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Messages - greendra

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The Lounge / Re: Laptop Recommendations
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:29:24 am »
It also seriously depends on your definition of what "playable" is. For some, that means running the game at 800x600 at 20 Frames per second. For some it means running the game at 4k at 144 FPS.

I would say that 30 or 40 FPS would be my definition. This will allow it to be 20FPS whilst recording gameplay.

The Lounge / Re: Laptop Recommendations
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:24:59 am »

Wizard, "gaming" laptops are like guinea pigs. They're neither pigs, nor from guinea. If you have a choice, don't buy a laptop for playing. Also GOIO has some problems with integrated graphics which will cause you a lot of pain and very very very few fps.

I do agree with you that laptops aren't the best thing for gaming. My problem is that i need to be able to move it up and down stairs. I will look into some of the PCs and see if i  can manage to solve my problem some other way.

Also than you ramjam for moving my thread to the appropriate position.

The Lounge / Re: Laptop Recommendations
« on: June 24, 2015, 02:03:29 pm »
My laptop has similar specs but with 1gb Nvidia graphics and Windows 7 (got it early 2011). Not sure how resource intensive Windows 8 is but it should be ok.
Do you know what you laptop is called? :) Also thanks for the help!

The Lounge / Laptop Recommendations
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:46:12 pm »
First of, I am sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I have no idea where else to put it!

I am looking for a Laptop to run Guns of Icarus. It will not need to run anything else, as its sole purpose will be for Guns of Icarus, and also maybe a bit of video editing, but that can be done on my main PC. I have been looking at Laptops that have the requirements, but I still think the game will be extremely laggy. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Here is the one I am looking at now, but I am not sure if it will cope:

( I am willing to lower the graphics, and turn everything down to the lowest )

Thanks, and sorry if it is in the wrong thread,


The Docks / Re: Looking for a Crew
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:09:11 pm »
A really good thing to do is add people level 30+ to your friends list. Keep joining their games and they will get to know you and maybe invite you to a clan. Also, you will be able to play with them in the meantime whilst you wait for a clan! There are many clans that are new and active that have no requirements. Just go to Community, Clans and click most active or fastest growing! Good luck!

This sounds really good! Good work Muse!

I mainly play on the para on CP. Normally a meta, just defending the point, moonshine and claw at the start to get there, all engis on the engines.

Gameplay / Re: A strafing ship?
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:14:09 am »
Squid + perfectly timed shot from a Mino with look good. Only impossible to pull of in-game. Not sure how a strafing ship would be useful though. xD

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: let us use choose different ship parts
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:11:05 am »
Would be interesting, but there would be so many OP things about it. Extra speedy engines on the squid, but less turning ability. Just use the phoenix claw to counter, and some good engis on the engines. But like it said, an interesting thought.

Community Guide / Re: Guns of Icarus Online Mortar Tutorial!
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:07:52 pm »
Greased rounds is a popular choice as it maximizes the damage per second making it enough to kill every single ship with one shot. It also increases the clip size to 14 bullets. It also unfortunately decreases the range to 320 meters, but at close range this shouldn't be to much of a struggle.

Not too bad, but you may want to double check your script, maybe as a friend to proof read it before recording? :)
Good idea! I don't think I said it in the video though, so hopefully that is fine! Thanks for the feedback!

Q&A / Re: Abbreviations
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:20:51 pm »
Thank you very much everyone! Now I can understand ship layouts by there name. Really helped!

Q&A / Re: Abbreviations
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:16:36 pm »
Well, you could describe what you did not understand and we could explain. I can't list the whole vocabulary of goio without prompting sorry.
Names of ship builds? Not much in particular, just common one. Sorry if I am not being specific enough, but I don't know the words to ask you what they mean.

Q&A / Abbreviations
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:54:00 pm »

Recently as I join the more advanced lobbies I get told to do things I have no idea what actually the word means. Eg Go blenderfish, metajunk or carro and engi. I know all of those, but there are so many different terms used for different things that it can get really confusing. Could you please name a few common ones?

The Docks / Re: [DEAD] Darkness
« on: May 21, 2015, 09:24:10 am »
You are a very fast growing clan! Good job! :D

Community Guide / Guns of Icarus Online Mortar Tutorial!
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:33:35 pm »
Hello again! I took a break from making these tutorials, but now I am back. Sorry if you liked it whilst I was gone!

Anyway, here is it:


Hello everyone, my name is TheTeenangeWizard, and welcome to my Guns of Icarus Online Mortar Guide and Review! In this video we will be going over the top two ammunitions, common tactics and also an over view of the mortar, so lets get right into it.

The mortar is a very fast firing gun, that fires very slow arching explosives. It's explosive damage, fast fire rate and a good sized amount of ammunition makes this gun extremely powerful at close range against the hull.

This gun is a kill weapon, that means that this gun is the one to get the kill, but it wouldn't be able to do it on it's own.Pairing this gun up with a light Gatling gun is one of the most common tactics, as the gatling gun can destroy the hull armour, then the mortar can fire 1 clip and the ship will go down. This is commonly fount on the front of Pyramidians and the side of junkers, and occasionally it can be found around the five slots on the Mobula and even sometimes on the Spire. Basically this means that it can be found anywhere where their are to light gun slots that have overlapping arcs since this is the deadliest short ranged gun combination. This.This is my favourite tactic for destroying other ships, as it is extremely quick, and it doesn't require any special ammunition to work, although it would help.

The way that this tactic works, is that the gatling gun will destroy the hull armour, and then once the hull is down ( Indicated by red hitmarkers on the hull ) the mortar will send 1 clip into it's hull, which should be enough to destroy the ship. I have seen many new players get on the mortar, and either fire at the wrong part of a ship, or use the mortar on the hull when it is not down. You might think, why not use the mortar to help the gatling gun destroy the hull? There are a few reasons for this. First off as soon as the hull goes down you want to fire the mortar into it, so that the crew don't have time to repair the hull armour. Also the mortar does hardly any damage to anything other than the hull when the hull armour is down. This tactic is called "The Gatling Gun and Mortar Tactic". If you would like to see what to do if you are using the Gatling gun for the Gat and Mortar tactic, click the screen now.

The Mortar has a short maximum range and also due to it's shell drop quite hard to shoot at long ranges. Also because of the slow projectile speed, it is not easy, but possible to doge the large black projectiles, especially if you are in a Junker, Mobula, Goldfish or a Squid as they are easier to control.

Now for the commonly used ammunitions.
Greased rounds is a popular choice as it maximizes the damage per second making it enough to kill every single ship with one shot. It also increases the clip size to 14 bullets. It also unfortunately decreases the range to 320 meters, but at close range this shouldn't be to much of a struggle.

Lesmok Rounds is the other popular choice as it increases the range dramatically from 400 to 680 meters. Even though this ammunition decreases the clip size to 8 shots, it can still kill most ships this one clip.

Overall the mortar is a great weapon to have on your ship. Depending on the game mode you are playing, you might not want to use this tactic. If you are playing a game mode that doesn't count kills as score, such as crazy king and king of the hill, then I wouldn't recommend this tactic unless you want to defend the point, and wipe the ships out as they get near, or rush and combine the Gatling gun and mortar tactic with a ram so that you can capture the point. In my opinion this gun is only effective in the gamemode "Deathmatch" as that gamemode is all about kills.

I think that that brings an end to this video. If you think I have missed something, then please leave it in the comments down below, and I might add it in afterwards in an annotation. If you have enjoyed the video, please leave a like, and also consider subscribing for more guns of icarus online tutorials. I will see you guys on my next video, goodbye!

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