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Messages - jaboopy

Pages: 1 [2]
The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:59:54 pm »
(i'll be back soon, gonna play a bit of the actual game.)

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:56:36 pm »
(koali, couldnt he use YOU as a sharpening stone?) :P

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:55:18 pm »
jaboopy says in a pained voice, "KILL THEM ALL, IF WE LET THEM GO, MORE WILL COME."

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:47:14 pm »
before getting his arm lopped off, one of the thugs shoots jaboopy in the outside of her left thigh through the table (non vital spot), which is followed by an extremely long string of swears and other foul words as she collapses onto the floor, clutching her thigh in pain. tabinja ducks down and tends to jaboopy, (he's a doctah dontcha kno?)

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:37:15 pm »
(but that's over 100 pages of rp to read!)

jaboopy and tabinja provide covering fire for Carn's reckless rush and shoot two of the thugs in the knees

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:23:26 pm »
jaboopy sips her drink. "delicious." Tabinja, though, doesn't sip his drink. he looks deep in thought. "what's wrong honey? something on your mind?" jaboopy says. "yes. i dint want to say anything, but i think we've been followed." as if on cue, a trio of large men in grey suits holding revolvers walk into the bar, and start firing at jaboopy and tabinja. jaboopy flips over the metal table and ducks behind it with the group, and pulls out a gun of her own. "sorry we had to drag you into this, guys, but we were followed by some pirates we owe money to. she starts firing at the group of men.

(if this isnt the direction you'd be comfortable taking this rp, i'll delete this post)

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:52:32 pm »
jaboopy laughs lightly and asks the barkeep for a round of drinks on her.

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:44:07 pm »
Jaboopy interrupts saying; "can we not talk about our ships for now? we docked here because i wanted to get away from the ships for a few days."

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:40:59 pm »
Tabinja replies; "i fly a Mobula called the U.S.S. Smooth Criminal."

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:36:01 pm »
Jaboopy shakes Ingur's hand, and says; "don't worry, friend, i'm already taken as well. my captain, Tabinja, already lays claim to my love." as if on cue, a gruff, strong looking man with a large, black handlebar moustache that covers his mouth, wearing a suit with a top-hat, walks into the bar. with a deep voice, he says; "Jaboopy, why did you just leave me there to dock the ship alone? i had to even tie it up myself! that's not easy, you know!" "sorry, honey!" jaboopy says, "but i was just so excited to finally be in a town i haven't been to before, i just got ahead of myself. here, come sit and meet my new aquaintances." jaboopy says, motioning to a chair. Tabinja sits down and greets his wife's new friends.

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:21:02 pm »
she smiles at Carn and sits down at the bar, orders a drink, chugs it, and then gets up and moves to Carn's table and introduces herself as Jaboopy. she says, "so, how's life treating you boys? blow anything fun up recently?"

The Cantina / Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:59:14 pm »
a strange woman with bright white hair in a bun, wearing a blue trenchcoat with a red vest under it and tan slacks with dirty brown boots walks in through the creaky double doors, with a sultry voice she waves and says, "hello boys."

The Pit / Re: Three Word Game
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:47:33 pm »
which sang songs

The Pit / Re: Three Word Game
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:41:37 pm »
there was a

Pages: 1 [2]