Notes
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:19:33 pm »
is the holding absolutely 110% as effective as clicking like a madman? Including the first click when switching tools?

Also which existing achievements were modified? I know the pilot class to rebuild 80 parts with spanner was dropped to just 40, but I'm not sure which other ones changed.

There may be a bug causing a slight delay with the buff, but we're not 100% sure yet. It might just be that it looks slower if you're used to clicking much faster than you actually need to. We're still investigating.

With the achievements, there were numerous minor to medium adjustments all across the board, and I'm afraid we didn't keep a log of every one, sorry.

Wow! I've already forwarded this along, but when you compile lists of stuff like this, please send it to us directly at so the right people see it and can get to work on fixes.

Good work and great feedback, thanks!

News and Announcements / Servers down for 1.2 patch
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:14:05 pm »
We're currently down for the update to 1.2. We should be back up within the hour, by 2pm EDT.

Release notes here!

Release Notes / Version 1.2 Release Notes
« on: April 30, 2013, 12:49:37 pm »

- New 2v2 King of the Hill map, The Labyrinth
- New Commendation system: at match end, give commendations to fellow players for good sportsmanship, and earn Prizes for commendations received
- Added “Beginners Only” matches for low-level players
- Added basic scripted tutorials for each class
- Revised and expanded contextual tutorial text
- Added actions to Sandbox for summoning stationary, moving, and armed target practice dummies
- New Tutorial, Teaching, and Citizenship achievement categories in “Miscellaneous” tab
- Added new progression achievements and ranks (level cap raised to 11)
- Ship customization screen now shows a 3D preview of your ship
- Holding the mouse button now causes buffing and rebuilding tools to trigger continuously
- Added list of currently online CAs and community group links to Social page
- New hats in the Store
- New gun handles
- New particle effects for Carronade and Mortar
- New flare gun model
- You might see birds


- Rebalanced ship acceleration/speed profiles
-- Top Forward Speed (fastest to slowest): Squid, Goldfish, Pyramidion, Galleon, Junker, Spire
-- Forward Acceleration (fastest to slowest): Squid, Junker, Goldfish, Spire, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Top Turn Speed (fastest to slowest): Squid, Junker, Goldfish, Spire, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Turn Acceleration (fastest to slowest): Squid, Spire, Junker, Goldfish, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Mass (largest to smallest): Galleon, Pyramidion, Spire, Goldfish, Junker, Squid
-- Vertical Acceleration (fastest to slowest, all top vertical speed is 12m/s): Squid, Spire, Goldfish, Junker, Pyramidion, Galleon
- Spire: Upper right gun slot turned slightly forward (allows 2 light and 1 heavy gun on a single target with proper coordination)
- Moonshine: Changed to +200% thrust, -50% longitudinal drag in response to pilot tool fix (see below)
- Ramming damage: Damage dealt and received properly takes into account your ship masses and speed at which the collision takes place.  E.g. A large ship ramming into a small ship will deal more damage to small ship and vice versa.  Impact damage multipliers still apply.
- Anglean Raiders capture point time increased to 70s from 40s
- Control point multiplier decreased, capturing 3 points in CP points no longer extremely difficult to fight against.
- Mortar
-- Removed spread
-- Increase zoom
- Artemis
-- Increase turn radius
-- Increased projectile speed to 750m/s from 640m/s
-- Increased zoom
- Rebalanced objectives on some existing achievements
- Removed “friendly fire” from ramming damage

Fixes and Optimization

- Scaled mouse sensitivity on Linux to match other OSes
- Fixed a cause of “ghost ships” being left behind on ship death
- Fixed a bug with the way ship angular velocity was inherited by projectiles
- Fixed a bug where ships used different mass values for damage/momentum calculations and for engine acceleration (caused several peculiar situations)
- Fixed a bug with ship collision bounds that could cause ships (esp. the Spire) to get stuck inside other objects
- Made ship collision resolution smoother and more predictable
- Allied ships now always appear on your map, regardless of visibility
- Fixed ship positioning on minimap. 
- Fixed a bug with spotting indicators that caused them to scale strangely from some angles
- Fixed several pilot skill effects not being applied correctly (modifications to thrust, damage received, chance of fires)
- Server: Fixed server “hiccups” caused by users joining a game midway through
- Fixed display issue with disabling joystick (thank you Chris Wilson)
- No longer able to unlock an already owned item in Prizes
- Fixed issue with items in store not appearing correctly
- Use Steam’s common redistributables for directx install
- Fixed disappearing wrench sound

The Pit / Re: Inappropriate Ship Name
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:39:57 pm »
And? Didja tell your mom?


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